Selling like hotcakes…a conversation

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For all of you who may have forgotten how much I love ninjas

Yes, that’s right, my passion for ninjas has not waned…it has just been sort of in remission due to other academically pressing duties. But, every now and then I must get a ninja fix. Here’s a little secret that I’m willing to share with you…for your ninja withdrawals, check out this site: I’d recommend […]

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It makes me sick, to think of him Looking at them. secretly Shiny, full, senuous and willing Rolling his finger across the mouse Scrolling to see more, never stopping. It makes me sick, to know he is Thinking of them that way wantonly Watching, desiring, possessing and dreaming With the same eyes he used to […]

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Today I realized something about myself. I am really grossed out by ads and commercails for things involving toenails. Like those toenail fungus ads where those little goblin bacteria monsters are crawling under people’s toenails and digging at their skin. *shivers* Gives me the creeps. Yuck. Anyway, that’s all I have to say about that. […]

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“The Meaning of Birds”

“…it is not news that we live in a world Where beauty is unexplainable And suddenly ruined And has its own routines. We are often far From home in a dark town, and our griefs Are difficult to translate into a language Understood by others.” -Charlie Smith

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And another one…courtesy of Erin


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A story I wanted to share…

As much as I wish I could take credit for this wonderful story, I shall give credit where credit is due. It was written by my friend Hillary. “Brilliant story Hillary! Cheers and kudos!” Enjoy, Friends!

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As requested … the latest revision JUST FOR YOU!!! *smooch*

“Home, James”

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