So many gifts to buy…so little money

My cousin rocks. I’m so thankful I’ve been able to hang out with him today. You know what else? Today was beautiful! Even though my cuz got pulled over for the fourth time this week because his truck is all souped up and the cops like to give him tickets (not the moving violation ones, […]

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Psalm 75:1

“We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, for Your Name is near; men tell of Your wonderful deeds.” ***Today let us speak of and give thanks for all that the LORD God has done for us. Have a wonderful (and wonderfully filling) Thanksgiving!!!

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I love it when guys smell good. I can’t explain why right now…but that’s what it comes down to. It’s good for a guy to smell good. The end.

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Someday I will do the things I should when I need to, because I have to. And some day I will do the things I want to do when I want to do them, because I can ignore the reasons not to. In other words…someday I will learn to listen to my heart. But I […]

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3 down, 2 to go

So I’ve finished and done away with three of five huge papers I have due before tomorrow. Now I have two left…LORD help me. Tomorrow I fly almost home…I don’t actually get to go home, I just get to go to California. I’m going to have Thanksgiving at my relatives’ new home in Southern California. […]

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The Begining of my narrative assignment for Imaginative Writing

Liame’s black lip curled under his snout as a low rumble rolled through his exposed fangs. The tall shadow froze in his tracks, crow-bar still gripped in his gloved hands. Liame’s deep yellow stare narrowed. Holding eye contact with the leader of this intrusion, his muscles tightened beneath his fur. He waited for the enemy […]

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Tonight after my UCOR class I went and saw “The Curious Savage”. It was great, I’d recommend anybody who is within the vacinity of SPU to go see it. It’s funny, thoughtful and moving. A great performance! Well, right now I’m working on having a tortured soul, so I can write well for my imaginative […]

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Tuckered Out

I’ve decided just now that I think I’m going to be a fifth year senior. I’ve come to this conclusion based on the fact that there are so many classes I really want to take. There’s just no way I’ll be able to squeeze all of them into my remaining year and two quarters. I’ve […]

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Super Brief boy update

Boys boys, everywhere I go they follow me! I’ve been hanging out with a vegan hardcore boy. He’s the lead singer of his band called the Answer. He has red hair and glasses. He writes opinions for the Falcon. You can get a feel of his voice if you read them. His name is Matt […]

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