
PoluOwau: what kind of sayings?
xvegxheadx: hm
xvegxheadx: you want the sayings.. or the sayings and the explanation?
PoluOwau: sayings and explanation
PoluOwau: por favor
xvegxheadx: hmmm
xvegxheadx: well
xvegxheadx: the most glaringly confusing would have to be
xvegxheadx: ‘i’m tired of paying for sex’
xvegxheadx: BUT
PoluOwau: HAHA
PoluOwau: yikes
xvegxheadx: it REALLY means that i’m tired of paying to get soda at restaurants
PoluOwau: haha…and how did that come about?
xvegxheadx: paying for pop at a taco bell is like paying for sex, kinda
xvegxheadx: cuz you can pay for it, or you can get it for free
xvegxheadx: and free is more exciting and more fun!
PoluOwau: haha…wow, I never thought of it that way
xvegxheadx: we were in vegas, where sex is marketed REDICULOUSLY
PoluOwau: ew
xvegxheadx: and we all decided that we weren’t paying for sex
xvegxheadx: right
xvegxheadx: yuck
xvegxheadx: every other one just comes back to the fact that we all became snakes and monsters on tour
xvegxheadx: so theres ‘MONSTERS HATE TRAFFFFFIIIICCCC!!!!!”
xvegxheadx: or “MONSTERS LOVE HOAGIES!!!!!”
xvegxheadx: you know
xvegxheadx: things like that
PoluOwau: hahah…what’s a hoagie?
xvegxheadx: a hoagie?
xvegxheadx: you know what a hoagie is!
xvegxheadx: its like a sandwich
xvegxheadx: on a big thick bun
PoluOwau: isn’t that a sub sandwich?
xvegxheadx: well right
PoluOwau: haha
xvegxheadx: its that too
xvegxheadx: but hoagie is way more fun to say
PoluOwau: it sure is
PoluOwau: I’m gonna have to remember that

PoluOwau: so what are some more quotes or phrases?
xvegxheadx: theres the ever present question…
xvegxheadx: “how come when i don’t shave for a couple days i look like a pedophile, but when aaron doesn’t shave he looks like a movie star? tell me why!”
PoluOwau: HAHA
PoluOwau: that’s great
PoluOwau: sooo….when can I meet aaron?

***NOTE: Names have been changed to protect the super popular rock stars***

In other news…the CSI marathon on Spike TV is over *sniffle* but at least I have almost every season on DVD!!!
ALSO…CSI:NYC starts next Wed!!! I wait with baited breath.

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Why wasn’t I invited?

So apparently there’s a party going on right now that I wasn’t invited to. *sniffle* Go figure…a party happening right under my nose. I feel so betrayed…they’re using my desk and eating my food and like…EVERYONE is there. How rude. Well, then again…why should I care? I am the bigger person in this situation and I don’t need all that junk food anyway. Besides, they’re the ones who are going to regret all that consumption…I mean, com’on…who eats ten times the amount that they carry…ew. However, this party is lacking in political correctness…there isn’t a single white person there! And to think we’re living in modern times…whatever! I’ll just sit back and read my book and casually listen in on there swarming and orderly bantering. Dancing all over my keyboard; picking at my food without even asking…this is so wrong. Then again, perhaps it’s a cultural thing that I’m not aware of.
Then again, I suppose I might do the same thing if I were an ant. I mean, honestly…how else would you get to go to a party if you’re an ant…it’s not like anyone ever INVITES you.

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One more thought…

Yesterday, the Russians won the US Open…*sigh* “It’s alright US tennis women…you tried hard and I still love you.”

On another note…My heart beat differently yesterday as I remembered 3 years ago. I remember the people and I remember the sound of his voice on the phone as he told me his father was in that building…the 92 floor. 3 years later and it still hurts to think about. Lord, I thank you for your grace, protection and love. Please be with your people this week as we all remember the terror of a fallen world and as we look longingly to the future of your tear-free kingdom. Amen.

