You are Emo!

You are very sensitive to everything and often find
yourself depressed or brooding. You get
attached to people easily and find it hard to
let go. However, you are creative and
articulate and can express your thoughts easily
and clearly. You are empathetic to people in
distress and often find yourself driven to help
them. Try not to focus solely on whats wrong
with the world, and try to notice the positive
aspects, too. Oh, and please put the X-acto

What Kind of Music are You?
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Tired cranky-pants

I feel kind of bad because I snapped at my ever-loving, undeserving-of-snappishness, boyfriend. Yep, I have been a tired cranky-pants and I can’t say I’ve changed much in the last 24 hours. I’m sorry Kyle!

On a brighter note, I’ve accomplished more today and partook of a yummy, oh-so-lovely fruit basket that a resident dropped by this morning. The pears were delicious. The office staff keep trying to send Christmas goodies home with me because I’m “the young, skinny one,” in the office and therefore more qualified to eat all the junk food because I have a greater number of years to burn it off than they do. Well, while I appreciate the sentiment, that’s BUNK!

I finally got an email from the mayor…it left me with more questions and an ominous, queasy feeling of ‘you’re not done yet missy.’ *evil laugh*

“Great, see you tomorrow. I have edited about half of it and plan to finish in the morning. Then you can crank a final draft for me to read (in book form order). It is well done, and I’m not sure we need an editor other than Sue Ann and I.”


Fred McXxxxey

My favorite part is the nonchalant “Then you can crank a final draft for me to read.” Like it’s that easy!!!! Grrrr. I’ll crank something…that’s for sure. Not only that, but he doesn’t specify a deadline. The most important part! What the heck!

Ok, I need to get back to work. Good think I brought dinner with me, not to mention I have this lovely crate-sized basket of exotic and home-grown fruit to enjoy. Yay!

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I’m tired…so very tired.

I had a meeting with the mayor and his trusty sidekick today. Once again I am left with nothing more to go on than what I had before, which is pretty much, “Looks good. Keep on doing what you’re doing and finish it up. Print out what you have and leave it in my box and I’ll go over it.”
In other words, he hasn’t a clue what’s going on (even though I’ve laid it out for him like a bazillion times) and I’m left in my bewildered state of confusion, despite all my questions. I wonder if he has this affect on everyone he works with?

My final thoughts on this: By 11am Wed. at our next meeting I am going to throw down the final draft of what I have in front of him (so he has no excuse and can’t say he lost what I’ve given him), hand him a list of the remaining responsibilities (permissions and whatnot) and wave good-bye. There’s no way on Earth I am taking this project home with me for Christmas. I refuse to have anything hanging over my head for the holidays.

Can’t wait until I get to go home. -sigh-

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Sarah’s Christmas Wish List

That’s right, I’ve finally sat down and thought about what I would like for Christmas. My apologies to friends and family who have been heckling me to do this for two months now. 🙂

1. Kittens (8 to 10 weeks old, healthy and mischievous)
2. Secretary/writer’s desk
3. lightweight laptop / notebook (I’m serious about the lightweight part – it will be carried around a whole lot)
4. The 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (for writers, editors, and publishers)
5. clothes
6. Any good books (always love a good book)
7. classic movies (the kind you can watch over and over again)
8. music
9. an old time radio (that still works) or the kind of stereo that looks like an old time radio, but really isn’t. Those are neat.
10. clever things I need but never thought of. I like surprises.

There, I made it to 10. It took a while, but there you have it!

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Ready for my exit

After spending the last hour and a half breaking down my book section layouts so I can email them conviniently to the mayor who refuses to show up for a scheduled meeting (ever) – I’m ready to make my exit and be done with this project.
But, unfortunately, I’m not done. I still have four profiles to finish (the skimpy ones which I have to beef up somehow to make them interesting -without lying). And I have to finish the layout, photo captions, getting photos from residents I interviewed without my handy dandy photographer, obtain permission for articles being used, etc. -sigh- Is it over yet? I’m afraid not.

I can’t wait to get home to California and be with my family and Kyle’s family – all together – at the same time. Family games are gonna rock this year! And I can’t wait to see my bestest friends (I miss you guys so much!)
But most of all, I can’t wait to finish my Christmas shopping. I’m so behind!

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Narnia rocks my face off!

I saw Chronicles of Narnia yesterday afternoon. It was sooo amazing! It was better than I imagined. *excited dance* I’m still moved everytime I think about it.
All the talking animals and the theological messages…it was spectacular.
Now I just have to calm down and finish this book so I can go Christmas shopping without hesitation.

I’d also like to ask yall a favor to pray for the people in my office right now. I got to work this morning and no one was here and the office was closed. Linda, the associate clerk on duty Mon, Wed, and Fri went to the hospital Wed. because she wasn’t feeling well and the doctor found that her colon was bleeding and she might have to have it removed. And now no one is here today which makes me worry about Jack again. After his mini stroke more than a month ago…I just pray the Lord is looking out for him right now.
Working with older people is so nerve wracking. I love being among the experience and wisdom, but honestly…this whole digressing health thing just doesn’t float my boat.

