Some neat stuff by some cool friends…

Here is a tribute to some gifted friends. If you have a moment…take some time to enjoy these tid-bits of talent.

Life’s Thorns (tightrope walker)-

Star Wars RCS – (film trailer) –

Mr. Peterson’s Angels – (film trailer)-

Loreanne’s Little Corner of the Web –

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I think I’ve discovered my true crush…

I haven’t had a crush for a long time. But this morning after I got out of the shower and was ready to go to lunch…I had this weird craving to hear some BBMak. So naturally I choose the music video ‘Back Here’. *sigh* If only I could find one of them on campus…hmmm, I think I should definitly pray about this.

‘Dear Lord,
Please send a handsom man with dark spikey hair and a great voice who dresses well and is taller than me. Oh, and please give him a heart for you Lord and eyes for me *hehe*. I also pray that he has a great sense of humor and that he has a lot in common with me. One more thing…I pray that he has a wonderful family too…and that he’s not alergic to animals…that he likes animals…especially cats…Blessed Father I also pray that you bring him into my life soon…maybe withing the next year? Can he have an accent too? *thinking to self* ‘an accent would be fun and I’d never get tired of hearing his voice..’ Finally I pray that he likes sports and that we would have a lot of fun together going places and making the best of every situation.

In Your blessed and Holy Name, Amen

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Space Mountain
Space Mountain: A thrilling rocket ride through the
darkness of outer space! Futuristic and
forward thinking, you have just enough 2001-esk
elements without escaping Walt Disney’s utopian
vision for a brighter tomorrow. You represent
speed, stealthness, and the promise of
technology, while your Dick Dale surf guitar
riff of a soundtrack makes you retro and
mysterious, without being corny. Keep the
lights low and avoid revealing too much, lest
you ruin the show, you’re only going 28 mph!
Regardless of speed, you prove that in the
vacuum in space, you CAN hear people scream!

What Disneyland attraction are you?
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Cool eyes…

I should really consider getting contacts…that’d be fun.

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I can’t find my Jimmy Eat World cd!!!! I’m gonna die! Where is it??? Why do I loan my stuff out so willingly? I’m such a dork. I lost one of my all time favorite cds. I have a vague feeling that I loaned it to someone. Why don’t I write these things down? *sob* It’s lost!
My mission is clear…find Jimmy. *franic searching*

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Some cool tunes…

I got this sampler cd last night at the pre-screening of X-Men 2. It’s a promo thing for 107.7 The End. There are some cool bands on there. I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet, but I really like what I hear so far. Here’s a list of the line up:

Cold – Cure My Tragedy
Stage – I Will Be Something
Rumblefish – In My Head
Switchfoot – Meant To Live
Further Seems Forever – The Sound
Cave In – Anchor
Anberlin – REady Fuels
Gob – Give Up The Grundge
White Light Motorcade – It’s Happening
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds – Bring It On
Visqueen – Vaxxine
The Pale – Gravity Gets Things Done

I must say, I’ve only listened to the first two songs and I’m thoroughly satisfied. Thank you 107.7 for your free promo junk.

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X-Men 2 rocks! I strongly encourage all fans to see it ASAP. Graphics are cool, character development is marvelous and there are even a few treats included for the avid fans (inside jokes, guest appearances, an end alluding to the fate of a special character, etc.) I don’t want to spoil it for anyone…but if you go and see it…and still have no idea what I’m referring to…come talk to me. 🙂

The only bummer to this whole thing is that I still have a test tomorrow that I have to study for! blah *cough, sniffle* (yes…I still have that cold)

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What Kind Of An Angel Are You? (By VC)

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Youre a Heavenly Angel. Wow why hit you with the pretty stick? You probably dont know what having a flaw feels like. Your perfect and you know it which makes you kinda a bitch. Just kidding you very nice, sexy, pretty, hot, sweet, and especially kind. Go do good things and spread that heavenly goodness.

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Guess who gets to go to a PRE-SCREENING of X-Men 2????
That’s right…ME!!!!

I thank the Lord because He has blessed me in so many ways!!!

I found out today where I’ll be living next quarter. Turns out my roommate got the RHMC position for Robbins apartments. It works out perfectly for us because our schedules are going to be so different next year and we’ll have completely different sleeping patterns. So the set up of an apartment works perfectly for that.

Super crazy day tomorrow…I desperately need to study for midterms. Blah. But hooray for Friday…I’ve got another movie night planned with the bookstore crew and then I’ve got a dinner date with Mel for Sunday! Yikes…I’m booked!

WEIRDNESS: The leader for my small group in Psych is a guy I went on a blind date with when I was a freshman. Trippy, I wonder if he’ll remember me…


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Another Boy Update

Well, at Ashton Ball Josh and I had another ‘talk’. I made it so undeniably clear that I wasn’t interested; that he finally gave in and said that he’d be content with the ‘brother’ label. So now I’m officially a ‘sister’ to him. Thank the Lord!
Jared called for the first time in weeks last night. It was good to hear his voice again. We talked for a super long we usually do…and by the end of the conversation he had been deamed a ‘friend with no alterior motives’. Whatever floats his boat. I talked to my roommate about it and she came to the conclusion that he was just saying that stuff more as an affirmation for himself. That makes sense. Anyhow, I’m just glad that he called me. It felt sooo good to talk to somebody from home…well, sort of from home, you know what I mean. haha.
Kyle took me out to Starbucks today after giving me a ride to the doctor’s office. (the whole story about my medical problems could be a whole other post, but I won’t go into it…I think it’d be boring.) It was fun to sit and talk with him and tease him for no reason whatsoever. I must admit, overall, I’d say I’ve done a great job of being a complete brat and getting guys to take it from me. I’m such a jerk. I think it’s because I’m the only one who thinks my antics are ‘bratty’…I’m not sure. But all outside parties don’t think I’m much of a brat…but I think I am. Oh well. But in Starbucks, while Kyle was on his cell phone with a friend from a class, I sat there and started throwing stuff at him…like napkins, newspapers…pretty much anything I could find. hehe, and then I stole his cell phone and started to try and take it apart. hehe. It was fun watching him try to carry on a decent conversation about physics with his friend on the phone and try to keep me from throwing stuff in his lap. haha.
Other instances of brattiness…Josh would be trying to ‘take care of me’ or whatever and I’d sit and read psychology to him. Saying stuff like “Oh, listen to this…this is really interesting…” and also I got him so frustrated with me the other day when he was trying to talk theology to me. I pulled out all these contradictions from the Bible and started playing devil’s advocate and just being really stuborn. He started throwing little balls of paper at my nose. hehe.
I think it’s healthy to be a brat every once in a while with guys who are trying to pursue you. It gives you a good idea of how much they can handle. Plus it’s all in good fun, right? hehe

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