Back in my game

So…I’ve gone through just about all the stages of recovery from massive botching…denial, anger, mourning, pouting, acceptence…and now I’m onto the ‘get-back-on-your-horse-and-ride-again’ stage. I’ve done my investigation and research and I even went and pestered some professors for quotes and information…now I’m eager to organize and write out my results in a perfectly eloquent and […]

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Strange Days, Awkward Positions

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I am the worst journalist ever. My story isn’t going in the paper tomorrow. I had worked pretty hard on it. I took the wrong lead and it messed me up. The breaking news I wanted to follow: *New computer virus/worm detected yesterday that has struck the SPU campus *The breakouts of chicken pox at […]

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This is an article from this week’s TIME Magazine. Check it out.,8816,1101040202-582350,00.html

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Excerpt of Meaningful Dysfunction – (aka Dialogue)

-Dude -huh? -what’s the score? -I dunno, I thought you had the card -What card? -I found the little pencil here in my pocket -So why didn’t you keep the score? -It’s your move -I don’t know where I’m going. What are you talking about? -I showed you earlier. How do you get lost playing […]

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Self-realization and vulnerability

I’ve been learning a lot about myself lately…and it’s scaring me. Just talking to people and having them tell me what they ‘really’ think is quite an eye-opener. I’ve been trying really hard lately to be more assertive and to speak up. It’s a weird feeling to talk so much. A very vulnerable position I […]

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Words of Wisdom

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A forwarded email worth looking at

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Ok, so I need to make a confession. My roommate’s bf came to visit this weekend and he brought along some friends. (Already I know you can see where this is going.) Anyhow, his two friends were David and Adam. David was on the phone a lot of the time with his gf. Adam has […]

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I’m tired. I have 8am astronomy tomorrow. I think there’s a test. My prof hates me…I’m convinced of it. I’m lost and tomorrow I’m going to die. *sniffle* Goodbye all….I love you. Should I by some chance miracle survive tomorrow’s class. My first wish would be to see all the friends I haven’t seen in […]

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