Huge…but brief update

Just got back from Florida. Disney World was tons o’ fun. My roommate and I went on all the good rides, we went dancing just about every night at Pleasure Island and we lounged by the pool and got some sun. (well, I had sunscreen on 24/7) I went to a bunch of conferences for my dad’s franchise and the company had the whole park roped off just for ServiceMaster families. It was cool! They gave us a bunch of free stuff and passes. There were thunder storms like every other day, but we just ran around in the rain and went puddle jumping to make the best of it.
Lots of other fun stuff happened…but I’m too tired to go into it. So, stay tuned.

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What’s a girl to do?!

—–Original Message—–
From: Him
To: Me
Sent: 7/6/2003 12:53 PM
Subject: it is as hot here as you think it is


I finally made it to TX and a computer. I am still praying for you all
the time. I am sorry that I was not more gentle with all of our
correspondence. Looking back I was just frustrated. I felt like you
didn’t understand how important you had been to me.

The Rest of the Story

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Happy Birthday to my Daddy! I’m not going to tell you his age…but I’ll say this…he still looks good considering how long he’s graced this earth. haha

Reminder: Come to my Birthday Party @ my house tomorrow night at 7pm! I’d love to have y’all there!

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A’s Lost…again

I went to the A’s game and pyro spectacular with my buddy Quinn. It was fun, I think this may become a tradition. I went to this game with him and his family last year too. Anyway, the A’s lost but the fireworks were great!
We went to Val’s before the game. I haven’t been there in so long! I forgot how good it was. I also tried to look for this guy that works there that Loreanne used to think was really cute…I couldn’t find him.
I’m all done house-sitting. Kinda a bummer, it was fun living in a really nice house with nobody else except my best friend in the whole world. I sort of felt all grown up.
I’m leaving in a week to go to Florida and stay at the Disney World Hotel. It should be super fun. I’m taking my roommate with me.
And in a few days is my 21st bday party. I don’t feel almost 21. I sort of don’t want to be 21…because now I don’t have a really good excuse not to drink. yuck. I suppose it’s not that bad. There are a bunch of other things I’ll be able to do now that I’m ‘legal’. Like I can get into bars (not that I’d really want to), and I can…ummm…go to places that only allow 21 year olds…(not that there’s really any place that is only for over 21 people that I’m dying to get into). Oh well, I suppose it’s gonna happen whether I want it to or not.
I don’t even look like I’m 21! I suppose I’ll appreciate looking younger than I really am…when I’m fourty.

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The guy on Without a Trace (and he’s in Taken also) is really really really super cute.

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Road Rage

As I was stuck in traffic today with every single idiot on the face of this planet, I had an interesting thought. Would we have the same problem if cars had never been invented? I mean, perhaps it would be the same only we’d have people cutting others off with their carriage? Or maybe we’d be getting irritated with people rubber-necking as they walked by an accident on the ‘speed-walking highway’ (the accident might be a sprained ankle? That’s what happens when you are rushing to work and you forget to stretch). Whatever the case, I don’t think it would be much different than the traffic we run into with cars…older people would be going slower, young people would be speeding, and the hot-shots with the nicer more expensive treads would be getting ticketed for weaving in and out of lanes without signaling (a.k.a. erratic driving). Or maybe we’d get angry at people walking in the bike lane, or maybe we’d get ticked off at people walking alone in the ‘walk-pool’ lane? Whether walking, biking, driving, skipping or prancing…you know that idiots would find some way to build up rage after stepping (or prancing) out of line (or lane) without signaling or even tail gating…how awkward would THAT be? yikes!

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Don’t Throw That Away!

Yes, it’s true…I’m a dork and I’m collecting Snapple caps. So don’t throw them away! Please! Send them my way if you have any. Thanks a bunch!
Also, make it a mental note when you’re debating over what you want to drink…think “Hey, Snapple is good and I happen to know that my buddy Sarah is collecting caps. Hmmm, why not drink (Snapple) for a good cause?”

If you’re wondering what I am collecting them for…I can’t tell you. But I can tell you that I need 250 caps ASAP. All I have so far is 7. I’m ALMOST there! haha. Well, if anything I’d like to get at least 100. I’ll let you know later what my scheme is.

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And the conversation continues…

The Last Response

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SonyMusic Presents “SUMMER OF ROCK” @ The Pound SF/ 100 Cargo Way SF, CA

Lost Corner (this is my friends’ band and EVERYONE needs to come and see them display their awesome musical skills!)

Tickets on sale for $6 at
*doors open at 7pm

-> This is a super big opportunity for the amazing musicians of Lost Corner (Page, Brian and Brian). If they can get at least 50 people to come and support them at this concert, Sony has some sort of deal in store for them (I’m not sure of the details, but it seems like an important break that may provide them with more gigs)! Com’on, it’s not that hard to do what us college-age students do best…go to concerts and have a blast! 🙂

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The discussion continues..

And it serves me right for typing out my response at 3:30am. I think I got shot down…bummer.

His Response

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