The Possibilities are Seemingly Endless…

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“Be careful then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” -Ephesians 5:15-17

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Stolen from Jamie

♥Me and ♥Him Will never adopt twenty-eight thousand rockin’ girls. Schedule times to almost elope periodically. Would volunteer to be the two responsible for re-populating the planet. Orchestrated by ianiceboy

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Wow…as usual I have a ton to do. But that’s not what is freakin’ me out…registration! I only have 12 credits for next quarter…I need more. What do I take? None of the fun art classes that I want to take are available. None of the english classes that look interesting are given this quarter. […]

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Girls…pray for me. Already the trials have begun…it’s only Monday, and the temptation is fierce. The lions are circling.

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Ew, yucky refrigerator

Soooo…my refrigerator broke and all our food had to be thrown out. We kinda saw it coming. It’s been acting up for a while now. Plant Services brought us a new one today. Well, it’s new to us. We had to clean it big time. Nevertheless, it works and we’re happy. I lost a practically […]

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Girls – As always, you are privileged to the more significant intricacies of my floundering attempts to do right by God. The fast I proposed to Grace yesterday after revealing the activities of my Valentine’s Day weekend, is a boy fast. Yes, that’s right. Starting on Monday next week (assuming I haven’t had a change […]

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Grace and Peace

Yesterday I had some amazing quality time with my friend Grace. She’s the cutest, sweetest, funnest French girl I’ve ever met. Anyhow, we spent like 2 hours just talking at Starbucks. It was great. Then we went and had dinner in Gwinn. I’m really excited to be making more close friends. She’s part of my […]

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Why why why why

Lord, why is it so hard to listen to you sometimes? I mean, wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier if the things I’m not supposed to do right now weren’t so fun? I wish only good things were fun and bad things weren’t fun…then there would never be this problem. *sigh*

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Borrowed from Cassie

Step 1: Open your MP3 player. Step 2: Put all of your music on random. Step 3: Write down the first ten songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing. 1.) Bad Religion – New America 2.) Avril Lavigne – Nobody’s Fool 3.) Justincase – The Key 4.) [LOVE]Tattoo – Drop Some Drums 5.) Avril Lavigne […]

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