Belated Post

So a few days ago (okay, more like a week or so ago) I took my grandma Christmas shopping and I discovered a new skill. I’m proud to say that I can handle a wheelchair like nobody’s business. But in the process, I’ve also discovered a wide range of wheelchair friendly and not-so-wheelchair friendly stores. […]

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Fun times today. Got up early, went for a run in the rain. Came back, showered, went to Best Buy to pick up a few last things. Did laundry, ironed, cleaned the house. Then met up with my buddies Lance and Emily to go see LOTR: Return of the King. Way to end a series, […]

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You know what’s better than finding money when you’re doing laundry? Finding Christmas presents!!! Yay! Apparently my daddy knew that the best place to hide something from someone is in the last place they’d ever look. For my mom, that ‘special place’ was the laundry bins. Haha.

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Life in the world is a mixture of key life concepts. Many people spend their lives trying to boil life down to one all-encompassing concept of living. I have come to the conclusion that such boiling is impossible. … There is an irony laced through just about everything in this world. Respect is given to […]

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I was approached and carded (given a business card) by an “LA Talent” agent again yesterday in Barns and Noble. It’s the first time I’ve been scouted there. I always thought the agents just stuck to cruising the mall. Seriously, every few months I get approached. I’m wondering if God is trying to tell me […]

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Quick note

My Christmas tree is now set up in the office. You know, ‘the CHRISTMAS TREE’, the one with all the ornaments on it that you made in like kindergarten and 1st grade. This proves one of several things. I come from a family of work aholics and in order for any of us to appreciate […]

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Really, he’s not joking…

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And I shaved my legs for this?

Well, instead of a fun filled day of shopping with a good friend…here I am, at the office. *sigh* I guess somebody has to bite the hook in order for there to be satisfaction at dinner, eh? He called me this morning saying he’d forgotten he was going skiing this weekend. And he said he’d […]

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When am I ever going to learn to keep my mouth shut? *sigh*

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Boys make me sad. Boys make me happy. I’m confused. *sigh* Loreanne, I miss you.

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