A Tribute to Nerds…

I have to say that nerds, although generally branded with negative stereotypes by an unapreciative society, are truely a gift from the good Lord Himself.
Naturally my opinion is slightly biased being that I am a nerd, however I encourage you to hear me out on this note. In the same way that you make an effort to shrug off stereotypes of race or sex, the same energy would serve just as well if put toward shrugging stereotypes of nerds. Nerds are wonderful! They have saved me from many a dull, unsocial Friday evening. Plus, they are trustworthy and can carry on a great conversation.
This evening, just as I was settling in to an uneventful evening of drawing…my best friend in the whole wide world called me. It was such a treat to hear her voice. (sidenote- my best friend has an awesome voice…whether singing, talking or laughing…it’s always musical). My best friend always calls me at the perfect times. She always knows when I really need to talk or when I just need to listen to a familiar voice. And strangly enough…it’s odd that she always calls at the exact moment that I am thinking of calling her. haha. She reads me like a picture book.
Anyhow, back to the nerds. Some of my nerd friends called and asked me to bring a couple friends to watch a movie and they rescued me from an evening of hiding (which is what I would have done). Not only did they invite me to join them, they walked over to pick me up so I wouldn’t be walking by myself at night and then they walked me back! All the way to the door and even held it open for me…going the full mile. I admire that so much. Anyhow, I think it’s time for bed. But let me leave you with this bit of wisdom…make friends with a nerd and you not only make a new friend, you have befriended your future boss.

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Here I am…once again…

Well, I just got back from a blinde date. He was nice…whatever…I dunno. He was kind of emotional. Anyhow, yea, that didn’t last too long. Haha. So here I am once again. It’s a Friday night and everyone is out and about having a life. *sigh* Perhaps I’ll read, study, or finish knitting that scarf. I’m such a LOSER! haha. The only person on this campus that sits and studies on a Friday night…let alone on a three day weekend! Somebody just shoot me now! haha

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Hot chocolate and sweet old lady waitresses…

It’s amazing…I don’t even know how to describe the events of these past few days. I have no idea where to start. Hmmmm…I supposed I can start with what’s been on my mind first. Today I had a test in my Communications class, I think I did alright on it even though I didn’t study as thoroughly as I would have liked to. But I feel I have a justified reason for this lack of educational discipline….I recieved an unexpected and very important phone call last night. Allow me to elaborate…
Yesterday was normal and rainy. After class I went with my friend Mike to cruise the downtown Gallery Walk, which was interesting and he dropped me off at the office for my meeting. Last night I just got back from my Falcon meeting, (which went very well by the way), and I had just cracked open my books to study when the phone rang TWICE in a row, which usually means it’s an outside call. Outside calls are usually for my roommate, so I answered it with the usual “Hello, which one? Hang on I’ll get her..” but this time I was shocked and almost in disbelief when I heard the smooth voice and musical laughter on the other end. I thought I was imagining it, seriously. Could this be the same person I have been praying for every night for the past year and a half? I have been continuously praying for the Lord’s hand of protection and comfort to be over this person ever since I got to know him. I cannot even put into words the joy and excitment I felt when I heard his voice. It’s one thing to read from an AIM window that a person is doing alright…but it’s quite another thing to hear in the steadiness of their own tone that they are okay. As soon as he confirmed who it was and began updating me on how he’d been holding up I immidiatly began whispering a prayer of thankfulness and comfort to God. Thankfulness that he is alright and thankfulness for answered prayer. And then comfort for my own heart because I care deeply for this person and it’s been so long since I’d heard from him. First let me explain because you’re probably thinking that this love that I have for this person is on a boy-girl level, but let me assure you it’s quite different than that. The love and concern I hold for this person is not a relationship type but more brother-sister type. I wish I could explain it better, but I just can’t find the words. Anyhow, it turns out that this person has been coming across hard times again. Being kicked out of his home for no real reason, his sister was hit by a car and had internal complications (but she’s recovering), he has a job but is still having to live out of his car and he has been giving his time and hope to two different bands that he’s playing in, which is great because it’s given him an opportunity to pursue a dream. I was comforted in two ways from his conversation…first by the fact that he seemed optimistic and wasn’t getting discouraged. Second, he was telling me about how when he can’t sleep because it’s too cold, he goes to this Denny’s-type place and get’s 69 cent coffee and has become friends with the sweet old lady waitresses there. The kind of waitresses that call you ‘Honey’ or ‘Sweetie’ and other endearing names like that. He’s gotten to the point now where he’s a regular and the waitresses give him free coffee. Sometimes they tell him he’s had too much coffee and they give him free hot chocolate instead. haha. I’m glad to know that God has provided a place of comfort and warmth for him. I know it may sound sappy, but I cannot emphasis my sincerety enough.
Even though I’ve tried not to get caught up in analyzing my current situations too much…I can’t help but wonder sometimes why God brings certain people in and out of my life at particular times. I’ve grown closer to so many people over this short period of time since school started and I’ve been making a lot of new friends as well. Now recently God has brought some close friends from my past back into the mix. (Not just the one I told you about above) All I can say is that I’m dying to know where God is taking me in all of this. haha. Perhaps I’ve just allowed myself to sit long enough to think about it…which means I’ve been sitting too long. Or maybe I just need some hot chocolate and a sweet old lady to call me sweetie.