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Who knows…

*So I’m home from Scotland and until I have a chance to gather my thoughts to tell you all what an amazing trip it was…I leave you with this…

Who knows what a day will bring?
An old man withers
while a newborn cries out,
and children fall in love again.
What man can know the future,
the untrodden path?
Days gone by, moments scribed
in stone forever.
Scars of regret adorn our souls,
and bind us to the hard-won
wisdom of experience.
Our glories, the strength
in our bones.
Our eyes harden
in sinuous strands of resolve,
confidently set the prize.
Passing by locked doors
to days gone by,
we peer regretfully through
windows of remorse.
And so, we are left with an
ever-blooming moment,
forever unfolding,
delicately in our hands…
hands capable of death
and destruction,
and hands with the power
to save and love.
The ever-present moment,
the eternal adventure,
beckons us come and dissolve,
in the freedom
of uncharted waters.

-Julian Epps

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Goodbye for now…my friends

Good-bye for now my friends…Scotland calls my name. I will be back…oh, sometime in the future.

Until I come back…I leave you with this bit of Celtic wisdom:

“Wild Geese”

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

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Women Are Like Apples

Women are like apples on trees.
The best one are at the top of the tree.
Most men don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren’t as good, but easy…
So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they’re amazing.
They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
Are you a good apple? I know I am.
Share this with other women who are good apples, even those who have already been picked!
Share this with other men who don’t realize…
Men are like fine wine.
They start out as grapes, and it’s up to women to stomp the sh*t out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.

***Author Unknown…contributed by My Big Bro***

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Crazy Weekend

This had to be one of the funnest weekends I’ve had in a while. Friday I went out with Andrea to see two concerts. First we went to the Gillman to see my friend’s heck cool band The Answer. That was awesome because I was able to see my buddy Matt in action. The crowd loved them! Plus I got to meet a bunch of his friends that I have heard him talk about but have never met…it was great!
Then we went to Blakes to see Mystic Roots. Awesome dancing music and hang out time. I got to meet some new people and chill with friends I hadn’t seen in a while. I even had the opportunity to talk religion and politics with a drunk guy named Phil…he’s a nice guy, it was fun.
Saturday I went to Santa Cruz with Andrea, Ricky and Lewis. It was fun, we walked around the Boardwalk, had Mexican food, and hung out on the beach. Ricky, Lewis and I went and got little plastic buckets and shovels and we attempted to build a sand castle…but we didn’t get very far before we decided to turn our nice pile of sand into a sand hole with a wall around it….and that idea flopped too. So we put Lewis in the hole – buried him up to his head and gave him a new sand body. Ha-ha. It was beautiful…we turned him into a beer belly fat guy with shell nipple covers. A cool part of it was we had help from an 8-year-old boy. He was watching, so I invited him to help us. He was cute.
After the beach we decided to go back to Andrea’s house and eat dinner, chill in the hot tub and watch The Family Guy. After watching the Twinkie factory episode we got a craving and made a quick Twinkie run down to Safeway. We got back and watched more Family Guy until we passed out. By the way…I look all over those Twinkie boxes and I DID NOT find an EXPIRATION date. I have found my proof that Twinkies last forever…unless eaten.
And the fun didn’t stop there…the next morning I packed for Scotland (and I’m still not done!) and watched the Olympics with my parents. That evening I went the the worship night at Neighborhood and then a few of us met up at Starbucks after. It was so much fun I wish I could’ve stayed longer. Those guys are sooo funny. It was nice to just loiter around Starbucks and laugh a while. Plus, Neil got me a free chai…I owe him one. 🙂
THEN…this morning I woke up early and took one of my Bible study girls, Alyssa out to breakfast. I think it was the first time I had ever seen Carrows so empty… I seriously thought that place was ALWAYS busy. So…breakfast was yummy and I had a chance to catch up with Alyssa since she wasn’t able to go on the camping trip. She showed me her pictures from her missions trip. What an amazing group she went with! I forgot who they are called…but they sure know how to organize a huge number of people.
Anyway, I’m soooo proud of Alyssa. She just jumped right into this ministry and fit right in. She was really excited to spread the Gospel and share her joy. Props to you girl!

P.S. Loreanne comes home today!!!!

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Cool…good to know

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone’s diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

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This…this is greatness right here

*sigh* The lengths some people will go to in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.


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You’re HomeStar!

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