Hmmm…perhaps true…perhaps not…
What Sort of Romantic Are You? brought to you by Quizilla You’re a Romantic Hero. Your instinct is to help those you care about, and usually that’s a good thing! Sometimes, though, you might find yourself being a little posessive or overprotective.
The computers in Weter are stupid…
This is like the third time I’ve typed this…the computers in Weter are NOT user-friendly…beware. Well, with that said…today was a constructive day and the Lord is good. I’m leading another small group which I’m totally excited about. God has been laying this on my heart for a while and just the other day I […]
If you have time…
If you have some time, I recommend watching this. It’s something I think we’ve all known about, but have somewhat ignored. Let me know what your thoughts are.
I scored 43
This is an email that I got from a friend. I thought it was interesting…see what you think. One problem I had with it was that technically, I could have scored anywhere from 40-45 because my answers for questions 8 and 9 varied…but oh well. Please post a comment with your score and/or commentary!
No power…
The power went out this morning…so off to class I went with wet hair in the freezing cold. It was kind of fun. I mean, I had a great excuse to put my hair in a pony tail. (For those of you who don’t know…my roommate has made it her life’s ambition to never let […]
Most hilarious site…
Please partake of the wonderful humor found at this site.
A profound, but not so new revelation…
I just finished reading about Rahab last night and the ending nearly brought me to tears. God comforted me once again by teaching me a lesson I’d already known for so long. Rahab had soooo much faith! But what made her more amazing was her incredible confidence and steady patience. She followed an invisible guide […]
What to do…
Ok, here’s the elite update. Jared met with my parents thursday night. He said it was because he wanted to get to know them better. So he met up with them and they had pizza together and talked about me! Good grief! Does anyone else see a pattern forming here?! Anyhow, I’m past it. So […]