I just got home from the vet. I took Jackie in to get checked out because of his lack of eating. He had a minor temp and they took some blood for a corona virus panel. In other words, it’s not good. I broke down in the office, but maintained composure enough to write the […]

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Another day lived in faith

God is so good. That’s a given. I just pray that where ever He takes me next I’ll be able to show that goodness to my co-workers. I had an interview today at an apartment complex in Bellevue. A nice little high-end place. Newly remodeled and in desperate need of staff. They were so desperate […]

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All alone again

My roommate left for Spain yesterday. *sigh* Lucky bum. So now I am all alone again. It’s weird because before I was with Michelle, I lived alone and was able to take care of myself (feeding, entertaining myself, etc.) with no problem. But now I’m kind of tripping out. Jack and I were up early […]

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Rest in Peace Nessi

It happened last Saturday. After a day or so of watching his little gills gasp as he laid at the bottom of the bowl of fresh water, Nessi was delivered to the great beyond. It’s so sad. I prayed, I cheered him on, encouraging him to breath deep and get his energy back. It was […]

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Rest in peace Jet Li

Just a few moments ago Lucy, the woman taking care of Jet, returned my call from this morning. She had bad news. I had called to check in and see how Jet was doing since I hadn’t heard anything for about a week. I didn’t get a hold of her, so I called the vet […]

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Wow, it’s been forever

K, quick update…I’ve been engaged for more than two weeks; living in Redmond with a wonderful roommate named Michelle until my wedding in October; I have two kittens (Jackie Chan and Jet Li) but Jet is really sick and living with a foster mom from the shelter until he gets better (if he gets better); […]

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