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bxxxxamericanxx: how is she?
bxxxxamericanxx: oh yay!!!
PoluOwau: she’s great
PoluOwau: she met this guy at a holloween party the other night
PoluOwau: and she’s been chipper than ever since
bxxxxamericanxx: oooohhh…
PoluOwau: yup
PoluOwau: but he better be good to her or I’ll fly down there and bust some of my ninja moves on him
PoluOwau: haha
bxxxxamericanxx: so are there any boys in your life right now?
PoluOwau: nope
PoluOwau: haven’t really thought about it much
bxxxxamericanxx: sarah, sarah, sarah… you and your ninja moves…
PoluOwau: or found anybody to be interested in
PoluOwau: hehe
PoluOwau: I can’t deny what I am at heart
PoluOwau: 🙂
bxxxxamericanxx: whats that?
PoluOwau: a ninja
PoluOwau: didn’t I tell you?
PoluOwau: I am a stealth-like ninja
PoluOwau: cleverly disguised as an average american girl
PoluOwau: anyways…
PoluOwau: yea
bxxxxamericanxx: oh geez…
bxxxxamericanxx: im sorry my screen froze and i thought you left…
bxxxxamericanxx: i am a moron…
PoluOwau: haha
PoluOwau: it happens
bxxxxamericanxx: the ninja thing was funny by the way i am chuckling right now…
PoluOwau: hehe

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Super sweet…

For some strange reason today I felt compelled to check my mail box. Normally I only check it on Thursdays because that’s when I get my TIME magazine, so you can imagine why this is odd. But wouldn’t you know it, I got a letter! A hand written letter! I was so excited. What’s more intriguing is I didn’t recognize the return address or the hand writing. oooo, a mystery! The only real clue I had before opening it was a nickname the person wrote above my address: “aka Pretty Pretty Princess” This was weird because only one person calls me that and that’s my brother. Anyhow, it turned out to be a thank you note from my blind date last saturday. Super sweet, huh? So, in light of this I’d like to grant my blind date *props* for thoughtfulness and his efforts. Hand written letters are so sincere, this guy knows what he’s doing. haha.
In related news, some other thoughtful men in my life have been popping up. Q sent me an “I was thinking of you” email and I called him but he wasn’t home. But he called back! Unfortunately we still haven’t touched bases because I was at the art center. But it’s so good to hear from him. Also I’ve heard from two old A&F friends. I almost burst into tears when the AIM window popped up with a message from one of them in particular. But I won’t go into detail, haha. So yea, things have been great…except for this RAIN! Blah, I’m really not in the mood for rain, but it’ll settle with me soon.
Also, suprise…I have another blind date. Why? I have no idea. I suppose I’m trying to prove a point…I’m not sure what that point is yet…but I’m sure proving it. Lord, what am I thinking?! Oh well, we’ll see what happens.

