
Isn’t that insane?! So scary…yet, I kind of want one. hehe

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Here I am….once again…

Well, here I sit again…bored. I’ve already cleaned the crew coffee area three times, cut out the little phone tab labels, wiped down my desk, played with my radio antena to see which position gets the best reception and sorted out the supplies cabinets (both of them). Hmmmm…I wonder what other anal organizing I can do around here?
The commute this morning was terrible (no, like more terrible than normal). There was an accident on the freeway and everybody and their mom had to stop and look. arrrrggghh! It’s soooo stupid! It’s like, com’on people, if you want to see an accident up close go rent Red Asphault 3 or something, but please don’t waste my time and don’t make me late to work! And then, what’s worse is that I didn’t have any cash in my wallet for the bridge toll, so I was counting out nickles and dimes (and if I was lucky I found some quarters too) from my change jar while I was approaching the bridge toll plaza. I felt so bad for the guy who had to count out my handful of change, haha. Oh well. It’s funny to look at people while you’re driving…I saw this guy playing his guitar! Then there was this other guy who had his drum sticks out and he was bustin’ out a beat on his steering wheel. haha. Then of course there were the usual nose pickers, news paper readers, breakfast eaters, shavers and make-up putter-oners. haha. It’s always a fun activity to pass the time.
Oh great…just learned that our water is going to be shut off all day. blah. They’re like “K people! Go to the bathroom now or you’ll be forced to resort to the gas station restrooms across the street.” Yuck!
Oh boy! I found a happy meal toy! It’s kinda lame though. It’s a figure of Eric the starfish from Spongebob Squarepants. He has a little water game on his back, fun fun fun!
Hmmm…perhaps I can go throw it at my brother, hehe. Oh! You know what the Punk did?! He set up a tiny mirror on his door frame so I can’t sneak up on him any more! That’s sooo not fair, I’ve lost my upper hand. *pouts* Oh well, this just gives me a greater challenge to overcome. hahaha. I’ve always enjoyed a good challenge. If all else fails, I can always revert back to my “run-super-super-fast” technique. hehe.

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I need a change…

So once again I was thinking…(I think maybe I think too much?)…anyway, I need a change. A lot has changed this summer, but somehow I am still unsatisfied. I think I want to do like Loreanne did and cut my hair. I already cut it once this summer, but I was thinking of going shorter, like a boy cut (an example would be like Gweneth Paltro in “Sliding Doors” or Meg Ryan in “French Kiss”) Something like that. I dunno, I think it’d be an interesting change and maybe it would make me look my age. It would also require less maintenance. Besides, if I don’t like it…hair grows fast, right? I wish I had one of those programs that you can scan a picture into and then you can adjust your picture and safely experiment with different looks. That’d be nice.
My wardrobe has taken a drastic turn as well this summer. I’m starting to dress like a grown up because of my job. Wearing clothes from places like INC and stuff, it’s shocking really. A&F has been letting me down lately. My old store has completely new management and I’m really sad about that. I miss all my old co-workers. There are only two people left still working there from my old orientation group. The new manager that runs the place now is kind of a witch. Oh well, I’ll be glad to see all my new Seattle co-workers at A&F when I get back.

So much is going on this coming week, I was supposed to go up to Hume Lake with a couple friends…but then Loreanne’s bday party came up and I couldn’t miss that! Then my friend Quinn emailed me asking if I wanted to hang out this weekend and I always have a good time with him….so I invited him to come to Loreanne’s party with me, that’ll be fun. My parents are leaving on a business trip next week and that same week my good friend Jon is visiting. And we’re gonna have fun hanging out. Then the last week of august my friend Bradford is coming home from this super long camp thing he was at as a staff person. And he’s going to call me when he gets home.
I really wanted to take Loreanne to see Mama Mia! for our birthdays. But she’s leaving soon! So not fair! And also my friend Emily is hooking me up with this other job that’s going to pay $500 a week! Then I also have a Weezer / Dashboard Confessional concert on the 10th! I’m really excited about that. Wow, that’s a lot going on, and all the while I’m working working working….blah. Oh well, so it goes…it pays the bills. At least I have the option of having thursdays off in case I get any hours at A&F and I have my Bible study girls over! I’m so excited about them, my girls are the coolest! Another exciting thing is that I haven’t had to worry about my holes very much lately (my wisdom teeth holes that is). I’m so glad it’s almost over! I can’t wait until they’re completely healed up and I can start trying to get them all back in place. Then I can have a nice, straight pearly white smile again! You know what’s frustrating? People like Loreanne who have never had a single dental appliance or tooth out of place ever in their entire lives! I’m sooo jealous! But I still love her.
Hmmm, I should probably go see if there’s anything constructive for me to do. blah…

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The history of the Ninja….

