I’m bearing Lord. I’m bearing

“Bear with me a little longer and I will show you that there is more to be said in God’s behalf.” ~Job 36:1

This weekend was fun. Went with my roommate to her brother’s choir concert. It was beautiful. Then went shopping with Kyle Saturday morning for his company Christmas party that night. I got to meet all his co-workers and even the ones he didn’t know. Sunday we went to church and saw his dad preach a really strong message about living for an epic victory, and not living just to ‘not loose’.
Then after the service we went and picked up a TV stand that Kyle found on craiglists for his room and we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A fun film with wonderful special effects. Delightful.

We also had a marvelous deep talk about our relationship and the state of our spiritual growth. That’s all I can say about that.

Then this morning I check my email and find a message from a really good friend and how he’s thinking of moving to Chicago with another really good friend of mine who I never get to see! Initially I was excited for them, very excited, and then I was sad, because that would mean that I’d never get to see them. Then I felt bad because I realized that I’ve been so focused on finishing this book and worrying about my spiritual life that I’ve lost sight of my closest friends!

All this to conclude…I have no life! I haven’t been able to spend time with my friends or go to a movie or have a game night or anything else. Where has my time gone? I’ve been having a great time going out and spending time with my boyfriend and his family – but then the rest of the time I’m just working. Curse this blasted book thing! (I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am very appreciative for the work opportunity,) but for the love! I have no life with my friends and now they’re leaving!

So I figure all I can do at this point is tell you all how much you mean to me and how sorry I am if you have felt neglected. I think of you all the time. And I can’t wait until I can finish the job that pays my rent so I can be with you more.

Lord, I am bearing with you and I am anxious to hear what else there is to know on your behalf.

The end.

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One Response to “I’m bearing Lord. I’m bearing”

  1. Yeah, we understand. This life is one of turbulence, rafting down the rapids with no guide and very little safety gear. Sometimes, all you can do is hold your breath and try not to get knocked out of the boat til you reach a spot when you can start paddling again.
    Deep Breath!

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