Guilty confession

I have to admit that I am thoroughly enjoying this down time I have right now at work. My bosses are in a meeting, my co-worker is out in the field, and I’m waiting for some customers to call back. I’ve organized everything I can possibly think of and I’ve sent all the necessary emails. […]

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Your Space

I saw a segment on the news this morning about personalizing work space. There was some study done somewhere (please excuse my lack of specifics), that said no more than 20% of the items on your desk should be personal items (photos, flowers, toys, etc.). There have even been offices that have taken measures to […]

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Book borrow

Does anyone have a copy of Enders Game (Orson Scott Card) or 1984 (George Orwell) that I can borrow? I promise I’ll treat the books like they were my own (and if you know me, you know that’s a good thing.) Also, if there’s a book you own that you think I should read (and […]

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I’d rather be writing

There are so many days when I wish I could just wake up and go to a class, see my friends, learn stuff and then go home and write. I know, I know…I’m wishing I could be eternally in college. I’m still struggling a little bit with a lack of community. Really, I think college […]

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Last night

Last night I had my writing buddy over for dinner. She is constantly impressed (like I am) with Kyle’s cooking prowess. (I think she secretly wishes she could have a Kyle all her own). We talked more about the book she wants to write. The hard part was getting her to think through the mechanics […]

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Sitting in traffic, listening to the Ron and Don show talking about Seattle artist and an age old question comes to mind: Is there a good artist, an artist that gave us amazing, transcendent, timeless art (music, painting, writing, etc.) That wasn,t a drug user (or any kind of abuser)? I know there must be […]


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Bunny rabbits?

After work, when we got home and I finally got off the phone with a customer, I was changing out of my work clothes. I walked into my room and caught a glimpse of my backside in the mirror. *horror!* I saw something that should never be seen at work and I had to confirm […]

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