“Our lawyers spent a lot of time working on this. Please make them feel important and read every word. They thank you in advance for the seven hours of your time this may take.” -Snapple, General Rules Contract.

Well, I accidentally submitted to get a set of Snapple sheets and 2 Snapple pillow cases today at work. When I say accident, I mean that the form was on the computer screen and I was still haggling with the Snapple Bidding people when my wonderful co-worker steps up behind me and says “Hey, wow! Only 190 caps for that! That’s not bad, do it!” and then clicks the submit button.
All that to say – I only have 87 caps. I need 190 caps. I have 7 days to obtain 103 caps and mail them. Ha! I had considered riffling through the 7 recycle bins down stairs and gathering caps that way. I had also considered going through the recycling in Falcon’s Landing today during my lunch break. But needless to say, I didn’t. I didn’t have time. So don’t throw away your caps yet! Send them my way!

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I need to find out who the mystery Snapple Cap contributor is! There is a really stealth cap contributor who I can’t, for the life of me, snag to say thank you. This person has put around 13 caps in the contribution box when I’m not looking. I can always hear the donation taking place…but EVERY TIME…when I get to the door and peek my head out…there’s no one to be found. I’m up to 81 caps after the mystery donor made his last contribution.
I’m convinced this charitable spirit must have some sort of previous experience…because this is obviously not a rookie we’re dealing with. The other day I was studying on the sofa…in my usual position. The door was cracked open (which usually means “I need to study, but I don’t want to close the door all the way because I’m secretly willing someone to come by and distract me from this academic vice called a text book). I was in the middle of reading about dualistic traditions when I hear the familiar clinging of Snapple caps! I jump up, leap over the back of the sofa and slide across the kitchen floor to the door. I literally fall into the hallway with my book still in hand. Did I catch even a glimpse? No such luck. But one of these days…*drifting off* one of these days I will cross paths with the noble contributor…this ROBBIN Hood of Snapple cap currency…and I will give him/her props and a hearty pat on the back.

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Wow, what a weekend! I seriously feel like I played way more than I should have. Grrr…I need to be working! I just finished one of several papers I need to have done for next week. *sigh* The quality of my writing just hasn’t been up to par lately. Maybe it’s stress? hmmm.
Friday I actually had a date *gasp!* I had fun. He lured me with the promise of pumpkin carving and kung fu movies. We didn’t actually get to carve pumpkins, but that’s because we realized after cooking dinner together that he didn’t have anywhere to carve the pumpkins (like no table or newspaper, etc.) So we’re going to hopefully get around to it some time this next week. And…we actually didn’t watch kung fu movies either. But, we did rent two kinda scary movies…you know, to go along with the spirit of halloween and such. We watched 28 Days and the Devil’s Advocate. I closed my eyes during several scenes from both and he just gave me a play by play commentary when necessary to maintain a knowledge of the story line. haha. I know, I’m a dork…but I’d rather close my eyes and spare myself the ugly pictures in my head. So, that was a fun evening. It was interesting to because my friend is a vegan and I’ve never attempted to cook for a vegan before. I guess there’s a first time for everything.
That same night I also got a call from Dan the man. He wanted to hang out. I felt so bad! But so it goes. We might hang out sometime next weekend and catch up on the CSI and Without a Trace episodes I’ve been recording. He’s a huge fan of Bruckheimer too.
Saturday was beautiful! But this lady at work totally tried to bring down my spirit. She was such a cranky pants! I can’t even describe her negative activity in the store…but let me just say…nothing I did could possibly have made her a happy satisfied customer. Bummer. After like two hours, she marches out the door grumbling…with her poor, irritated husband trailing behind. I felt bad for him.
Then Matt stopped by to say bye. He and his band were off to play a concert somewhere in Oregon (I think). He asked if I’d like to go with him to see this star that’s only visible every so many years after he got back on Sat. I said sure! I like stars, I always have. So I was excited about that. And after he left, Dave (the packing and shipping guy at the bookstore) comes up behind me and says “That was a great line…” and he mocks Matt. Dave had just printed up this sheet of pick up lines to show me just a few minutes before Matt came in the store and he picks it up and flips through the pages saying “nope, that one’s not even on the top twenty list.” haha.
Unfortunately, I missed Matt’s call later that night. I was watching Top Gun with a bunch of people on our floor and giving massages. I like being able to put what little knowledge I have of acupressure points into use. I was happy to be able to fix Danielle’s back and wrist. (Danielle is our PA). Anyway, my roommate decided not to let me know about Matt’s call until the next morning. That was a bit frustrating. We’ve always had our post-it note rule and she didn’t leave one this time. So I missed out on star gazing. Well, actually I just missed out on having company for star gazing, because when I got back after the movie…I had a nice long quiet time out on our balcony. It was beautiful. God is good.
So, even though I didn’t get to play tennis like last weekend…I was still blessed to have the chance to hang out with the cool people on my floor. I was a bit discouraged the first few weeks of this quarter because I knew I wouldn’t have much time for fun and I was worried I’d never get to know people. I got to know a lot more people in Robbins last night than I have since the beginning of this quarter! haha. oh! And it was so sweet…when I walked into Mark’s apartment to sit and watch the movie…this really sweet guy, Scott, who lives one door over, across the hall said “I’m really glad you came to watch the movie with us.” It was so nice…you just don’t hear stuff like that anymore. What a stud.
So, despite my roommate being gone all weekend to visit her boyfriend, I managed to keep myself occupied with even amounts of play time and study time. hooray.
I should go sleep now…*yawn*
P.S. Loreanne and Kenny…I miss you guys!