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The freshmen on my hall are being unusually loud today. Why did they choose today? Today is my ‘chilling’ day. Blah, I think I’m getting grouchy, hehe. Grrrr…*waving hands in the air* ‘Look at me! I’m a grouch!’ *chuckling* I amuse myself sometimes, hehe. Oh well, I’m a dork…alright, I’m done…carry on.

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Roommate’s Birthday

That’s right, today is my roommate’s 19th birthday. She’s such a youngster, hehe. So she’s been even more cheery that normal today.
This is the first time in a while that I’ve been able to sit down and just chill. I’m lovin’ every second of it. *sigh*
I still feel guilty for just relaxing though because I still have tons of stuff I should be doing. blah, no fun for me…EVER.
Well, I know this has been a boring entry…but tough luck, eh? I need a nap.

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Halloween and the days following…

So, unfortunately I didn’t get to be a real ninja for halloween like I wanted. Apparently I don’t own enough black clothing. I guess this means I’ll have to go shopping and fix that. *sigh* If only I had money, oh well, so it goes, right?
So instead of being an actual ninja, I went dressed as a ‘ninja cleverly disquised as my roommate’. I actually wore the same thing that my roommate decided to wear that day and she did my make-up like she normally does hers and I wore pink lipstick! I know, I know, totally out of character. So yea, that’s how it went for me. That day I went to class as usual and blah blah blah. Right after class I went to Moyer to distribute recycling bins for the rest of the day. I volunteered cuz I wanted to help out. The recycling manager guy Mike, is pretty nice and we talked for a while before he had to go distribute bins in Emerson. I was stuck in Moyer Hall all by lonesome from 3 to 9. fun fun fun. I got to read a lot of my book that I’ve been working on and I got some studying done, which was nice. So after that I went straight to my Falcon meeting. I felt kinda bad because my section of the paper was supposed to dress up as news ninjas. And I was obviously lacking in ninja attire. But I came bearing gifts! I brought a pint of ice cream for my editor to make up for it. She enjoyed that. After the meeting everyone hung around and we watched a classic horror movie, Army of Darkness. Very gory, very funny. It was good to get to hang out with my Falcon crew, I like all of them a lot.
So, the rest of the week was fine and blah blah blah. I have a huge painting due tomorrow so I’ll probably be stuck in the studio all night working on that. Not to mention this big paper I have to finish for nutrition. That was due last Friday but I didn’t get it in on time. It’s my very first late assignment and I worked so hard to try and finish it, but alas, it didn’t happen. So now I have to turn it in late. Bummer! Then on Saturday I had a blinde date from the SPU dating service. I know I know, it’s ridiculous, but my editor dared me to sign up and bam! Just like that I got matched up, haha. It was fun though, the guy was really nice and it turns out I had interviewed his brother last year for a report on the mural that he painted in Weter. Weird, huh?
Well, he picked me up Saturday around 11:30 and he took me to brunch at this cute little breakfast/lunch place and I had pancakes with strawberries, super yummy. Then he took me to the Seattle Art Museum and we looked at the main attractions. We stayed there for quite a while and then went to see Punch Drunk Love. That was a really trippy movie, not your typical Adam Sandler movie. I don’t really know what to make of it. But then we wandered around downtown and he showed me some of the art work that he and his brother did for places like Benaroya Hall and the main ballet theatre and all these really fancy places. They made these amazing glass sculptures and chandeliers. Really awesome. Then he took and showed me some art done by his favorite glass blower. After cruizing around he took me to Starbucks Cafe for dinner and we sat and talked in there for a long time. I got to learn a lot about him. He’s really really into soccer and enjoys reading. After Starbucks closed, we stopped by Barns and Noble. It was frustrating because they had all my favorite cds and DVDs on sale, but alas, I had no money! Arrrggghh. He bought Gremlins, a classic, haha. We left Barns and Noble after wandering around there for a while and we stopped at Safeway to get vanilla ice cream and root beer to make some floats and we went to his apartment to watch Gremlins and enjoy our floats.
All in all, it was a great time, we laughed a lot and has some great converations. He was a real sweet guy and a great Christian. He’s a recent graduate of SPU and lives off campus. He has two jobs and three crazy roommates, haha. One of his roommates came home dressed up as a large rodent, haha! He was a funny guy.
So that brings me to today. Poor Sarah (my roommate) scrubbed really bad when she was walking down the hill to catch the van for church this morning! She was hurting all through the service, but she’s a trooper. We went to lunch and then came back to work on homework. I made flight reservations for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I’m excited to go home for the holidays and be with my best friend, my family and my Bible study girls again!
I was pretty proud of myself because I made two big long distance calls today. I called Quinn because he sent me an email saying he thought of me and was just wondering how I was doing. He told me he thought of me because he was talking to this girl from his volleyball class that he’s been interested in and he (as he put it) ‘pulled a Sarah’. He asked her out of the blue was she was thinking and it caught her off guard. hehe. It made me smile to know that he thought of me. So I gave him a ring, but he wasn’t home.
Then I called my parents to let them know when I was coming home. *sigh* It was good to hear my family’s voices again. haha. So yea, that is all.

