“Cabin Fever” ripped off my story!

Ok, here’s the deal…7th grade, Ms. Birtch’s 5th period english class, I wrote a short story that happens to be the same plot as this new movie “Cabin Fever”. *huff* It soooo figures that somebody cashes in on the idea before I do! *sigh* So it goes. Anyway, I thought that I’d quench your curiosity […]

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So I just spent my whole morning running around trying to accomplish something. I drove to Concord in an effort to find a Disney Store. I needed to return some things and try to get the stupid plastic ink censor off of my stuffed Pluto’s ear. I finally get there and find that the Disney […]

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The smelly perfume scam

My mom sent me this email today and I think it’s worth reading and spreading the word.

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Well, my bro and Heather took Hollie and I to Great America today only to find out that it was closed. Sadness. We found out that as of yesterday it was only open on weekends! How stupid! We were sad for a while and then we decided to go to Borders and then to In-N-Out […]

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Really?…Hmmm, interesting…

Which Silver Screen Siren are you? brought to you by Quizilla I dunno…I always thought I was more of a Doris Day or Audrey Hepburn. Oh well, so it goes. 🙂

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My SPU webmail STILL isn’t working! Grrrr. If you need to email me…send it to my hotmail address. This time I’m seriously going to bed…*yawn*

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“I think I’m drunk enough to play some drinking games now” -Kenny

Still haven’t slept yet. Just got back from picking up my brother and Heather from the airport. They’re officially home from their honeymoon. We went to her parents’ house to watch them open up the last of their wedding booty. I’ve got lots to update…here’s a quick preview for the next extensive update (hold tight […]

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My brother is getting married TOMORROW! How weird is that?

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Good Idea: going to the salon to get your eyebrows naturally tinted Bad Idea: Having it done by the one that everyone in the salon calls “The New Girl” This SUCKS!

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Inside every older person is a younger person – wondering what the hell happened. >>> > > -Cora Harvey Armstrong ……………………………………….. The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy. >>> > > -Helen Hayes (at 73) ……………………………………………….. I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray […]

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