So messed up
I can’t focus. Why now? That’s all I really want to know….well, I take that back. I have a lot of questions, but that’s beside the point.
Lord, help me. Calm my frantic heart and give me peace. Amen.
P.S. I’m sorry.
I can’t focus. Why now? That’s all I really want to know….well, I take that back. I have a lot of questions, but that’s beside the point.
Lord, help me. Calm my frantic heart and give me peace. Amen.
P.S. I’m sorry.
1:30 – 2:00 Interview with Big Cheese
3:30 – ? Interview with Fat Cat
These are the pivotal moments…the key players. What they have to say is what people want to know. I’m so nervous!
Afterward, work in the office, tie up loose ends, belt out as many articles as possible.
Focus focus focus focus focus focus.
In other news, I thought I had resolved the tensions with my roommate. What the heck! She keeps treating me like dirt and I have NO idea why. It’s so hard for me because I’ve never been in a situation like this…where one person can actually treat someone else this way. I always thought this stuff only happened on TV soaps or reality shows.
I was just in the bathroom using the mirror and getting ready for my big interviews. The door was open. I left it open on purpose because I wanted my roommates to know it was alright to come in or talk if they needed. I hear some faint whispers and I open the door more thinking maybe they were talking to me. Didn’t see anyone. I finish up and when I walk out I see Brig standing there leaning against the wall. She doesn’t even make eye contact. I was surprised to see her standing there and I said “You know you could have just told me you were waiting…” She doesn’t even wait for me to finish talking or acknowledge that I was talking to her. She just shoves past me and closes the door behind her. What the heck!!!??? The rest of the morning she marches around the apartment…ignoring me at every turn and closing the door whenever she’s in her room. Perhaps she’s just in a mood…again.
Also this morning, after Brigitte slamed the door in my face, Jamie comes up with a handful of mail. “Here’s your mail Sarah, I found it on the coffee table.” “Oh! Thank you! How old is it?” “I think it’s from yesterday. Brigitte got the mail, I’m not sure.”
I just randomly remembered this movie I saw this weekend with my Loreanne. I wish I could get the script for it. It was called Before Sunset (the sequel to Before Sunrise…which I also have to see now), with Ethan Hawk and Julie Delpy. It was really interesting. Although it didn’t have ANY ACTION at all, surprisingly I liked it a lot. The entire 80 minute movie was dialog. One website I checked out called it “Retrospective conversation between former lovers,” and said that it only took 15 days to film. The conversation between the two characters is just like a conversation I would have with one of my friends. Very deep and thoughtful with spurts of playfulness and joking. It made me think and I like that. This film definitely deserves further discussion. Expect more later.
Check out the trailer:
Just got off the phone with my Dad. He called to remind me how much he loves me and to tell me how proud he is of me. *sigh; beaming smile* I love my Dad. He also told me to be careful and not to burn myself out because he knows how hard I work. He told me “And I’ve got half a dozen guardian ninja angels looking after you, be sure to tell them to be careful too.”
HAHA, that’s awesome!
In other news, here’s a tip for the guys, if you want to know about a girl, ask her best friend. Because a lot of times, she knows more than the girl knows about herself.
Thanks best friend, the talk we had last night was just what I needed. Thanks for keeping me on track, keeping me accountable and reminding me what’s important. Most of all, thanks for letting God speak through you.
I plan on getting a hold of “that book” (you remember the one we talked about), and I’ll let you know more of my thoughts about that later. I will say however, that I do agree with a lot of what he says about relationships and stuff. But there are a few things I think he forgets to take into account. Like how I was saying before that it sounds like he’s arguing that you have to choose one or the other; relationship or life. He seems to forget that part of a relationship is the fact that each person compliments the other and that both lives are edified as a result. Making life better to live and helping each other as they pursue their goals and strengthening their relationship with each other as they work to strengthen their relationship with God. But I totally understand what he was getting at about not letting a focus on relationships hinder your ability to do what God is calling you to accomplish in your singleness. That makes a lot of sense and I agree with it 0.
