The Best Idea Ever

This time last year I was newly unemployed, sitting at home by the fire looking for jobs on craigslist. I was nervous about how we were going to pay our mortgage and was going to extremes to minimize our expenses. It was, for lack of a better word, ridiculous how far I went to count […]


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Poetry Box

Today is my wedding anniversary and I’ve decided to make it (like my birthday) a license to do (just about) anything I want. So in celebration of that idea, I’m postponing running reports at work and instead I’m using my work computer to blog about whatever I feel like blogging about. And I’ve decided that […]

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Where’s the bum?

So I haven’t seen Homeless Guy for a couple days now. I suppose he’s moved on. Maybe he’s a seasonal character. Like Tom Selleck on Friends. Perhaps I’ll run into him again next summer. In the meantime, new comedy relief has entered into my morning walk routine. Peacoat Guy. Peacoat Guy has twice called me […]


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On the way to work

Everyday on my way to work I pass a grubby-looking man unsteadily heading towards (I assume) Ken’s Market. He looks homeless and sometimes stumbles like a drunk. Part of me wonders if he isn’t just acting homeless so people won’t bother him. We once made eye contact and I said good morning. He just stared back […]

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