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Hooray for today!

Today is gorgeous! Praise the Lord!
I got up in a good mood this morning and stayed that way until I went to go take a shower and somebody got to the good stall first! grrrr…I knew I should have hung a sign on it saying “Reserved for Sarah at 6:30am”. Then I wouldn’t have this problem. The reason it’s the good stall is because it’s the only one that has any water pressure at all. In the other ones you have to practically run around the stall to get wet. SOOOO annoying and it makes your showers like twice as long as they would normally take. blah. Anyhow, I got over that and went to art class. I love my painting class. Unfortunately this girl and I chose to do our still life paintings from the exact same spot. But naturally only one person could use this spot at a time, so I let her paint in the special spot today since I got to paint there monday. No worries, I decided I would go back to the studio tonight or tomorrow morning if I have time. I just need to find someone who would be willing to accompany me to the studio so I wouldn’t be there by myself late at night. haha, funny story about that…last time I painted in the studio late at night, I dragged my roommate with me. She was sick and didn’t want to go anywhere, but I talked her into it and told her she could just go as she was (in her pjs basically) and then I would carry the folding disc chair to the studio so she could chill and read or whatever while I studied. So we did that and it was fun. She set up her little area using the other stools as a foot rest and a side table, it was hilarious…I wish I had a camera. Anyhow, yea…moving on. I’m excited InNOut started his lj! Go read it! He’s officially cool because he’s my friend and he’s from California.
I got a call today with a lead for another article and I’d have to miss class to do the follow up…so now I’m debating what I should do. hmmmm, miss communications and go to awards ceramony? I think I might if I can’t find a stand in. But the thing is, I was called in as a special request, which makes me feel super cool because that means I have credability and connections…which is really good for my journalistic status. Hooray for me! *pat on the back* Anyhow, yea, I have to make that decision and I have to decide what I’m doing for Halloween. Bummer, I don’t have a costume yet. I was going to be a ninja, but I need to find a black outfit…which I don’t have. I could be a person from the 80’s, but that’s way overrated. I also need to decide what my itinerary for that day is going to be too. I want to help out volunteering for two different organizations. I could go trick-or-treating for canned foods for the Queen Anne Food Bank from 6pm-8pm, which works nicely because it doesn’t overlap with the Falcon staff Halloween party which I think is at 10pm after the staff meeting at 9. My only dilema is with the recycling people. I volunteered to help distribute recycling bins in the residence halls, but I could only sign up to work from 3-6 because of the can collecting. But they need people to work from 3-9. What do I do?! I wish I could do both. And I had to miss tutoring the kids today because of an article, I feel kinda bad about that too. So much to do! So little Sarah to go around! (and naturally not enough time)
Well, I have to head all the way across campus again to get to an interview. blah. Why can’t they all just come to ‘my’office? I’d be so much nicer than having to hike back and forth across campus a gazillion times every day.

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Is the way I eat that fascinating? Or do I have something on my face?

