Super tired
Wow, this week is almost over. Even though it’s only the first week of school…I’ve already pulled an ‘almost-all-nighter’ and had to skip some reading for a class as a result of it. I’ve already turned down two offers to hang out and go to the movies! Oh-my-gosh! I practically have no social life!
Also as a result of this first week of madness, I have once again been convicted of the fact that I am not super woman. *sigh* As hard as I try to deny the fact that I can’t do everything and that I don’t have super stamina powers, it has finally caught up with me and I am caught in another one of life’s ultimatums. I hate it when this happens!
I’ve come to the point where I had to decide what to let go because I was over-committed. The online registrar wouldn’t let me sign up for the Falcon because I already had 18 credits (I can’t go over that unless I pay extra for them). *sob* And I had to give up writing for the Falcon this quarter! I don’t know how I’ll survive! I’ve also had to give up mentoring jr. highers at Bethany Community church and if push comes to shove I might have to give up intramural tennis too! Lord, I pray it doesn’t come to that!
I guess taking 18 credits of reading and writing intensive courses while working two jobs, leading two Bible studies, a book club and working with the environmental club all at the same time isn’t the wisest arrangement. And that’s after I’ve already cut down! This is tough, I want to be a part of so many things! Life is too short.