The assassitation part is funny

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Not sure how accurate this is…but I liked the picture.

You are dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness. In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do. You are unique, creative, and expressive. You don’t mind waving your freak flag every once and a while. And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! The World’s […]

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Wonderful weekend

This weekend I went to Treasure Island with Kyle’s family. It’s so beautiful over there and I’ve been needing the vacation (of course I only admit this is hindsight). We played cards, lounged in the sun, went canoing in the moon light and had devotions together over breakfast every morning. It was two days of […]

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Ignore this unless you are Harmony

(510) 385-9209

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Thanks Valor for the fun!

This analysis is from the Starbucks Oracle – Behold the Oracle’s wisdom: Personality type: Pseudo-intellectual You’re liberal and consider yourself to be laid back and open minded. Everyone else just thinks you’re clueless. Your friends hate you because you always email them virus warnings and chain letters “just in case it’s true.” All people […]

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I feel like I’ve been running at %100 24/7 and I haven’t really accomplished anything. Weird. I think it’s because I haven’t actually written anything of substance since I started this job. I’ve been busy with the actual interviews (among other things, like the bf, hehe). But now, I have less than two and a […]

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Update on Israel’s proposal

As always, a lot has been going on. Kyle and I are doing well, despite the turbulance of Israel’s recent proposals and persistence. In case you missed it…a few weeks ago Israel called and explained his love for me and proposed (over the phone). I respectfully said “no”. And he proposed again. I said “no” […]

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An invitation

Red Hook Brewery tonight!!!! Outdoor movie (Garden State) and a small concert. Call me on my cell if you wanna come! (And you totally should)

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Goodbye Peter Jennings. You will be missed, by journalist and patron alike.

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Kitten and house hunt

If anyone knows where I can find a kitten, let me know. Kyle and I have decided that we really really really really want a kitten because they are fun. 🙂 P.S. Kyle and Luke are also looking for a home. And so am I. After October. So let me know if you know of […]

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