
I got set up with another blind date. The last one was a punk and never got back to me. haha. He’s a weenie.
I’m debating whether I should exclude ‘recent graduates’ on my prefrences list. Because I think I got set up with another recent graduate. Honestly, I’m not sure if I want to keep this up. When will this rediculous dare ever end?!
Hmmm, that’s probably a good question to ask. haha, k, I’m a dork.

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3 Responses to “P.S.”

  1. c/o 2002 rules!!
    who’d you get setup w/?

  2. sarahmadson says:

    Re: c/o 2002 rules!!
    A guy named Adam Jenkins. Do you know him?

  3. Re: c/o 2002 rules!!
    not really. I think he worked for ASSP as their sound guy a couple years ago when I was doing the KSPU thing.

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