Honestly! Why is it that people have this weird fascination with watching me eat? I mean, I don’t know about you…but I certainly don’t go places to watch people eat, I go places to simply enjoy a nice meal! I dunno, perhaps it’s just me. But on more than one account I looked up from my book (or books…I’m usually studying or reading while I eat. I’m just an obsessive compulsive multi-task-er, I dunno) to see people just looking or staring at me. My roommate does it all the time! She’ll have this amused look on her face and she’ll just sit there smiling at me. Then when I ask what she’s thinking, she’ll just shrug and say “oh, nothing!” I can understand if it happens occasionally, like when someone is thinking about something else but just happens to be staring at you. That happens all the time, right? Like staring off into space, absorbed in thought. Maybe I’m having one of those weird days where it seems like everyone is watching you.
Other than that odd aspect, my day was pretty good. The sunshine was out for a while this morning and I was thoroughly enjoying that. I praise the Lord for sunny days! I thought of some interesting things while I was in the shower this morning. By the way, I’m not sure why, but I always come up with the weirdest and sometimes greatest thoughts or ideas while I’m in the shower. Does that ever happen to you? I think I’m going to officially call the shower one of my think tanks. Because I’m always thinking when I’m in the shower. Not sure why, but anyway…moving on. I decided I would feel insecure about having an actor or actress as a close friend. Seriously, I’ve thought about this rather thoroughly. Unless they were like my best friend in the whole wide world and I knew them really really really well, I would be put off by the fact that I would never know for sure if they were being sincere or simply being a good actor or actress and shining me on. Well, in a way, I’m sure you could consider everyone to be an actor/actress when meeting new people or when they’re around a certain person or group that they’re trying to maintain or present a certain image to. Everybody does that, it’s natural. But I’m talking about actual actors/actresses by profession. I’m not sure what triggered that thought, but yea, I thought it was an interesting thing to consider when getting chummy with a really good actor/actress. Not that I come across very many acting majors or anything. 🙂
The bummer about the think tank is that more times than not, as soon as I step out of the shower and continue on with my day, I forget the great ideas or revelations that I had previously conceived. Same thing happens when I think of something important just before going to bed. Unless I write it down, it’s usually forgotten by morning unfortunately.
Well, back to my original topic of how my day was, haha, it was busy, as usual. Went to sit in on a BSM (Board of Student Media) meeting to follow up on the fate of KSPU (our campus radio station). That was interesting. Another thought that struck me today was how much I enjoy journalism. Sure it can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but as my new favorite t-shirt says “pain is temporary, pride is permanent”. In the grand scheme of things, the outcome is worth the work. I’ve come across disappointments too, don’t get me wrong. Like this last story I’ve been working my tail off for, the Orangemen story. A story about the history of a unique floor tradition on campus involving a cheer squad whose members dress up like convicts. I thought I had an awesome timely angle going and I was really excited to see where I could take it. But then, my sources fell through, my angles faded and my story lost its timely slant. I was pretty bummed because I had done a ton of research and leg work and I had learned a lot. But it has been postponed and this will be my second story to take that trip. But I haven’t let it get me down. That BSM meeting has provided a back up and so I ended up just spending my afternoon writing the follow up article, which turned out decently. I only pray they put the correct name on it this time. Last time they attributed the article to the wrong girl. haha. It happens, right?
Well, now I’ve got three more articles on my plate that I’m working on. It’s a tough load, but I feel that God has helped me to thrive and find my niche in all the madness. I love my editor! Jade has become a really close friend. Our friendship has especially started to bloom since we have been spending more and more time together in the office and at Bible Study. I invited her to come be a part of the women’s Bible study that I was so excited about this summer. By the way, I have been loving every second of that study! The Lord has taught me a tremendous amount through that. And I’ve grown so much closer to Heather as well. I love that girl so much and she has been an amazing influence on me too!
Anyway, I should stop blabbing and get back to work.
Here is my pearl of wisdom for the day:
“I am so grateful I did not wait until I was perfect or had everything straight before praying for others, otherwise I would never have begun.”
“We must never wait until we ‘feel’ like praying before we pray for others.”
“It takes no time, but it occupies all our time,” It is not prayer in addition to work but prayer simultaneous with work.” -Richard J. Foster

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