
I am so scared and nervous right now! I’ve got that clenched feeling that rises in your throat when you know you’re about to throw yourself to the lions. I’ve been stung into action and there’s no going back now. Lord be with me! This is it…the defining moment. I’ve got a lot riding against […]

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Today has been a very very interesting, enlightening, productive, overwhelming, replacing old weight with new weight on my shoulders day. Thank you Lord, for the good and the bad.

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I guess it’s somewhat accurate

You scored as Charlotte. I am Charlotte. I am friendly and kind. I am also responsible, and ready to accept a proposal of marriage from a man even though I may not love him. I value security. Charlotte 90% Elizabeth 90% Jane 80% Mary 35% Mrs. Bennet 35% Kitty 15% Lydia 5% Which Pride and […]

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A very “special” dictionary. by lily22 Look up: Definition: Dictionary-like; one who speaks in an abstruse fashion; one whom people frequently consult. Quiz created with MemeGen!

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I can’t wait!!!! So awesome!!

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Major revision…critiques welcome

Home James – By Sarah

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Really really rough draft begining…

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Much needed update, prompted by an email

I was sent an email today simply asking “how’ve you been? what’s up?” This was my response… Oh my goodness, can you believe how crazy life gets sometimes? Just today I’ve learned so much and been humbled in so many ways. (The good kind of humbling). Even though I came home from the office tonight […]

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It’s all craziness

Yes, I know you’ve heard this before. But I’ll say it again; life right now is good but crazy. There’s a dark ominous cloud looming over my head, but I can still somehow feel the warmth of the sun on my face. For example: I didn’t get that internship I thought I had in the […]

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This I’m not so sure about

Kip Dynamite (Please rate my quiz) Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

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