“Kiss me, I’m Idealistic”

JarJarsfrogs: things in general seem to be working out- i can attribute that to the prayers of friends and family i think-
JarJarsfrogs: and really am hopeing that visiting you works out
PoluOwau: fo sho
JarJarsfrogs: can’t have you forgetting me now can I?
PoluOwau: of course not
PoluOwau: so what else is new?
JarJarsfrogs: hmmm… actually, I sent you a bit of an email about that today…
JarJarsfrogs: the schedule and business are not new
PoluOwau: oh, ok
PoluOwau: lemme read it
PoluOwau: or do you want me to wait?
JarJarsfrogs: now’s great:)
PoluOwau: hmmm, interesting
JarJarsfrogs: uh-oh
PoluOwau: you have the most unusual optimistic-pesimism
PoluOwau: haha
JarJarsfrogs: really-
JarJarsfrogs: too bad
JarJarsfrogs: i meant all optimism
PoluOwau: with ever positive statement you make, you follow it up with an ‘even though…’
PoluOwau: haha
PoluOwau: you’re a nut
PoluOwau: 🙂
JarJarsfrogs: like grace- you know the bad, but it makes reveling in the joy better
JarJarsfrogs: does that make sense
PoluOwau: I suppose
JarJarsfrogs: your right though- i’m a nut
PoluOwau: sort of like the whole ‘we wouldn’t appreciate the good without the bad’
JarJarsfrogs: sure
PoluOwau: somehow I believe that we all have the ability to experience true joy. the kind that blindes us to any sort of bad
JarJarsfrogs: or really just, I know that people expect me to complain for said reasons but I wont- because the good is better
JarJarsfrogs: its like giving in- not lying and saying we like everything but useing the good side
PoluOwau: you think it’s lying to always try to look at the good side?
JarJarsfrogs: it sounds funny- but it’s grace and it’s been my savior
JarJarsfrogs: no no
PoluOwau: have you ever been able to focus on simply the good in life?
PoluOwau: without regard to the bad
JarJarsfrogs: not lying to look at the good sid- thats admirable- it’s jsut fake to think that the bad doesn’t exist
PoluOwau: you can be aware of the negative without always addressing it
JarJarsfrogs: before college i think i always looked at the good
PoluOwau: if you don’t do that sometimes, it can get discouraging
PoluOwau: I’m not so sure of that
JarJarsfrogs: im headed that way again- your right the bad does not always have to be addressed
PoluOwau: but that’s just from my perspective
PoluOwau: I practically have a sign hanging around my neck that says ‘kiss me, I’m Idealistic’
JarJarsfrogs: but i think on some level it is freeing to size up the bad and say “take that” the Lord has covered you and i can be happy
JarJarsfrogs: maybe its just that i’m coming out of a time when i gave into the bad…
PoluOwau: that’s understandable…but it’s hard to say that the Lord has truely covered it up if you keep lifting the sheet to remind yourself it’s there
PoluOwau: that could be it too
JarJarsfrogs: your so right about that
PoluOwau: *smile* I have my moments
PoluOwau: don’t get used to them…they come and go
PoluOwau: hehe
JarJarsfrogs: your right about the sign on your neck too…

The Email

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Hooray for Sesame Street!!!

Yes, that’s right…I watched Sesame Street this morning…no shame, hehe. What’s cool is that REM was on Sesame Street! Can you believe it? I haven’t heard an REM song since that movie ‘Man on the Moon’ (I think that’s the name of it) with Jim Carrey. It was so cool, they played a song for Monster Time. haha. You know, when all the monster mupphets come out and dance and sing…it was great. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I must say, Sesame Street still has that special charm to it that makes me smile and want to sing along with Ernie and his rubber duckie.

