Spider Colonies

I’m still battling the spider colonization of my cottage. It’s a bit complicated because I’m never really home enough to do anything about it, I’m just home long enough for them to get their fill of my flesh. They enjoy biting me most in my sleep when I am not able to defend myself…the cowards! […]

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Big Update

Loreanne’s wedding was wonderful. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun at a wedding since my brother and Heather were married. Loreanne’s wedding was a first in other ways too. I’ve never cried at a wedding before and I used to think it was silly that anyone would…but now I’ve been enlightened and I […]

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Crazy weekend

My weekends are generally crazy, but this one takes the cake so far. Kyle and I have been having a lot of fun running around, getting ready for Loreanne’s wedding. He’s been so patient with me. Being a bride’s maid and also having a lot of friends in town that I haven’t seen for a […]

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How evil are you?

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I am 35% Hippie. I need to step away from the tie-dye. I smell too good to be a hippie and my dad is probably a cop. Being a hippie is not a fashion craze, man. It was a way of life, in the 60’s, man. Take theHippie Test@ FualiDotCom

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Extensive post, be warned. History

Here are a few snippets of what I’ve written so far for the book on the history of Hunts Point. “Hunts Point started in the 1800’s with three bachelors, an attorney, an architect and an insurance guy. Originally from Seattle, the men built their homes for Sunday picnics and summer retreats.” This of course excludes […]

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Check this out…

True or hoax? What do you think? http://www.scienceblog.com/catfish.html?q=node/8320

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Back together

Kyle and I are back together. We decided to give it another shot and see where God takes it. It’s kind of weird but I’m excited! He’s in Arizona with family right now. It was a bummer to be apart on our first day back together. But it’s also nice to have the time apart […]

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