Fun times today. Got up early, went for a run in the rain. Came back, showered, went to Best Buy to pick up a few last things. Did laundry, ironed, cleaned the house. Then met up with my buddies Lance and Emily to go see LOTR: Return of the King. Way to end a series, eh? A lot of it is still sinking in. Then the three of us went to Borders and so Lance could get the soundtrack. When we were there, Lance was making his purchase and (naturally) I had wandered off and gotten sucked into the wonderful world of books. As I was resurfacing, I noticed I had lost track of my friends and I figured they were probably ready to leave. So I went searching and I saw them by the door. Lance pointed and said “there she is!” I thought to myself, “Awh, sweet, they were looking for me.” Then I saw a little hand off! Emily passed Lance some money and I was like, “whoa, what’s going on here?” And apparently they had placed a bet on who could find me first. Thus began the ongoing bets throughout the rest of the evening. We met up with some more friends at the Elephant Bar. That was fun. Then we met up again with more friends at Lance’s place to play with his new puppy and watch Pirates of the Carribean. Good stuff. Lots of pretty pirates. hehe. So now I’m gearing up for the rest of the week, it’s gonna be a doozy.

Oh, and I found out today that one of my good friends is 4 months pregnant. She’s been living with her bf. Oh dear. If he does anything stupid, I will hunt him down. I should call her. LORD be with her.


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