Another Boy Update

Well, at Ashton Ball Josh and I had another ‘talk’. I made it so undeniably clear that I wasn’t interested; that he finally gave in and said that he’d be content with the ‘brother’ label. So now I’m officially a ‘sister’ to him. Thank the Lord! Jared called for the first time in weeks last […]

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Super busy weekend

Friday night: Movie at Dave’s place. Went with Bridget…we watched a classic – Jaws. fun fun, plus there was pizza and cinnamon sticks, yum! Saturday: still battling sickness. Roommate’s boyfriend is in town. Worked most of the day and then got ready for Ashton Ball. My date was gone all day until about 20 minutes […]

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Here’s another great email I got from one of my jr.high Bible Study girls. I got this off a site and I was laughing so hard! Read and don’t drink milk while you do because it will come out your nose! (serious): “Actual Label Instructions Mark as unread. In case you needed further proof that […]

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Today I am sad and I’m not afraid to admit it. *sniffle*

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Once again…

Yes, once again this boy continues to out-do himself. Why me?!! And I was such a brat too! I am sick…therefore I am cranky. Am I not justified? I think I am. Today after a long day of work…I clock out and walk out the back door..dreading the walk up hill that lay before me…and […]

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So true…

A year has passed and now we stand on the brink of returning to a world where we are surrounded by the paradox of everything, and yet nothing being the same. In a month we will reluctantly give our hugs and, fighting the tears, say good-bye to people who were once just names on a […]

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Silly silly quizes….but oh so fun

I scored a 84% on the “How Bay Area are you?” Quizie! What about you?

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Why am I so special????

Once again, I am blessed beyond words. Why is God so good to me? What did I do? There are so many other wonderful women out there. Last night Josh sent me a bundle of daisies and a hand written card that said “Just because…I am grateful for the friend and the testimony that you […]

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Happy Resurrection Day!

Praise the Lord, for He has risen! Easter was good. I went home with my roommate. It was fun, I’d never been to Oregon before. So she showed me around her stomping ground and we played around. Went shopping, got pedicures, etc. And we ate a lot of food! Good grief, everywhere we turned someone […]

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Self Pep Talk

Boys are confusing…what’s with the switch up? I thought it was the girl’s job to be complicated and confusing. Perhaps I’m not living up to the standard or I’m doing something wrong. *sigh* Someday I’ll figure it out. But in the meantime…who wants to have everything figured out anyway?! Life would be so boring if […]

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