
I’ve come across an issue on our campus that I think is important to address. Homosexuality. If anyone knows a person on the SPU campus that is willing to meet with me in private or is willing to answer a few questions (even via email)…please let me know! I’d love to talk with them and […]

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Secret boy update…

Josh took me to Kerry Park to look at the moon and stars tonight after my meeting. We talked and talked. Turns out he found out about the time that Fraser tried to kiss me and he “had words” with him, haha. I was so embarrassed! I was like “Josh! I told you not to […]

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9 days…just nine more days. 🙂

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Secret boy update…

Here’s the scoop. Josh (air force guy) has continued to call and we have continued to hang out. He’s the friend that was waiting for me after my first day of work. Jared has kept calling and I still enjoy talking with him. Currently, I’m trying not to think of either as prospects because I’m […]

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These past few days have been crazy. Let me give you a brief update. Sunday was Ashton Cup…we won third place! I’m proud because we were the only girls that placed. It’s hard competing against guys prancing around stage in dresses or mermaid costumes. First place was 5th west’s rendition of the Sound of Music […]

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Good Stuff…

Today was a super busy day. Got up early to go to breakfast before practice for Ashton Cup. After practicing for a couple hours, I ran back to get a shower before my PA interview. I think that went pretty well. I feel confident. Besides, I’m not too worried about whether I get the job […]

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Another cute email from my Bible Study girls…

Subject: so very true A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 20 pups. And set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down […]

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Don’t pray for things you don’t really want…

So it’s weird…I’ve got this strange mix in my life right now. It’s like a blend of blessings and trials. And although I know both are very much to my benefit, I could really do without the trials right now. I’ve been humbled many times this week, but I’ve also been uplifted too. I’m in […]

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I should start my yoga soon

Ok, so here’s what happened…Ashton Cup is coming up and we’ve started practice. I can’t reveal what our plan is or what we’re doing, but I can tell you that it involves backflips and other amazing stunts. With that being said, I suppose that sets the foundation for me to explain why I have a […]

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I just got a call from my chief in editor. She nicely informed me that they had decided to go with someone else for the position of assistant news editor. It’s understandable. I mean, I haven’t been doing my best lately and I can always do better. Besides, I’ve been blessed a lot lately with […]

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