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Beautiful Night

I praise God for the beautiful crisp air and the clear sky tonight. Today the sun was out too, and I loved it soooo much!
Today was not as stressful as it could have been…thanks to a nice break of silence and meditation this afternoon. I was so tired and my body was heavy with weariness. I think it was mostly mental exhaustion from having to focus and worry about so many things at once. I relished the peace and sought refuge in a book I’ve been wanting to finish reading. I started reading “Ruth” by Francine Rivers a while ago and I haven’t had a chance to pick it up for a long time. Ruth is such an amazing woman, and I found out today that I’m not the only one who thinks so. I know that sounds ridiculous to say, but tonight at dinner my roommate and I sat next to some guys (one of which we knew). When his buddies got up to leave for a forum (The War Forum), he told them he’d catch up and we talked for a while. We got on the subject of small groups and my roommate and I shared about how well our groups were going and somehow he brought up Ruth…I was thinking to myself “whoa! That’s soooo trippy! I was just reading about her!” It was a really neat coincidence to hear him talking about what a wonderful woman she was and such.
Anyhow, I thought that was neat. In other interesting news…I got a job as a food critic for $20/hour. It’s sort of weird how it all happened and I’m sort of nervous because it sounds too good to be true. I’m wondering if it’s a scam. I saw the ad in the Falcon newspaper today and I thought I’d call to get some more details. Before I knew it, some guy over the phone was telling me that I’d get an application in the mail and I could start as soon as I wanted. I was like, “dang! What did I just sign up for!?” I pray that I was not ripped off, because there was a $49 application fee that I was told would be refunded completely if I wasn’t interested after the trial period. Giving information about myself to anybody I don’t know just makes me nervous. I pray all goes well because it sounds like a pretty sweet deal; I can bring friends, choose my assignments, get compensated for whatever I spend on the food, choose my own hours, go to fancy restaurants for free and get paid $20+ to fill out a little survey after every outing!
So things are picking up for me…I have a feeling God has big plans for me in the near future. I applied for PA and Assistant News Editor at the Falcon…I hope one of those comes through for me. I also have an application to work at this cute little flower shop up on Queen Anne. It’s a ritzy little place that I assume pays well because some of the prices there are pretty expensive.
Something else that I’m excited about is my one on one with Cassie yesterday. We went to get coffee over in Fremont and ended up in this really cool ‘hole-in-the-wall’ bookstore. I love it! They had all sorts of great books on sale for a $1! They also had this funny cat that reminded me a lot of an old cat that I used to have growing up that would suck on his tail, it’s a funny site. So we sat there and sifted through books, while the cat made himself comfortable in Cassie’s lap. Hours later we were told that the store was closing and I walked out with three books and Cassie got a few too. We never did get coffee, but we discovered a great place to get lost in…both Cassie and I felt we could have stayed there for hours. What’s even better is that when I got back and met up with the current assistant news editor, Lia, to work on an article, I found out that she loves that bookstore too and makes trips there regularly! I discovered that we have a lot in common. I was glad to get to know her better and swap book names and such.
So here I am, once again…smiling after a long day and ignoring the thoughts of all that I must get done by the end of this week. I’m anxious to go outside and enjoy my quiet time under the stars tonght…even if it is freezing cold outside. 🙂

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Special Update

*** Auto-response from coolsccr13: yes it’s true, i’m joining the marine corps. why you ask? my answer is: why not? leaving feb 9, be back at end of july. [beware terrorists and Iraqies!*!*!]MUAHAHAA

*sigh* There goes another one. May God watch over our men as they go to serve our country. (By the way, coolsccr13 also goes by Bradford Harrold.)

I promise ladies, more updates to come in the romantic (or ‘not-so-romantic’) life of Sarah.

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Busy busy busy…

What more can I say? I’m always busy. I’ve got so much going right now it’s ridiculous. I do take times to slow down and have time with God. But that’s the only down time I can spare.
Study, work, blah blah blah

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Actually, about that last entry…

Yea, that last entry was from last Monday. But I couldn’t post it until today because livejournal was being retarded. Anyhow, about today…it’s gloomy and rainy. Blah. I’ve got tons of work to do, but I’m not letting it drag me down. I didn’t get to bed until really late last night because of a ‘mini-test’ for my UCOR class. I didn’t get to start on it until after 11pm, mostly because of an article I was working on. The people I needed to get a hold of were taking forever to get back to me.
In other news…my roommate convinced me to go ahead and apply for the PA position. I figure even if I do get accepted as assistant news editor and PA, I can always choose to back out of one position or the other. I just pray that God will open my eyes to make His vision clear to me.
I miss my best friend and my parents are coming tomorrow for Family weekend. I wish she could tag along with them. *sniffle*