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“Hey, Sarah…someday you should get a boyfriend. Then we wouldn’t be worrying about you all the time.” -a person who doesn’t know me well enough to talk about such things. *huff*

So it’s been another long week. I can’t even describe how I feel right now. My mind is all fuzzy and jumbled inside. And my eyes are all foggy. *sniffle* The stress of deadlines is too much. How am I ever going to be a journalist if I can’t handle a gazillion deadlines at once! My last assignment for my journalism class was marked down five points because I turned it in a few minutes late! Honestly, this prof is insane. “I’m sorry but I have to be firm about these things…this is how it is in the real world.” blah blah blah. People like him make me cranky.
I want so bad to go out and play. I want to have fun like all the other kids. How do they do it? Seriously. I ventured down onto the second floor a few nights ago because I was peer pressured to put down my book and take a break. I had fun talking to people who didn’t know I lived in the same building. haha, They were like “This is crazy, I’ve lived here for weeks now and I’ve never seen you before in my life!” Then my friend would explain to them that I was a “shut in”.
Well, now that I’ve vented a little…it’s time to get back to the books.

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Thank you, Snapple Cap contributors! The official count as of [10 minutes ago] is: 68

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World’s Shortest Story

“Careful, honey, it’s loaded,” he said, re-entering the bedroom.
Her back rested against the headboard. “This for your wife?”
“No. Too chancy. I’m hiring a professional.”
“How about me?”
He smirked. “Cute. But who’d be dumb enough to hire a lady hit man?”
She wet her lips, sighting along the barrel.
“Your wife.”

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Happy Girl

Yes, right now I’m a happy girl. Although I know it’ll probably be short lived. By the time tomorrow rolls around and I realize how much homework I have to do and how little time I have to do it in. *sigh* But anyways, here’s why I’m happy! Today I woke up early and made my roommate and I some yummy breakfast (eggs with cheddar, hot choco, toast, etc.) Then I went to work and was able to help out a lot of people (which usually leaved me in a good ‘I-feel-useful-mood’). And finally…what I have been waiting for all week…I got to go play tennis! Yay! It was sooooo wonderful! Today was gorgeous and sunny and I thank the good LORD for every second of it. I got to play for a good solid 4 hours straight. I totally would have played for longer, but alas…the people I was playing with were getting tuckered out. Oh, I hope next weekend is this great! After playing tennis we went to Jamba Juice and took our drinks over to Starbucks to study for a while. Came back after a few hours and then had dinner and studied some more. I got a few calls in the midst of study time…kinda weird calls from boys that I wasn’t expecting at all…but nothing too distracting. 🙂
The only thing about this weekend that I’m kinda bummed about is the fact that I haven’t made it to the costume store yet. I need to get my elf ears! For those of you who don’t know…I’ve decided to be an elf from LOTR this halloween. I’ve given up the whole angel deal because every girl and her roommate will probably be angels. Unfortunately, it’s become sort of cliche. So my buddy Dave at the bookstore found this great deal for small pointy elf ears at this nearby costume store and I’ve been trying to find time to go get some. But once I do, I still have to find a cheap elf-ish long sleeve dress. *sigh* My projects are never easy. Why do I do this to myself? If anyone knows of anyone who has a super long sleeved, reasonably cool dress that I can borrow….let me know. 🙂 Hmmm, I can’t just go out and buy it either because I just spent $30 on a hall sweatshirt. I’m running out of money and I’m supposed to go bowling tomorrow with the rest of the hall. A lesson I’m learning over and over again: life is expensive.

Fun quote for the day: “Time is money. So when you go shopping, be sure you have lots of time!”

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I have decided today that I don’t give enough hugs. I’ve been thinking about this since last weekend. I really wanted to give someone a hug but I wasn’t sure if they were a very ‘huggy’ kind of person and I was weary of infringing upon their personal space. But then I when I was talking to my roommate later on, she mentioned how she ran into this person and was like “I hadn’t seen him in so long and I gave him the biggest hug…” That’s when I realized how ridiculous my hesitations were. And I figure, you never know how much that person may need a hug. Perhaps they’re not very touchy people…but by giving them a hug, you may be helping to break down those barriers that had been building up over years of coldness and ‘non-hugginess’. Who knows?
Besides, everyone needs a hug sometimes.

**P.S. – While hugs are a great idea…be careful not to hug strangers…it’s dangerous and…well…you could get sued. Or, hit really hard in the face…or…worse. Just use common sense. 🙂

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Lately, life has been busy, confusing and sometimes great. Today was nice. Got up early, went to work, did homework, then went and hung out with my friend Greg. It was nice to chill with him. And I hope we have a chance to hang out again. Although I think I may have scared him with all my questions. Why do I always ask so many questions? I think too much, that’s probably it. *sigh*

Tomorrow I go to pick up my roommate from the train station…I hope I remember the way there. This could get ugly. Pray for me.

I can’t sleep. *sigh* I hate when this happens. I wish the stars were out, it’d be nice to have an outside quiet time.

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Funny Foward

Newspaper headlines in the year 2035

> Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest
> country in the world, California.
> White minorities still trying to have English recognized as California’s
> third language.
> Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and
> Baby conceived naturally…. Scientists stumped.
> Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the
> Middle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon.)
> Iraq still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least ten more
> years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.
> Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally,
> President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.
> George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.
> Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces
> delivery to Wednesday only.
> 35 year study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight loss.
> Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.
> Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.
> Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.
> New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screw-drivers, fly
> swatters, and rolled up newspapers must be registered by January 2036.
> Congress authorizes direct deposit of illegal political contributions to
> campaign accounts.
> Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with congressman.
> IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75%.
> Florida Democrats still don’t know how to use a voting machine.
> -#-

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