“Oh, for the love of crumb cake!”

It’s been a while since my last post and you’d think I’d have a nice juicy update. But to be quite honest, I’m not even sure where I’ve been or what I’ve been doing for the past few days. I just remember when I was at work last week and I was calling publishers and […]

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My word…I have never felt so crappy and homesick before in my life. I guess everyone needs a good cry every now and then. Lord please comfort my aching heart and sooth my nerves. Amen.

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Celtic Hymn

Enemy of Apathy She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters, Hovering on the chaos of the world’s first day; She sighs and she sings, mothering creation, Waiting to give birth to all the Word will say. She wings over earth, resting where she wishes, Lighting close at hand or soaring through the skies; […]

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An Apology to the Graduates

You all will live longer than any generation in history, yet you were kicked into high gear earlier as well. How exhausted you must be

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For my career class we were supposed to draw up a timeline of significant events and our plan for the future. I wrote mine up in about 10 minutes…so I haven’t completely honed it yet. It’s a work in progress. But here’s what I have (or rather, what I turned in). Timeline: 2003 – Began […]

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Advice from the Best of the Best

“We know of only three ways to grow as a writer. First you must read good writing. Then you must write. Then you must spend the rest of your life thinking and talking about good reading and good reading.” -Chip Scalan and Roy Peter Clark

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Another weird day

Started off okay…and it was actually fine until the calls started coming. My friends know I am always there for them…always an open ear. But for pete’s sake why can’t I ever bring myself to vent. Why can’t I ever talk someone’s ear off. #1. I know they could care less about what’s bothering me. […]

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Braid trains

I love braiding parties. I was just thinking about this today after my cultural comm class. We were doing presentations and one group was talking about rituals or traditions that little kids do in America. One that I particularly remembered was the braid train. (Girls you know what I’m talking about) It was like a […]

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Letter from God to Women

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him […]

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Timelines and good friends

First of all…HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOSHERKID!!! You ROCK my world! Second of all, today was a good day. I got a call from Josh…it was good to talk to him. Do you have any of those friends that you just feel happy and somehow edified after talking to? He’s one of those. I needed a good […]

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