Why can’t we be friends?

Why can’t guys just be friends? Why does it always have to be all or nothing? I guess Harry in “When Harry Met Sally” was right when he said guys and girls can’t be friends (unless of course both are currently in a relationship with other people). You know what? THAT SUCKS. I think it’s […]

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Things are picking up here in the land of academics

The pace is picking up as people snuggle down into their routine. I only wish I HAD a routine. I’m excited for the new quarter and the chance to work hard in a field I feel I can do well in…but my goodness it’s not easy! I feel like I’m already behind on my reading. […]

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The Craziness is back

That’s right…the craziness is back like a seasonal flu and it’s infecting all major areas, spiritual, academic and relational. And it doesn’t stop there…no sir. But I thank the LORD that He is with me…because even if it’s hard, at least I know I’ll survive. On another note…Nessi, my new betta has come home to […]

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Quick prayers before bed

Lord, HELP ME!!! Once again I’m trying to do it all and I know I can’t. I haven’t dug myself into a pit yet…but I know you know that I will. Please don’t let me do it this time. I’ve learned my lesson enough to know that you should take the wheel now…BEFORE…I go crash […]

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The good and the bad…all at once

So, I suppose it’s best to start with the bad so that the good seems that much better, right? I found out today that Jimmy passed away a couple days ago. I ran into Dave at the Bookstore, he greeted me with a long face and broke the sad news. He also said he got […]

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Missing the UK

Watched an interview with snow patrol this morning on LAUNCH. Makes me miss Scotland hecka bad. *sigh* Someday…someday I will go back. I’ll bring my best friend with me and we will meet cool people with cool accents; make friends; find jobs; live in a flat and continue leading the sitcom-like lifestyle to which we […]

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PoluOwau: what kind of sayings? xvegxheadx: hm xvegxheadx: you want the sayings.. or the sayings and the explanation? PoluOwau: sayings and explanation PoluOwau: por favor xvegxheadx: hmmm xvegxheadx: well xvegxheadx: the most glaringly confusing would have to be xvegxheadx: ‘i’m tired of paying for sex’ xvegxheadx: BUT PoluOwau: HAHA PoluOwau: yikes xvegxheadx: it REALLY means […]

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Why wasn’t I invited?

So apparently there’s a party going on right now that I wasn’t invited to. *sniffle* Go figure…a party happening right under my nose. I feel so betrayed…they’re using my desk and eating my food and like…EVERYONE is there. How rude. Well, then again…why should I care? I am the bigger person in this situation and […]

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One more thought…

Yesterday, the Russians won the US Open…*sigh* “It’s alright US tennis women…you tried hard and I still love you.” On another note…My heart beat differently yesterday as I remembered 3 years ago. I remember the people and I remember the sound of his voice on the phone as he told me his father was in […]

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Who knows…

*So I’m home from Scotland and until I have a chance to gather my thoughts to tell you all what an amazing trip it was…I leave you with this… Who knows what a day will bring? An old man withers while a newborn cries out, and children fall in love again. What man can know […]

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