“Kiss me, I’m Idealistic”
JarJarsfrogs: things in general seem to be working out- i can attribute that to the prayers of friends and family i think-
JarJarsfrogs: and really am hopeing that visiting you works out
PoluOwau: fo sho
JarJarsfrogs: can’t have you forgetting me now can I?
PoluOwau: of course not
PoluOwau: so what else is new?
JarJarsfrogs: hmmm… actually, I sent you a bit of an email about that today…
JarJarsfrogs: the schedule and business are not new
PoluOwau: oh, ok
PoluOwau: lemme read it
PoluOwau: or do you want me to wait?
JarJarsfrogs: now’s great:)
PoluOwau: hmmm, interesting
JarJarsfrogs: uh-oh
PoluOwau: you have the most unusual optimistic-pesimism
PoluOwau: haha
JarJarsfrogs: really-
JarJarsfrogs: too bad
JarJarsfrogs: i meant all optimism
PoluOwau: with ever positive statement you make, you follow it up with an ‘even though…’
PoluOwau: haha
PoluOwau: you’re a nut
PoluOwau: 🙂
JarJarsfrogs: like grace- you know the bad, but it makes reveling in the joy better
JarJarsfrogs: does that make sense
PoluOwau: I suppose
JarJarsfrogs: your right though- i’m a nut
PoluOwau: sort of like the whole ‘we wouldn’t appreciate the good without the bad’
JarJarsfrogs: sure
PoluOwau: somehow I believe that we all have the ability to experience true joy. the kind that blindes us to any sort of bad
JarJarsfrogs: or really just, I know that people expect me to complain for said reasons but I wont- because the good is better
JarJarsfrogs: its like giving in- not lying and saying we like everything but useing the good side
PoluOwau: you think it’s lying to always try to look at the good side?
JarJarsfrogs: it sounds funny- but it’s grace and it’s been my savior
JarJarsfrogs: no no
PoluOwau: have you ever been able to focus on simply the good in life?
PoluOwau: without regard to the bad
JarJarsfrogs: not lying to look at the good sid- thats admirable- it’s jsut fake to think that the bad doesn’t exist
PoluOwau: you can be aware of the negative without always addressing it
JarJarsfrogs: before college i think i always looked at the good
PoluOwau: if you don’t do that sometimes, it can get discouraging
PoluOwau: I’m not so sure of that
JarJarsfrogs: im headed that way again- your right the bad does not always have to be addressed
PoluOwau: but that’s just from my perspective
PoluOwau: I practically have a sign hanging around my neck that says ‘kiss me, I’m Idealistic’
JarJarsfrogs: but i think on some level it is freeing to size up the bad and say “take that” the Lord has covered you and i can be happy
JarJarsfrogs: maybe its just that i’m coming out of a time when i gave into the bad…
PoluOwau: that’s understandable…but it’s hard to say that the Lord has truely covered it up if you keep lifting the sheet to remind yourself it’s there
PoluOwau: that could be it too
JarJarsfrogs: your so right about that
PoluOwau: *smile* I have my moments
PoluOwau: don’t get used to them…they come and go
PoluOwau: hehe
JarJarsfrogs: your right about the sign on your neck too…