Anyways, I digress. Thanksgiving was nice, home is good, these next two weeks are going to be insane. Also, I just found out that two couples I know were engaged. May the Lord bless their relationships and may He keep a hand of sanity over all of us in finals or whatever we may encounter this week. Amen.
I love being home. I think it’s just what I needed. It’s sunny and crisp, my family is funny, I’m crazy-weird and they still love me, the food is yummy, I love my room and the custom fit sag in the middle of my mattress that serves me just right and, most of all, I get to see my friends. (I can’t wait to see you Sunday Loreanne! Expect a call from me soon Andrea!) Emily called me today too! I miss that girl so much. I’m planning on seeing her and her boyfriend Steve in church on Sunday.
ANOTHER thing I have really missed is my kitties!!!! It was so nice to play and take naps with them yesterday.
I think what I’m thoroughly enjoying the most is the peace. No offense to anyone of the male persuasion…but I’ve needed to hide away from gentlemen callers for a while. I know you can’t always just run away from your problems…but you can take a flight for a quick break, right? We all need a break from the drama sometimes.
I’m at my bro’s place right now. He’s playing with my iPod and I’m playing with his new kittens…it’s a fair trade-off. 🙂 We’re going to go Christmas shopping soon. Yay!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Him: yeah, but see
Him: girls are crazy
Him: and pointing out their illogical idea..
Him: never works out well
Him: so i was just rollin with it
PoluOwau: haha
PoluOwau: riiiiiight
Him: riight what?
PoluOwau: because boys are dumb and lazy and smelly
PoluOwau: so they just roll with it
PoluOwau: haha
Him: hey!
Him: i am NOT lazy!
PoluOwau: HAHA
PoluOwau: oh right, my bad
Him: it was!
Him: it was your bad!
PoluOwau: haha
PoluOwau: please forgive my mis-speakings
Him: oh i will
PoluOwau: thanks
PoluOwau: you’re a prince
Him: naww
Him: remember all those things we said about halos?
Him: i have a confession to make…
Him: i’m not a prince
PoluOwau: no!
PoluOwau: you’re lying!
PoluOwau: *sob*
Him: i mean
PoluOwau: how misleading!
PoluOwau: all my dreams are crushed
Him: i AM handsome, and noble, respectful, romantic, handsome, rich, handsome, and rich
Him: so don’t worry about it too much
PoluOwau: little piles of sarah dreams on the floor…oh, won’t someone be kind enough to loan me a broom to sweep them up?
PoluOwau: *sob*
Him: naw, not me
PoluOwau: crushed, completely crushed
Why can’t this stupid paper just write itself!!!! Grrrrr. What a waste of a day. In the time it took me to find four sources for my case analysis, my friend finished her paper completely. What the heck!!!
In other news…my roommate continues to indirectly demonstrate her loathing for me (or whatever it is that I do that annoys her so much…I’m still trying to figure this out.)
I really just want all of this to be over. There’s this heaving in my heart that makes me want to cry every time I think about everything. Maybe I just need to sleep more or maybe I need to kick myself in the butt and just tough it out. I dunno. I wish I had a kitten to cuddle right now…that would make me feel a lot better, I know it would. Kittens always make me feel better. Then again, getting stuff done also makes me feel better. *sigh* I guess I can’t give up yet.
P.S. I need to work on my time management. I give in to peer pressure way too easy. Not like drugs or whatever…but like going and having fun when I should be studying or writing. Curses, this sucks.
I have so much to do. I need to learn how to not over commit myself. Another thought: I’m going to miss my roommates. Lord, please help us resolve this. Amen.
I definitly fell asleep finishing homework last night and I definitly didn’t get up until 1:30 this afternoon. Totally wasted more than half of my day. I need to go for a walk. *sigh*
“You must remember this, a kiss is still a
kiss”. Your romance is Casablanca. A
classic story of love in trying times, chock
full of both cynicism and hope. You obviously
believe in true love, but you’re also
constantly aware of practicality and societal
expectations. That’s not always fun, but at
least it’s realistic. Try not to let the Nazis
get you down too much.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
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