Girl Post

So here’s what’s up. I have an official boyfriend now. His name is Alex and he’s a total sweetheart. He picked me up from the airport Saturday night and met me by the baggage claim with a lavendar rose and a teddy bear. So cute! What’s even funnier is that the bear he got me […]

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Spring Break

So, I was going to be in class right now, but I decided that since I’m waitlisted for it…I’ll go to the grocery store and run some other erans instead. Spring break was nice. The best part was getting to hang out with my best friends and show my roommate around my stomping ground. It […]

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You are WILD AND CRAZY KIDS. You couldn’t getthrough life without a little fun… or a neoncolored t-shirt. You are a team player andreally into Omar Gooding. GO YOU! Which old school Nickelodeon show are you? brought to you by Quizilla

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This too shall pass…

I’m going to die…but what does it matter? Astronomy killed half my soul this morning anyway. *sigh* Two down, one to go. (Not to mention a few more portfolios and evaluations due by 5 on Wed) It’s a darn good thing that Heaven doesn’t keep a record of your finals…I’d never get in.

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So very tired…yet, so much to do! I worked this morning and my old journalism prof came in to share some big news with me. My staff advisor for the Falcon’s house burned down yesterday around 3pm. Her two little girls were sleeping. Her husband was at work. She managed to get the girls and […]

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Ok, so I’m at this point where I know what I want to do…but I’m not sure I should. I’ve been avoiding it for a while. And I don’t think it’s fair. But then again, everyone I know is like “you’re young, you don’t have to make any decisions yet.” Ok, if that’s the case, […]

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Learning…always learning…yet still so very confused.

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Shhh…let it be our little secret

So, today has had a rough start and I’m bracing myself because I know it’s gonna get worse. I was up late last night…until about 4 or 4:30 a.m. (I curse my lack of self-discipline!) I got my homework done for today but my main stresser has been these last two articles for the newspaper. […]

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Just as CSI: Miami’s Horatio Caine and company got their introduction on CSI: Crime Scene Investigations, the cast of CSI: New York will be making their initial appearance on Miami. Zap2It reported that the CSI: New York team would be introduced in a CSI: Miami episode in May. The cast of CSI: Miami were debuted […]

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Brace yourself…my friends…the countdown has begun. 9 days until I’m home!!!! In other news…I just got back a few minutes ago from taking my astronomy test…My head is still swirling…LORD it’s in your hands now. Today is beautiful.

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