Smurf village

One thing I really enjoy about my co-workers is how our everyday conversations pertaining to work are so easily snagged on tangents.  I had just returned from a job site and was asking how I should go about handling what may turn into a huge mold situation.  I told my co-workers how I had removed the kick plate […]

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Picking up where I left off

“OK, so it’s been 6 whole minutes and all I’ve done is paid a visit to the little girls’ room and returned to my desk. (Which, by the way, was interesting because I discovered I can hear almost all activities in the warehouse through the ceiling vent. At first this was exciting until I realized […]

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House shopping

Looking at houses is addictive. Beware. In other news…I wish I could go home. Work is boring today and I feel like I’m in a funky mood. I just know I would be so much more productive working on that biography at home. The deadline is fast approaching!  

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Take your parents to work day

 I dropped my parents off at the airport this weekend. We had such a fun time with them. We looked at houses for fun Saturday, but then we came across one we really liked. Soon it became an obsession and suddenly the reality of what it would take to get into a house (financially speaking […]

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” Prayer wonderfully clears the vision; steadies the nerves; defines duty; stiffens the purpose; sweetens and strengthens the spirit.” -S.D. Gordon My parents are flying in tonight. (Yes, my parents have wings. Somehow it skipped a generation. I’m kinda bummed about that, but whatever.) I’m excited to see them. This weekend we’re going to look […]

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Cold fall days

I wish so bad right now that my job was part time, or at least that I could take half days. I would love more than anything right now to go home and write. I’m so far behind on my project. I’m going to need massive prayer to get it to my client on time. […]

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Most beautiful girl in the whole wide…room

So funny. Check these guys out:

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