So I was thinking the other day…like I usually do…about kung-fu and the like. And I got to wondering, what’s the difference between the ninja and the samuri? So I did a little research and this is what I found:

So then I started looking into what a Samuri was and strangely enough I kept stumbling across Samuri Pizza Cats…

So as I continued to explore further I came across this little treasure until I was called upon to start actually working…blah.

So until I get a free moment again…if you come upon any useful information about the differences or awesome characteristics of the Samuri and the Ninja…please let me know!

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A Tribute to Kermit….We will miss you!

No…not Kermit the Muppet, this Kermit was better…he was my Kermit – the African Dwarf frog. Saddly, dear Kermit passed away some time last night. He was a great frog and he was well trained and very loving. He could jump up on command and he would even eat out of my hand. His loss not only hit me hard, but his brother Spiderman (not the super hero, the frog) as well. I brought Kermit and Spiderman home from Petco at the begining of this summer as little itty bitty froglets. So cute! *sniff* Now it’s just Spiderman…I think I’ll allow him some time to mourn this tragic loss before introducing a new playmate. Everyone deserves some time to cry…

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Quizzes!!!! Yay!

Which Of Our Beloved Movies Are You? by Hannah & Rachel

Your inner rock and roll legend is…the Beatles. You are fun loving and free spirited, yet you have a serious side too. People
like you because they can talk to you. You seem to understand and see the beauty in the world.

Click here to take the INNER ROCK LEGEND test

So… what’s on TV tonight?
If you were a room in a house, what room would you be?

What alien are you? test by

[If I were an online test, I would be How British Are You?]

I’m How British Are You?!

I know the differences between Brits and Americans, and I’m just so glad to tell you all about them. I won’t say too much, though, or I’ll exceed my daily bandwidth limit. Again.

Click here to find out which test you are!

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

You are the Two headed creature! A freak of nature you are but also very unique you can do what no others are able to do. So be proud and don't hide your differences.
Take the animal crackers test by MK

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My Magic 76 ball…

Well, a lot has happened since my last entry. The roach coach came, I found out my phone isn’t working, I did the payroll sheets and I wandered around the office and I found a fun new toy!
You probably have all heard of those black magic eight balls that you ask questions and it tell you the answer when you look inside it, well, I found one of those except it’s in the form of an orange 76 ball. (We probably got one for a gas promotion or something) Anyhow, since I couldn’t remember anything else to add about my “List” I decided to have some fun with my new toy. Here are some questions I asked my new magic 76 ball:

Me – Will I ever be a kung-fu master?
76 Ball – Dream on.
Me – Will I do anything constructive today?
76 Ball – It isn’t so
Me – Will I ever marry someone on my “List”?
76 Ball – Absolutely!
Me – Are you saying that as a cruel joke?
76 Ball – Not now I’m busy
Me – Are you a mean magic ball?
76 Ball – Looks like a yes
Me – back to my questions, will today be super boring?
76 Ball – Be more specific
Me – Will I be bored out of my mind?
76 Ball – Oh yeah
Me – Will I get yelled at today?
76 Ball – Absolutly
Me – Should I eat this shaddy looking muffin that I got from the roach coach?
76 Ball – Think twice
Me – If I eat it, will I get sick? or even die?
76 Ball – 1000 times no
Me – *sigh of relief* *feeling more confident* If I run over to my brother’s cubical and hit him over the head and run away really fast – will he know it was me? will I get away?
76 Ball – Dream on
Me – Do people really read my ridiculous live journal?
76 Ball – Whatever
Me – Will I have any fun today?
76 Ball – 1000 times no
Me – Will Loreanne become a music superstar or famous author?
76 Ball – Absolutely
Me – Will Kenny ever succeed in taking over the world?
76 Ball – Looks like a yes

Well, I’m being summoned back to work again. If you have any questions that you want me to ask the magic 76 Ball, feel free to post them. Till then…beware Kenny is going to take over the world and keep your eye out for Loreanne’s latest novel and cd.

