What Silverchair song are you?
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Hmmm, I’m not sure what that result is supposed to mean. But I’ll take it with a grain of salt!
So today was another interesting day. I woke up reasonably early, had a nice warm shower and went to breakfast in Gwinn. I ate with my roommate for a while and studied in there, but then I decided that my antsiness was probably posing a distraction. So I decided I needed to go to the library and research for my BIO project. So I did that, blah blah blah, went to class, blah blah blah. Then after class Heather and I went out to coffee and discussed my RHMC-blues. We didn’t discuss it very much though, I’m not sure that there was really enough substance to talk about. Plus she had to regester for classes and whatnot.
So after Starbucks she gave me a ride to Weter so I could meet with this guy I was supposed to interview. Unfortunately he forgot, and he later apologized profusely. No harm done, I just postponed the article. In fact, a bunch of my timely contacts had a lapse of memory and I only met with two out of about five meetings I had scheduled today. I guess it was just one of those days, haha. So I had to cancel my small group meeting (which only one girl could make it tonight anyway) and worked on my articles until about 7pm. I started getting hungry and realized that I’d missed dinner. So after talking with my editor, I left for Subway and got a sandwich and headed over to the Falcon. Got some work done, found out that all my stuff was being held until next week. Blah.
I got up and started walking back to my room. As I was walking, I looked up and noticed how beautiful it is tonight. I sort of stopped and was just at a stand-still in amazement. I was absorbed in the moon. I decided I didn’t want to hit the books as soon as I got back to my room, so I went and got my folding chair, my notebook and my Bible. I walked outside in the crisp, fresh air and started looking for the prime spot to chill and watch the moon for a while. (I was glad to do this since I was bummed a little about missing the meteor shower last night) During my search I ran into Chris (a brother on 6th Ashton). He asked me what I was doing carrying around a folding chair at this hour and I told him I was going to watch the moon. So he joined me. It was so much fun! We squeezed in the chair and moon watched and talked about almost everything. At one point we heard a bunch of hooting and hollering and then we turned our heads just in time to see the rest of his floor running by in their boxers. haha. It was hilarious. Anyway, we had a great discussion and I got to know him a bit better.
The moon was full and beautiful. And when the transparent clouds passed over it, you could see this awesome rainbow ring, framing the bright white moon. I wish I had remembered my camera.
So now, here I am. With a booty load of work to do, back in the real world. I’m glad I took the time to enjoy the beauty that God has surrounded us with. And honestly, I don’t really care what the people thought as they were driving by….staring at me in confusion…wondering what that crazy girl is doing, sitting out on the curb in a folding chair, gazing up at the sky. hehe. I personally believe it’s things like that which keep the world interesting! 🙂