Weird thought for the day

Did you know that ‘applejack’ is actually a brandy made from cider? Hmmm…perhaps that’s why Applejacks don’t taste like apple. They taste like brandy?

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Soundtrack of My Life

Yesterday: Went to classes, then…went to work…which is always fun. But the real fun started after work. My buddy Kyle took me to see Finding Nemo. I have a new favorite Pixar movie! This one was awesome, I highly recommend seeing it as soon as possible. 🙂 Today: Today was prime. I went to work […]

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I love this school. I can honestly say that I love this school and the people in its community. Yesterday was craziness (as usual). I got up early to meet a friend for breakfast and go out on a few assignments. But, what I thought to be just another day on the job, turned out […]

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Earlier this week my roommate and I took the west side elevator (which had recently been out of commission) up to the laundry room and took care of our laundry (which took about two minutes). When we were heading back down to our floor, the elevator doors opened and surprise…there was a dismantled bathroom stall […]

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Islands of Brilliance

“No man is an island, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine…any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee” John Donne “Every person, regardless of personality of occupation, […]

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Random thought for the day…

Do squirrels ever chase their tails? If they did, that would be funny. Went to study at the park today. It was really encouraging to see all the parents outside playing with their kids. What was the most exciting to see was all the fathers out playing sports with their kids. In fact, I can […]

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It’s been a good weekend and the best part of it is that it’s not over yet! Yay! I just got a call from Brad. It was great to hear his voice. He called from Camp Pendleton in San Diego. From the sound of it, he had an awesome ministry to the guys he went […]

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My roommate’s mom is in town to visit. All my friends have left for the weekend and I get to fish-sit my friend’s bettas. Hooray! Jimmy is going to have tons of fun with the company. He’s freekin’ out pretty good right now. It’s good for him. haha. I’m pretty confident that I did well […]

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Your Temperament is IDEALIST (NF)

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self — always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with […]

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Boy Update…

Well, like I said in my last entry…my adviser said guys were asked her about me! What’s going on here?! After work on Monday, Josh intercepted me. He was sitting on the back of his truck waiting for me out back writing me a letter. When he opened the passenger side door for me, there […]

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