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The Muppets Take Manhattan…

Ok, I’m a dork. hehe. Last night before Bible study, all us girls stopped by Safeway to pick up a few things. I ended up buying two boxes of Lucky Charms just to get the free DVDs. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to get 2 free episodes of The Jackie Chan Adventures or if I wanted the full length feature film of Muppets Take Manhattan…so I got both. haha. It was sooo worth it. I’m sure I can make use of all the cereal…I’m currently plotting to somehow turn all that cereal into a bunch of valentines.
Anyhow, Bible study was great last night…like always!
This last weekend I went on a ski retreat with our church. It was fun…even though I didn’t get to go skiing. I couldn’t afford it. I had to do some extra work just to be able to afford going on the trip. It was worth it.
It was interesting though. I was thinking of silly things to dare my friend Megan to do and I dared her to walk across this long beam running over our heads inside the cabin. She was like “I don’t think so.” And then she said, “but I’ll give you a dollar if you do it.” After looking up at the beam (which was a few feet over my head), I thought to myself “oh yea, I can do that” Of course, your perspective changes once you are standing on the beam (which was no wider than the width of my foot). I tried to be really sly and just climb up there when it was just my roommate and Megan watching, but no such luck…by the time I was half-way across the beam (and doing fine) I was stupid enough to look down and see all these eyes looking back up at me! I freaked out and turned back. hehe. It was scary! My knees were shaking really bad.
Then this guy has the nerve to challenge me and cross the beam the next night! But he cheated and he had his hand touching the ceiling to steady himself the whole time. Wuss! I didn’t have anything to hold onto!
Anyhow, the scaring of my pride was minimal…nothing I couldn’t recover from. haha. The sessions and worship were awesome. And even though I studied the whole time…I met some new friends and it was a time of refreshing.
This next weekend is family weekend and I’m looking forward to it more than I was last year. It will be nice to see my parents again. Sometimes I feel like every time I call I’m interrupting some big meeting. But I know they care about me and they are just really busy. It’ll be good to talk to them face to face without feeling like an interruption.
Life is busy but good. Tonight is the second meeting of my small group. It’s going to be a good one! I’m excited. I might actually be starting another “single and spectacular” small group because demand has been really high and I don’t want to lose the ‘smallness’ of the small group. Praise the Lord!
I can honestly say there is no better feeling than knowing that the Lord is using you. You can’t do wrong if you are doing the Lord’s will.
Well, with that…it’s back to work for me…

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One more thing…

After hearing several eye-witness accounts about a ritualistic display by a posse of male students involving a tribal dance of some sort around a large inflatable snowman, I decided it might be interesting to investigate this curious subculture of dorm rivalry. I started wondering about the ‘floor rituals’ on campus and the nature of ‘floor rivals’. If anyone has input concerning this topic, please don’t be shy.

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Brief News Update

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed a certain ‘love plague’ spreading around of newly engaged or newly wed college students? If anyone knows of newly weds or newly-engaged people, let me know. I’m currently looking to do a story on the increased rate of couples who have gotten hitched over Christmas break or just within the last year. I had thought it was just at SPU, but apparently this is a rather widespread ‘phenomena’.

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The Poster-child of SPU…

Hooray! I ate a salad tonight with some peaches and cottage cheese for dinner. I was very proud of myself.
Anyhow, after dinner I went to watch “The Mission” for my UCOR 2000 class. Interesting movie. I liked it…there is a lot in that movie that makes me want to gather my friends together to talk about it.
After that I went to GROUP and the Mosaic cadre did a performance about the masks people put on when they are with other people. The thing about that is while they were trying to show how everybody conforms to this ‘image’ that they think is ‘SPU’…they were sort of poking fun at the general stereotypes. I think the message they presented was awesome…but the fact of the matter is that when people glance at me they see the general stereotype. [white, blonde, blue-eyed, Christian…] I could go on. It was a terrible feeling. It made me miss my friends from home. It’s almost ironic. At home, everybody is so different that everybody fits in. It reminds me of my first few days at SPU, I had all these pictures of my friends up on the wall above my desk (no worries…I used plasti-tak) and I remember people stopping by to say hi and looking at my pictures with wide eyes. They looked at my pictures and asked, “Is this from a mission trip with your church?”
I responded, “No, that was taken at my birthday party.” You would think they had never seen a Mexican, an Asian, an African American, and a white girl all smiling in the same picture before. I thank God for blessing me with such wonderful and culturally diverse friends.

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