An Update for the select few…

I’ve decided that I’m tired of sharing my “special” personal life with the general public. I have discovered that it only gets me into trouble, hehe. So, those of you who can read this right now should consider yourselves loved and trusted, because you are the select few who I have decided to share my deepest darkest secrets and thoughts with. hehe. Well, maybe not the deepest and darkest, but at least some of the more embarassing or special moments worth recording.
So here’s the run down. I have been spending a lot of time with Jared recently. We have pretty much come clean with each other and have laid everything out on the table. We’re not persuing a relationship, but we have agreed that we do enjoy each other’s company and we both want to stay good friends. That’s all good with me! It just feels good to get all of that off my chest and finally tell him what I have been thinking about him all these years. And to find out that he feels the same is just amazing! *Sarah feels loved, hehe*
So we spent New Years Eve together because my mom didn’t want me driving anywhere, blah. I was somewhat irked by that, but at the same time I wasn’t complaining because I wasn’t alone. As the hand struck 12, Jared and I made a toast to friendship. (with cranberry juice, hehe) And he took and kissed my hand. It was really sweet. He made a little speech about how he knew the tradition of kissing someone on New Years, but he felt that, even though he really wanted to, it was better this way because he believed it to me more respectful to me. I was thinking, “wow, what a stud!” I really did feel more respected that way, besides, the kiss on the hand was just so charming! haha.
So yea, this Saturday he wants to take me out to the city and spend time with me before I go back to school. I told him it would have to be Saturday because I had planned on being with Loreanne on Friday and I wasn’t about to give up that time to a boy! haha. Girl-friends are always put before guy-friends.
Also, Jared hasn’t been the only one that I’ve spent time with this break. Brad took me out to the movies and we saw Lord of the Rings. That was fun, Brad is definitly a gentleman.
Quinn called me up and we hung out on the 27th. We went out to Starbucks and he told me all about his new interest at school. I’m so excited for him! He tells me she’s a lot like me in that she’s extremely devoted to God and she’s very involved in church.
I’ve also hung out with my buddy Lance a bit. It’s nice to see him again.
Well, I’m going to get back to painting and try to finish these pieces before I have to go back to school.

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Jamming to call holding tunes…

Here I am, still at the office…I’m taking a 10 minute evening break…*sigh* You know what’s neat? I called an insurance company today to get the policy number for a file before I closed it and they put me on hold for a while to check their data base. Initially I thought they were going to subject me to boring elevator music or some monotonous rant about how important my call is to them in that metallic-sounding computer generated voice. But to my surprise they had some pretty nice toe-tapping tunes! I was so excited about it that I decided to call back just to be put on hold, hehe. I put it on speaker phone so I could bust my moves unimpeded by a phone cord. 🙂
In related news, I attempted to implement my recycling plan in the office today. I had been working out a scheme to brush up our environmental-friendly tactics for a while now. I hate seeing recyclables thrown away. Last summer I made recycling bins and had mapped out a route to the nearest recycling center (which has recently been relocated…grrr). This year I called the nearest center and they are charging companies to recycle! What kind of incentive is that!?! They used to pay people to recycle, last time I checked. Now it’s all backward! I remember saving up cans with my elementary school to raise money…those were the good ‘ol days I suppose. *sigh* That really upset me. I mean, think about how much paper our school goes through! I remember sitting through Halloween distributing recycling bins…I wonder if our school got a tax exemption for that. Probably…I bet it’s a Washington thing. Gee wiz, and I thought California was the recycling capitol of the world. So now I am currently plotting alternative means by which to help preserve God’s green Earth and help my company to be environmentally friendly. *holding fist up in the air with a look of determination* I will stand strong and I will triumph!!! On with the mission!!!

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Notable Women in my life…

I felt it only fair to give tribute to the notable women in my life,as I pointed out the wonderful men in my life previously. I am surrounded with wonderful female influences and encouragement. It is an amazing blessing to have such women of integrity, comfort, and encouragement to help me along as I traverse the path God has laid before me. Friends, I thank you for your grace and elegance. I would like to encourage you to continue to be strong and allow God to carry on His great will through you. Blessings!
Notable Women…props to you!