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“The List”…

Once again, I had another interesting train of thought on my way to work this morning. I was thinking about a discussion my mom and I had the other day about what was on our “Lists”. There are two lists, among many others, that are very important in every woman’s life…one is the “I would soooo marry him if it were realistic and practical” and the other is the “Qualities I look for or that would put you on the marriage list of possibilities”.
After watching Iron Monkey again last night before going to bed, I decided that Donnie Yen is now officially on the “I-would-marry-him…” list. Besides the fact that he’s 18 years older than me and only 5’8 and divorced once already…I’d say his resume leaves him with great potential! Anyhow, he’s currently first on my list…taking the place of that guy I saw doing a wheely on the frontage road on a Kawasaki a few weeks ago. I admit that placing him as #1 might have been a bit hasty…but he was awfully cool. Along side them were Vin Diesel and Peter Parker…not the actor who played Peter Parker, but Peter Parker himself…I like his character. hehe.
To give you a bit of history of my “Lists” and to give you an idea of the validity in them…in fourth grade my top picks were Indiana Jones and following in a close second was Jean Kelley and that blonde animated guy from the G.I. Joes. In fifth grade Ferris Beuller took Indiana’s place in first along with this guy that sat next to me during science lab. And I know there were others, but I can’t remember at the moment. In six grade, Robbin (Chris O’Donnell) in Batman Forever took the lead and in a close second came that guy with the long blond hair from the Christian music group Audio Adrenalin. I can’t currently remember who was on the list in seventh grade, I think it was Michael J. Fox when he was in Back To The Future…not sure, but in eight grade Indiana Jones came back and a kid I met in Washington D.C. who lent me 82 cents when I was in line in a gift shop buying gifts for my family to bring home. Now, mind you…these are all dug up by memory…I may have forgotten a few. (If I remember any that are worth mentioning…I’ll post them later, haha) Oh! That reminds me…high school! Freshman year, the list grew dramatically. I went to Hume Lake and I met Philip Larrue (I’m not sure if I spelled that right…I’ll check later). But as Loreanne can tell you…I was completely thrown with this guy. His friends called him Zelda (I’m not sure why)…and he was super good with a guitar and could sing like nothin’ else. I was convinced he’d be famous someday so I worked up the courage one day to ask for his autograph. And guess what? A few years later he and his sister started a group and they’re very well known now! Cool, huh? But yes, I was enamored with Philip, haha. He remained on the list for many years following that. David Duchovney and other random guys from TV shows including that guy in Dark Angel would follow on the list, as well as some musicians like that blue-eyed guy from BBMak.
Naturally, I am running out of time…so I will fill in the rest later as time allows…but in closing I would like to leave you with a disclaimer (as well as a word of hope to all those guys out there that are reading this and thinking to themselves…”this sucks! My gf has a list like this?!”) This is just a LIST…nothing more…it’s like those lists you guys have that probably include Jessica Alba, Sharon Stone, Brittany Spears and Faith Hill. Simply dreams to occupy our spare time. So if this new knowledge reaches you in the form of discouragement, I’m sorry, but don’t loose hope and know that your chances are still the same with that girl you met at church…because she was building her list long before she met you, haha.

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I love martial arts….

Ah yes, today was another fun lazy day. Kenny and I hung out and we had planned on going and seeing Austin Powers 3, but as usual, something came up and we ended up renting some other flicks instead. Which was alright because neither of us had seen AP 2 and could hardly remember AP 1 so we got to watch those as well as some other random favorites too. So here’s what happened. My mom was trimming our kitty’s claws when she accidently cut too close and clipped the quick. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the anatomy of the claw, that’s the part that you’re not supposed to cut because first of all it’s really messy and second, it’s really painful for the animal. So I had to stay home with my poor cat Tank and tend to him while my parents abandoned me and went to work. So Kenny and I couldn’t go to the movies. But we still had fun, I introduced him to one of my favorite kung-fu movies…Iron Monkey. *sigh* I always get a warm happy feeling after watching that movie…I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH!!! If you haven’t seen should, it’s a classic. I always tell my parents that I want to marry an kung-fu master. (well, if I find one tall enough anyway, haha) I can’t wait until I have enough money to update my kung-fu movie collection for when I go back to school…I have a lot of catching up to do. (but that’s mostly because a lot of what I have now is all on VHS and I don’t know that my parents will let me take the VCR to school and all I have is the DVD player on my laptop). Well, I know it’s been like forever since I’ve updated my live journal and I have a lot to talk about, but alas…it’s late and I have to get up early tomorrow for church. I’m now officially part of the jr.high sunday school staff and I can’t let the kids down! So until next time…stay tuned.

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Quick Note….

About the motorcycle entry I did earlier….I never really got to finish it. Yamahas are nice and all…but what really fills my dreams at night is the Kawasaki Ninja. *sigh* I just had to let all of you know that. And because I couldn’t do the bike justice by describing it in words…here’s the site.

I would post pictures…but I haven’t a clue how to do that…so you’ll have to wait until my best friend has time to help me post them. haha.

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