Cell phone battery

I swear, every time I am expecting an important call or need to make an important call…my battery starts to die. I love my phone, I just have battery issues I guess. Loreanne, I’m so sorry about Maddy! I cried so hard this weekend when I heard. She was a great cat and I know […]

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One of those days

I wish I could say I’m having one of those days. But unfortunately, it’s turning out to be one of those weeks. Do you ever feel like all you do is run around for people? Oh, wait, that’s right….that’s my job. Nevermind. haha. In other news, besides having a rough week, I need a hair […]

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Mental illness

So I heard on the radio yesterday that a study came out that says if you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may have mental illness. 1. Do you always have to have the latest and greatest computer or technology? 2. Do you have a difficult time not being able to have […]

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“Goin’ to the country…”

This morning one of the workers was walking around the office singing, “Goin’ to the country…gonna eat a lot of peaches…” Every once in a while he’d sing a bit more of the song, “If I had it my own way…I’d eat peaches every day…” but mostly just the first part about goin’ to the […]

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My first thought upon waking up this morning: “It’s so sweet that my husband brings me breakfast in bed every morning.” My second thought was: “I wish I was a teacher, then I could sleep in because I’d be on spring break.” Unfortunately, buying a house eliminates any option of me changing jobs. But I […]

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Literary journal

I think when we have money again, I want to subscribe to a literary journal. We still get mail addressed to the lady who owned this house before us and she subscribed to the Literary Scholar journal (or something, I don’t remember the name). But I really wish it wasn’t wrapped in plastic because I […]

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Our house

http://www.flickr.com/photos/madson/sets/72157603796377413/ So, for those who haven’t seen the awesomeness that is our house, check out the link above. Kyle has posted the flier photos in flickr. The house was staged, so obviously it looks different with our stuff. Plus we painted our room last weekend and it looks so cool! We are attempting to restore […]

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