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Long time…no post

Yes, it’s been a while. Lots of exciting things have been happening, I thank the Lord for His blessings. Christmas was nice…I got the Francine Rivers’ “Women of the Bible” series from my grandma. I’ve already finished the first book and I’m almost done with the second. All five books are personally autographed by Francine! Soooo cool.
I finally saw LOTR. I liked it, although I was informed that it didn’t follow the book accurately. But the graphics were tight! I also saw “Two Weeks Notice”. That was really cute, I like Sandra Bulock.
Saturday was relaxing. I read all day in the warm glow of the Christmas lights in the living room, ate cashews and sipped tea. It was stormy outside, so it was nice to just curl up on a big sofa with a blanket and chill inside. Saturday night I went for pizza and a movie at Loreanne’s house. Natalie and I exchanged gifts too. She gave me this super cute stuffed Reindeer from Bath and Body Works. He came with Juniper Breeze lotion and body wash. yummy! I named the reindeer Sherman. He looked like a Sherman. Kenny was there too and he tried to keep Sherman for himself, but Sherman liked me better! hehe. We watched a movie and ate yummy pizza and relaxed. It was nice. We also had peach-stuff, very grubbin’. 🙂
Yesterday God (once again) amazed me by showing His power. As I was pulling out of my friend’s driveway after saying goodbye, I bumped into a Tarus. I felt really bad and so I stopped and wrote down my name and number along with an apology. (I taped it to his car…the guy called me at 7am this morning because he claims he couldn’t open his door! yikes, it didn’t look that bad when I left last night…oops!) When I got to the first intersection, on my way home, I saw a HUGE accident that couldn’t have happened more than a few minutes before I got there. If I hadn’t had that fender bender and stopped to leave my info…that would have been me in that pile of twisted, steaming metal! I thank God for His protection.
Yesterday was an amazing day. The pastor was good and I also found out that my buddy Caleb got engaged! The smile on his face was so big! haha. It was cute.
I feel really bad because a few people have been trying to reach me but I have been so busy I haven’t been able to get back to them. I hate not returning calls! But work has been hectic.
Tonight I think I’m going to go hang out at my bro’s place. Probably do the usual…pizza and a movie. I look forward to it. 🙂

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Alone on Christmas Eve…

Lord only knows where my family is. Haha. Anyhow, I have had an interesting weekend to say the least. I’m not quite sure what to make of it other than…I know this much for sure…I have wonderful friends.
I have been able to hang out with Jared these past two days. It’s so nice to hang out with him again. I forgot how wonderful it felt to have company while watching great kung-fu. He brought over some classic Bruce Lee and some other random unheard of films that he bought when he was at school. We sat and talked and played chess and other fun games while watching the movie on and off. We simply enjoyed each others company. Today I picked him up and we went to Lighthouse Christian bookstore so I could pick up an order I had placed for Christmas time. Then we went and saw Star Trek: Nemises. I’m sorry to say that I wasn’t really impressed. But oh well, I had fun. We sat and made humorous comentary, which always makes for a worth while film. I just dropped him off back at home a while ago.
I’m sad that I haven’t finished my paintings yet. I’m afraid I must face the fact that they will not be done in time for Christmas. It doesn’t even feel like Christmas to me…I’m not completely sure why, but oh well.
Once again I spent the morning of Christmas Eve wrapping presents…for myself and for others. It’s sort of funny to me…wrapping presents that I will just be unwrapping for myself the next morning. Does that make sense? hmmmm…
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!! God bless.

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Making the grade…

I just checked my grades and unfortunately I’m not too proud of myself…I mean, I’m happy and all, but I just hate that feeling you get when you know you could have done better. Oh well, so it goes!

Painting Studio – A
Bio Science:Human Nutrition – C+ <-yuck, this is what kills me. Intro to Interpersonal Comm - B+ <-this one sorta irks me too. Newspaper Production - A All in all, adding up to a GPA of 3.82. Ouch, I hate not living up to my own standards! But I learned so much beyond the classroom that I feel somehow justified in my slacking. More ramblings…read at your own risk

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Courtesy of my best friend in the whole wide world…

Hooray! New list of activities to make my work place more exciting! I think I’ll try a few of these today….

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Praise the Lord for Friday!