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Sitting at this desk, being productive…off and on

I hate how my brain functions most productively when I’m avoiding another more crucial task. Blah. I feel like my mind is a rebellious adolescent who refuses to clean her room and has just told me that she hates me after I scolded her for staying out too late last night. *sigh* She’ll grow out of it, right?
Anyways, I got sucked into craigslist for about a half hour today. I was just perusing and I started looking for free kittens again. I ended up sending a barrage of big, dewy-eyed, frisky-pawed, absolutely heart-wrenching adorable kitten photos to Kyle.
I want a kitten so bad it hurts sometimes. And I mean, I’ve completely justified this in my head. First of all, it would do wonders for my physical and emotional health. It’s a well-known fact that people with pets live longer, happier, healthier lives because of decreased levels of stress. I think it’s because you can’t look at a kitten without smiling. (I smile every time I look at my kitten pocket calendar and I feel like a better person for it.)
*Loreanne, Cassie and Jordan, I know you can back me up on this*
Anyways, I can’t wait to go home for Christmas and be with my boys! (aka – my kitties in California). Tucker is technically my cat, but since I left for college and couldn’t take him with me my mother has claimed him as her own. Does this make me a bad cat-mom?
Does wanting a kitten make me a bad fish-mom? Since technically I could be endangering my betta fish Nessi. Naaah, I don’t think so.

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I’m bearing Lord. I’m bearing

“Bear with me a little longer and I will show you that there is more to be said in God’s behalf.” ~Job 36:1

This weekend was fun. Went with my roommate to her brother’s choir concert. It was beautiful. Then went shopping with Kyle Saturday morning for his company Christmas party that night. I got to meet all his co-workers and even the ones he didn’t know. Sunday we went to church and saw his dad preach a really strong message about living for an epic victory, and not living just to ‘not loose’.
Then after the service we went and picked up a TV stand that Kyle found on craiglists for his room and we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A fun film with wonderful special effects. Delightful.

We also had a marvelous deep talk about our relationship and the state of our spiritual growth. That’s all I can say about that.

Then this morning I check my email and find a message from a really good friend and how he’s thinking of moving to Chicago with another really good friend of mine who I never get to see! Initially I was excited for them, very excited, and then I was sad, because that would mean that I’d never get to see them. Then I felt bad because I realized that I’ve been so focused on finishing this book and worrying about my spiritual life that I’ve lost sight of my closest friends!

All this to conclude…I have no life! I haven’t been able to spend time with my friends or go to a movie or have a game night or anything else. Where has my time gone? I’ve been having a great time going out and spending time with my boyfriend and his family – but then the rest of the time I’m just working. Curse this blasted book thing! (I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am very appreciative for the work opportunity,) but for the love! I have no life with my friends and now they’re leaving!

So I figure all I can do at this point is tell you all how much you mean to me and how sorry I am if you have felt neglected. I think of you all the time. And I can’t wait until I can finish the job that pays my rent so I can be with you more.

Lord, I am bearing with you and I am anxious to hear what else there is to know on your behalf.

The end.

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“Everyday is Saturday for us!”

It’s the truth. Nearly everyone I’ve interviewed on Hunts Point says that everyday feels like a Saturday. How wonderful would that be? (Personally, I think it depends on how you usually spend your Saturdays…but we get the point.)

I found out yesterday that I didn’t get the job at Boeing. Bummer. But it’s ‘aight. I figure that just means that God has something better stacked up for me in the future. Until then, it’s book time.
On a brighter note, I have furniture! Woo hoo! My apartment is starting to look like a home. Awww. But seriously, my roommate and I picked up some really super nice black leather furniture for $600 last night. A couch, loveseat and recliner from craigslist. How sweet is that! (Thank the Lord for craigslist.) And they were all in really nice condition. It took a lot of prayer and muscle to get it all home and moved in, but we made it! (My boyfriend is pretty sweet like that…the prayer and muscle part.) 😉

INVITATION: Ladies…my roommate and I are having a candle party at our place Wed at 7pm. Let me know ASAP if you’d like to join us! It’ll be fun!

“Here I am, once again…I pour out my heart for I know that you hear every…cry, you are listening. No matter what state my heart is in…you are faithful, to answer…”
What a good song. I haven’t heard it in a long time, but it’s always been one of my favorites and it comes to mind when I think about the things floating in my head right now.

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Help Wanted

I swear my eyes are going cross from looking at the same information for the same profiles for so long. I need a fresh pair of eyes! If anyone has time and is interested in coming to the Town Hall or to my apartment to help me out, let me know!!!
I need someone who will help me stay focused and who has a genuine interest in the information we’ll be dealing with. This person should be honest and be able to tell me if something isn’t worth including in the profile, etc. You don’t have to be able to write well, just be able to tell me if something I write doesn’t sound good.

In short, I need a sounding board, a critic, but most of all…I need a friend.

Position includes a warm fire, chocolate chip cookies, hot cocoa, chocolate dipped strawberries, access to my kitchen, a wealth of interesting stories and possibly (if you contact me soon enough) a yummy dinner. Air fare not included, sorry. I am, however, willing to pick you up from your current location assuming it’s not too far away (sorry California friends).

If you are interested and qualified, contact me ASAP. Thank you!

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