Actually, about that last entry…

Yea, that last entry was from last Monday. But I couldn’t post it until today because livejournal was being retarded. Anyhow, about today…it’s gloomy and rainy. Blah. I’ve got tons of work to do, but I’m not letting it drag me down. I didn’t get to bed until really late last night because of a […]

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The Muppets Take Manhattan…

Ok, I’m a dork. hehe. Last night before Bible study, all us girls stopped by Safeway to pick up a few things. I ended up buying two boxes of Lucky Charms just to get the free DVDs. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to get 2 free episodes of The Jackie Chan Adventures or if […]

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One more thing…

After hearing several eye-witness accounts about a ritualistic display by a posse of male students involving a tribal dance of some sort around a large inflatable snowman, I decided it might be interesting to investigate this curious subculture of dorm rivalry. I started wondering about the ‘floor rituals’ on campus and the nature of ‘floor […]

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Brief News Update

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed a certain ‘love plague’ spreading around of newly engaged or newly wed college students? If anyone knows of newly weds or newly-engaged people, let me know. I’m currently looking to do a story on the increased rate of couples who have gotten hitched over Christmas break […]

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The Poster-child of SPU…

Hooray! I ate a salad tonight with some peaches and cottage cheese for dinner. I was very proud of myself. Anyhow, after dinner I went to watch “The Mission” for my UCOR 2000 class. Interesting movie. I liked it…there is a lot in that movie that makes me want to gather my friends together to […]

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The first line in my book…

It is my belief that there is nothing more attractive to a real Christian man than a woman whose heart is unattainable – because she has already given it to God.

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Not so healthy…

I’m sad to report that I haven’t been very healthy for myself. I had been really good about it until recently…you know, with eating and all. But the past few days I’ve just been forgetting to eat. Honestly, I just haven’t been very hungry. I’m thinking this could be a bad thing…so I forced myself […]

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Hmmm…not so much

Which Sesame Street Muppet’s Dark Secret Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Grover on Ecstasy You’re funny, you’re loveable, you’re entertaining, you like to call yourself “Super Grover!”–You’re obviously on ecstasy. But that’s why we love you. Be careful, ok?

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Praise the Lord!

Wow! It’s been a while since my last ‘real’ substantial post. There are many new blessings to talk about. But I’ll keep it short and elaborate later. First of all, I just got done with the first official meeting of the new small group I started, “Single and Spectacular”. I’m soooo excited! It went wonderfully […]

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Oh boy…

Session Start (AIM – PoluOwau:ManhunterFrmMars): Fri Jan 17 13:59:27 2003 ManhunterFrmMars: me: “has she had a boyfriend before?” jared: “sort of… but she’s never had a boyfriend like i will be.” *** Auto-response sent to ManhunterFrmMars: in class Ok, yea, dilema…I don’t know what to do! He asked me last night if I would be […]

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