I wonder if all businesses have casual Friday. Today is casual dress Friday in the office…it’s nice. I would live in jeans and a t-shirt if I could. Commute this morning went well…with the two new lanes on the San Mateo Bridge, traffic flow is a lot smoother and we only got flipped off twice! People must be in a good mood because of the season. hehe. I spent the night at my bro’s new place last night. We stayed up late eating Lucky Charms and talking about how life is changing. I love my brother. I hope I find a guy with a character as versatile as his. My brother can be serious when it’s necessary and the rest of the time he has a great sense of humor. He can always make me smile. I think that’s a very important attribute for a guy to have…the ability to make you smile. Anyhow, we had fun, like we always do. This morning in the car he was singing along with that new Coldplay song…it was hilarious! Well, mostly because my brother can’t sing worth beans, hehe, and he didn’t know the words so he would just sing the high notes. Haha. He had some crazy seat-dancing grooves going on too! He’s borrowing his fiance’s little Plymouth and he was honking the horn every chance he got because the horn sounds like a pager beep. He found this very amusing…he was like a little kid with a new toy. Haha, I’ve never heard a horn like this in my life…he honked it at this old man who was walking down the street this morning and the guy looks around and then checks his cell phone to see if what he heard was his phone ringing. haha.
The Cintas uniform service guy, Ken, came this morning to get our orders for the week. Ken is a funny little guy…not much older than myself and he’s always trying to be smooth with me and stuff. He’s a goofball. He always gives us discounts and stuff, so after I give him our order and he runs through everything he says to me “So where’s my gift? Whatcha got for me?” I hand him two pens, a pocket-size lint roller and a bottle of Martinelie’s Sparkling Cider. hehe. I think he had something a little bit different in mind, but oh well! hehe.
So…lemme see…what else is new and exciting??? OH! My brother is proposing to Heather tonight! But…shhhh…it’s a secret. haha. My parents, my bro and I were all discussing different ways that he could cleverly propose. I gave him plenty cute ideas, but I think he’s going to go with the old fashion restaurant deal. It’ll be super cute whatever he does, because he’ll do it in a way that is all his own. And gee wiz, it’s not like she’s gonna say no. She already has the dress!
Hmmm…today is going really slow compared to yesterday. I think I’ll go do a few more laps around the office and then make a paper clip chain…I haven’t done that for a while.

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A day off…

So what does one do when she has the day off? Sleep in!!! Fo sho, I slept in and I got up and went shopping. I met up with my buddy Johan and we hung out for a while. Now…this is where I add another guy to my list of “Notable Men”. Johan is a fun guy. He’s a gentleman and he’s honest. I can tell God has been working in his life lately and He is making amazing changes.
I got home and painted a bit more. That was nice and relaxing. It was also a lot warmer than running around in the pouring rain.
I was excited to get a chance to hear from RHMC guy tonight! He mentioned something that I thought was really funny at first, but then as I considered it more…I found it to be sort of true. I’m still unsure however, if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. He made the observation that things seem traumatic through a girl’s perspective. I wanted to ask him what he meant exactly because I think I might have jumped to conclusions on what his exact definition of “traumatic” is. But anyway, here’s what he said.


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Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s back to (fill in the blank with explicative) I go…

So yea, once again I am on a break and I’m back at work. (therefore, technically not getting a break at all.)The first few days back at home were nice and relaxing. I got to hang out with my friends and sleep in. I had an especially fun day yesterday hanging out with Loreanne, Jamie, Natalie, Kenny and Tim.
But alas, I now am obligated to grow up and be responsible. Blah. I had to come back to the office today and work work work. Fortunately I was not bored. In fact, we had to stop taking calls after a while because we were so booked! We’ve never had to do that. It’s the storm and it’s the season…there are disasters popping up everywhere that cry out for our assistance. Anyhow, I was running around all day today.
I’m kind of bummed because Bradford was supposed to call me. We were supposed to hang out last night or tonight but I haven’t heard from him at all for two days. He’s probably bogged down with finals or something. I will add him to my prayer list tonight.
Jared is coming home Friday…I look forward to that. And…hmmm, what else is there to be excited about? hmmm, well, I can’t seem to think of anything other than Christmas shopping…even though I have most of that done already.
*sigh* I want to go home!!!! I’m still stuck in this blasted office…*thinking to self* “my goodness, I’m cranky…I need to change my attitude.”
Final thought: I want to go home, get in some comfortable painting clothes, turn on my music and paint the night away. The end.

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