Sad…I missed the Popple’s come back! I can remember being so in love with these guys! Then this led me to remembering all the other cartoons and imaginary worlds I was in love with. I especially remember my Wuzzle birthday party with Bumblelion, Butterbear, Eleroo, Rhinokey, and Moosel. *sigh* Good times, good times. Loreanne, do you remember Cherry Merry Muffin? […]

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I just got flowers delivered to me. I am so spoiled by my friends. Today started rocky, but is now looking up. I got an e-mail from Kenny with a link to a totally awesome movie and some music by Philip Glass, one of my favorites. (Thanks Kenny!) And now flowers. This is the third […]

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I met with the town administrator today. He’s such a sweet old man. He’s been all around the world, state treasurer, and filled several other administrative and finance positions. Basically worked in government all his life. Anyway, I asked him today what the most common occupation is for the people living in Hunts Point and […]

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Stupid boys

Crap. I should know better by now. I really should. I take full responsibility for my frustration. Everytime I talk to him I am left completely in knots. I can’t believe I ever thought he actually cared about me. He really doesn’t. He just uses me as a subject to project his own thoughts on. […]

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A post for you about marriage…(what little I know anyway)

My bestest friend, here are a few things that we’ve been talking about in my class. I’ll be posting more as I have time, but I hope these few bits of advice help. I love you so much and I know that Jesse does too! I’ll be calling you soon to update you about my […]

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First interview

Good Lord! I think I signed up for something a lot bigger than I realized with this job. It turns out I am writing the entire history of Hunts Point and the histories of all the settlers who are still alive. And, as I was informed today, I’m also supposed to participate the motion picture […]

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Hunts Point

I got the job. First interview is tomorrow! More details to come. Thank you for your prayers guys! God is good – All the time.

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They called me back!!!

OHMYGOSH!!! THEY CALLED ME BACK THEY CALLED ME BACK!!!! The mayor of Hunt’s Point called me back!!! I have a phone interview this afternoon! Please pray for me!

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Hard stuff, good stuff

Yeah, for those of you who know what’s going on – please pray for me. It’s getting harder. Especially after the meeting tonight. Good Lord I’m such a push over!!! *sigh* But I know it’s good for me. It must be good for me. Because, as we all know, the medicine that is the best […]

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Wise words from heroes

One of my greatest heroes finally wrote me back. How encouraging! I learn so much every time I talk to the people I admire. I e-mailed him a while ago asking how he made it through the tough times, like while he was reporting on the tsumani. During his last trip, his photographer, Betty, fell […]

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