Finally moving on

I had my meeting with the mayor and his side kick yesterday to hash out the last details. I basically made a list of the things I need from him before I can do anything else and I gave him a full hard copy of the book with notes throughout listing what I need for […]

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Blah blah blah day

I went with Michelle to her friend’s house for her mom’s birthday last night. It was fun, we had homemade pizza, wine and all the Bailey’s Irish cream we could ever want. We watched “Waking Ned Devine” and Michelle gave me a tour of the house in which she showed me a beautiful antique roll […]

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I had a stack of books next to me. This one was on top.

“As author of the collective work, the book as a whole, he or she should sign an agreement similar to the standard author agreement described above.” ~The Chigaco Manual of Style, 15th edition: The essential guide for writers, editors, and publishers. 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find […]

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Back in the office, now a happy mom

Well, after going a week without internet access I’m now back in the office and at the keyboard again. I’ve missed you all and I can’t wait to catch up and hear your holiday stories. In the meantime, here’s a brief overview of my holiday. Christmas was absolutely awesome. I’m convinced it was the best […]

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