Favorite quote of the evening

Kyle and I went looking at houses last night. Our realtor is awesome! (more on this later) We got to talking about our potential price range and this is how I described our position (with sarcasm of course). “Well, it’s not like we’re so rich that when we go to a museum and consider buying […]

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Funny book things.

Funny book related skit. 🙂 http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-2007/introducing-the-book-p1.php

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I got a call late last night that my Grandma is in the hospital. I won’t go into details but my mom told me that she has signed all the paperwork to say that she does not want to be resesitated. Please keep her in your prayers.

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Well, I’ve finally done it. I’ve made my first mistake at work and now it’s going to be ‘one of those days.’ *sigh* I can’t wait until I’m on my own in this job and then I won’t have to rely on my co-workers. On the bright side, I’ve already been promoted. yay.

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I left work early yesterday for the supposed reason that “I had a meeting.” What I failed (intentionally) to mention was that the meeting wasn’t until 7pm and I was leaving at 4. 🙂 Anyways, I felt sneaky and it was fun. Legally I should be leaving at 4 everyday since I get in at […]

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