Day of (male) redemption…an edifying conversation…


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More insights from those who know…


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Another interesting conversation with Kenny


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First Rain…


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Youth is not a time of life – it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is the temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life.

Nobody grows old by living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your dispair.

-Poems that will live forever.-

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Home Sweet Home

Yes, I’m home and it’s great. Although, once again, everything is different…well, my house it anyway. My brother has moved out, so mom’s having a blast redecorating. (like she doesn’t redecorate everything every three weeks anyway, hehe). Last time I came home for break…we had a new kitchen…the time before that it was a new living room. Now, we’re getting new carpets Tuesday and turning my brother’s old room into a TV room or a hang out room, whatever. And the current TV room is going to be a guest bedroom. *whew* So….the way my mom put it is that when I come home for breaks and summertime…I’ll have my own little upstairs apartment. hehe. I like how she put that.
Anyhow, Thanksgiving was great. Great family, great food, great traditions. Speaking of traditions…I’m not sure if I have talked about this before, but the purple cow has been passed on with success. Yes, we have a family tradition of passing this little plastic cow from family to family at every gathering. The point is to pass it without the other family’s knowledge. One time we shrinkwrapped the cow and stuck it in a carton of milk in their refridgerator, another time we stuck it in a tin of shortbread cookies and sealed the outside to make the tin look like it hadn’t been opened. So yea, last family gathering, they snuck the cow into our dishwasher. (the cow goes through a lot, but he’s a trooper). So we snuck it back to them in a container of cool-whip. We opened a brand new case of it and put the cow inside, then we shrink wrapped it back closed. We are very clever, hehe. And the cow was passed with success.
Today was a paintball war. Family war, doesn’t that sound so wholesome? haha. I know, I have a very weird family. My mom and I went shopping today too. I got some new sweaters and bought a few Christmas gifts. Now, I’m about to start on my take home final for Biology, fun fun fun.
Oh, and what’s even weirder, is that yesterday when I went to Baker’s Square to pick up some pies, these guys were yelling “Jimmy! Jimmy!” out their window at me. At first I assumed they were yelling at someone else who was standing next to me, but they were looking right at me and yelling. I don’t get it. Whatever, I just thought that was a bit strange.
I’m sure there are a bunch of other exciting things I could update on, but I can’t think of them right now. So until next time kids, Happy Thanksgiving!

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I’m a dork

Well, I’m a dork. I tried to be sneaky and send an annonymous encouragement email to RHMC guy by sending it through my non-SPU email address. The thing is I completely forgot about the profile that is set up with that email address. So my full name showed up next to my address when he recieved it!! So much for being Mystery Girl. haha. Hopefully he doesn’t think I’m too much of a weirdo. I suppose there’s no time like the present to let your true colors shine, eh?
Also, I met up with another blind date this morning. He’s a pretty cool guy. A good conversationalist and a thoughtful listener. He’s a ‘super senior’ and former Hill Hall resident. (haha, you know they are quality if they’re from Hill Hall). So yea, we went and got hot beverages at Tully’s up on Queen Ann. It was a beautiful day and we sat outside in the sunshine. It was nice just to get out and take my mind off of school and such. It’s also a relief to have another weight off my back. I talked to my COM prof this morning about meeting with her to discuss my paper. I talked with her a while and she was so encouraging! She also said she wouldn’t dock my paper at all, which is a huge blessing. Now all I have to do it work on my BIO class and I’ll be set! Amen for that!
P.S. I’m coming home tomorrow!!!!!HOORAY!!!

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Well, I’m sitting here feeling like a zombie. The past few days have been sooooo full of intensity. I had this paper due last friday for my communications class and I was struggling with it sooo bad! I’ve never had that much trouble with a paper before. EVER! I’m sure I’ll be able to look back on this and tell myself it was nothing, but dang! In the midst of it, you’re thinking to yourself “What’s going on???”. Ahyhow, I didn’t get that paper in until this afternoon. Then I called my prof and left a message asking her if I could meet with her sometime soon to talk about it. She is going to be my future academic advisor, so I figure I might as well get aquainted now.
So now I’ve still got a full plate, but at least that ridiculous paper out of the way. Unfortunately, my other classes aren’t looking too hot. I really need to crack down in my bio class. Yuck. I get to go home for Thanksgiving in two days! yippi! Here I come Loreanne! I’m almost there!
Despite the four articles I’m supposed to have done, the comic strips I have to illustrate, the art supplies I need to buy, the interviews I have to do, the appointments I have to keep, the packing I have to do, the finals I have to study for, the job I need to find, the Christmas shopping I don’t have done, the boy issues I’m battling through and the message that God is screaming in my ear that I can’t hear or understand….all is peachy! Oh boy, you would think I was overwhelmed or something. haha. I think I shall go look for the moon and have some time with God to refresh my soul. It’s so beautiful outside! Praise the Lord!

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Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?

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“Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem. The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”
-Richard J. Foster

“It is good for thee to dwell deep, that thou mayest feel and understand the spirits of people.”
-John Woolman

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