Too much on my mind…this will have to do for now…

Hello again. Unfortunatly I’m battling a cold so I’m not up to writing too much like I normally do. So until I regain my strength and wits, this fun little questionare will have to do. Enjoy! 1) Name: Sarah 2) Birthday: July 8 3) Zodiac Sign: Cancer 4) sex: female 5) What Time Is It? […]

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Yay Concert!

Wow! I went to the coolest concert Saturday night. Weezer, Sparta and one of my all time favorites Dashboard Confessional! We started off the evening with a hotdog and fish bbq at Quinn’s place. From there we went to the concert and I got a Weezer t-shirt for Lance (which I think he’ll like a […]

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I’m sorry to say that the commute this morning wasn’t as exciting as it usually is. So I don’t have any new adventures to share. Yesterday only one girl showed up to my Bible study, because all the other girls are at camp over at Hume Lake this week. It was great though because I […]

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Another New Morning!

Wow! This morning has been interesting to say the least! But in order that I may build up your anticipation, I’ll start with the happenings of last night. hehe I went to the college group at Redwood last night and it was like a glass of ice cold water on a hot summer day. Very […]

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Another Exciting Commute…

So…lemme see, we got cut off only like 5 thousand times this morning!!! arrrgh. But nevertheless, it was a fun morning. My brother and I had fun making fun of the other drivers who weren’t paying attention to the road and we had a blast singing along with that diva commercial they play every 2 […]

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Rest In Peace Dear Spiderman….

Alas, I have lost another dear friend. My frog Spiderman passed away some time last night. What’s even more sad is that he was just getting aquainted with his new buddy Scuba Steve. So now Scuba Steve is sad too. But I got him a new tank to take his mind off of the loss […]

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Scary… Isn’t that insane?! So scary…yet, I kind of want one. hehe

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Here I am….once again…

Well, here I sit again…bored. I’ve already cleaned the crew coffee area three times, cut out the little phone tab labels, wiped down my desk, played with my radio antena to see which position gets the best reception and sorted out the supplies cabinets (both of them). Hmmmm…I wonder what other anal organizing I can […]

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