Last night went well. My Bible study girls cleaned me out! Can you believe that four jr.high girls can consume over $31 worth of ice cream and other various junk foods! Wow, makes me wonder what I was like at that age.

Also, I ran into an old friend at Safeway yesterday when I was getting ice cream. I haven’t seen him (Alex) in years! Hopefully we’ll get in touch again before we both head back to school.

Well, off to the office I go! yuck.

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The countdown begins…10 days until I am back in Seattle.

I can’t wait for tomorrow! My Bible study girls are coming over to go through my closet…I’m giving them all the clothes that I’m not taking back to school. They’re gonna pick out what they want and then we’re going to have a fashion show. I’ve got ice cream and an assortment of toppings for tomorrow and I’m warming up the hot tub. We’re going to have so much fun! Then I’m going to give a brief message about modesty and how are bodies are temples; holy and pleasing to God. I figure since there are some new jr.high girls joining the group that there’s no harm in going over the message again with some different Scripture. 🙂

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Shanghi Nights

Just finished watching Shanghi Nights with my dad…awesome! I was pleasantly surprised to find that Donnie Yen (one of my absolute favorite martial artists) is in it! woo hoo! In the Special Features section of the dvd there is a really cool extended version of their fight scene…totally awesome! I’m a happy girl now…yay! What a wonderful conclusion to a long day.

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The post speaks for itself…

From: Captain America
To: Lady Reluctant


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“Cabin Fever” ripped off my story!

Ok, here’s the deal…7th grade, Ms. Birtch’s 5th period english class, I wrote a short story that happens to be the same plot as this new movie “Cabin Fever”. *huff* It soooo figures that somebody cashes in on the idea before I do! *sigh* So it goes. Anyway, I thought that I’d quench your curiosity and perhaps give you a little something to laugh at or even hold against me in the future. So here’s my 7th grade short story, “The Virus”:


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So I just spent my whole morning running around trying to accomplish something. I drove to Concord in an effort to find a Disney Store. I needed to return some things and try to get the stupid plastic ink censor off of my stuffed Pluto’s ear. I finally get there and find that the Disney store in that mall is closed too! grrrr. Poor Pluto will have to go the rest of his days with an annoying plastic censor on his ear! That is soooo wrong.
Now I’m back at home, half of my day is wasted and as I’m sitting here…something hits me. (no, nothing physically hit me…just an idea). I realize that my summer is quickly coming to an end and there’s a gazillion things that I still haven’t accomplished! What have I been doing this whole time? There’s so much to get done! Here’s a tentative list:

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The smelly perfume scam

My mom sent me this email today and I think it’s worth reading and spreading the word.

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Well, my bro and Heather took Hollie and I to Great America today only to find out that it was closed. Sadness. We found out that as of yesterday it was only open on weekends! How stupid! We were sad for a while and then we decided to go to Borders and then to In-N-Out for lunch. Then we went back to my bro and Heather’s apartment to help them unpack their wedding gifts and get the apartment cleaned up. Then Quinn called and he came over for a while. We’re gonna hang out some more tomorrow and the day after. We decided to hang out as much as possible before he heads back to Washington.
So I hung out with Josh and Heather and we had pizza and some ‘drinks’ (gasp! don’t tell SPU!). I was introduced to Smirnof Ice (is that how you spell it? I’m not sure). Then Quinn drove me home. And that’s that!
My bro keeps pushing me to try and hook up with Quinn, but I know he’s not interested. My buddy Drew wants to come and visit and I’d like to have him come, but my parents said no. They said we can’t afford to feed any more guests. Bummer. It’s not like I’m overly busy with anything *sigh*.
I got a bunch of my bro’s old kitchen stuff for my apartment next year. I feel like I really lucked out. It’s all this old vintage Coke stuff, it’ll look pretty neat.
Well, I’d update more, but I’m pretty beat. Night night friends!

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Really?…Hmmm, interesting…

Which Silver Screen Siren are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

I dunno…I always thought I was more of a Doris Day or Audrey Hepburn. Oh well, so it goes. 🙂

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My SPU webmail STILL isn’t working! Grrrr.
If you need to email me…send it to my hotmail address.
This time I’m seriously going to bed…*yawn*

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