Mr. Curly the Great and Princess Goldie

I went to that M&M site today and made my own M&M characters. It was so much fun! I made a character for me and a character for Kyle and then I had so many choices of what I got to do with them. I could make a screen saver, a gallery of photos, even […]

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Ricochet and Izabelle

There are so many things I love about my kitties, Izabelle and Ricochet. Here are a few of them: 1. Ricochet is mesmorized by the floating cherries in the Singulair (allergy medicine)commercials. 2. His favorite movie is Finding Nemo 3. He loves heads. By that I mean, people’s heads. My head, Kyle’s head, my mom’s […]

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Four Months!

Yesterday was Kyle and my four month anniversary. Four wonderful months! My best friends Loreanne and Sarah are so right, being married is the best. Initially I really missed living with my roommate and having that girl time and parties in our apartment. But now I have a husband, a cute house, an amazing relationship […]

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As most of you know, I’ve been looking for a job that gets me out of the house. Something that pays well and gives me that wonderful, accomplished feeling at the end of the day, while at the same time providing fodder for my everyday writing. I haven’t found that perfect job yet, but in […]

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I could hit the road with that

I just watched a funny clip of a cat that was fascinated with flushing the toilet. A couple from ‘somewhere’ was frustrated and confused with the hike in their water bill. One day the husband was stuck at home with the flu and noticed the sound of running water coming from downstairs. His curiosity overcame […]

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Kyle took me to the Seattle Asian Art Museum and it was really neat! I love museums. I love the atmosphere, the culture and the art work. Perhaps someday I can get a job that encompasses all those things. Speaking of jobs, I’ve been applying for some jobs online, but I think ultimately I’ll end […]

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Remember that time…

I was working on a puzzle just a moment ago (while waiting for my husband to run to the store because we both had an odd craving for mac n’ cheese) when I had an interesting progression of thought. I’m not sure how I got to thinking about this, but I was thinking about embarrassing […]

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Here I am again

Once again I’m back at the in-law’s house, trying to get more work done. I think it’s fair to say at this point that I can’t work at home. There are just too many perks when working at the in-law’s place. 1. Accountability, 2. Free lunch, 3. Very few distractions, 4. Lots of space, 5. […]

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