Two parcels of great news

I have two wonderful things to announce.

#1. I am going to bed as soon as I complete this post! Yay! This will be the earliest I’ve gone to bed in weeks!
#2. I’ve decided I’m going to Scotland for a week or so this summer by myself to get away and spend some time with God in prayer and meditation. I really need a break time for journaling and reflection. Until then I’ll be working my booty off to raise $1600. I can’t wait.

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Missing Phone Call

I’m sorry I had to cut you short last night and I’m sorry I couldn’t call you tonight. I couldn’t talk to you last night because Alex was there. Otherwise I totally would have sacked CSI and talked. But I couldn’t talk about the weekend with him there because some of the things I have to say may not be favorable to him. haha. (example: His uncle is soooo mean!!!!) Anyway, I couldn’t call you tonight either because I was at The Falcon office really late and I’m about to go to bed because I have work at 8 a.m. Boo!
Anyhow, I wanted to let you know that I hadn’t forgotten you! And I’ll give you a call as soon as I can. I’m anxious to hear an update and to share my juicy details as well. 🙂

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Got back from class a while ago. Sat down and started working again and I realized something. I work way too much! I can’t even remember the last time I just sat and talked to friends online for a while. Weird.
The future is a preying animal and I can feel it sneaking up behind me…moving in for the kill. I’m freaking out. There is so much I want to do with my life. My professors tell me I can do it all. But let’s stop and be honest with ourselves for a moment, shall we? I feel like I’m pretty much taking on all that I can right now. So, yes I can do it all…the question is, can I spread myself that thin for an extended period of time? Say…the rest of my life?
Another question that was raised in my PSY class was: “Who are you? (and you can’t talk about anything you do M-F, 8-5pm.) Good question. Seriously, am I to find my identity in what I do? If that’s the case…this whole career thing is way more important than I thought.
So…ummm, yea. That’s all for now. Enjoy.

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Where Have I Been All This Time?!?!

Ok, so it’s been forever and a day since I’ve updated and I know you’re all anxiously awaiting the juicy morsels of gossip and adventure. So…where did I leave off? Oh yea, Spring Break was fun. My roommate came with me and we partied like no body’s business. Came back and started classes. Initially this was uneventful until I realized that I had signed up for like eight classes and still had only 14 credits. Eventually it all worked itself out and now I have 5 courses and only 15 credits…whatever. I have no confidence in the system. Boo. The reason for this is that even though I’m only taking 15 credits…all the courses are reading and writing intensive, which means I’m reading like five books a week, and writing a booty load of papers (not including the Falcon). I love writing…but seriously…the stress is sucking all the creative juices out of me. I feel as though my writing has no life to it…no dimension. *sigh*
Environmental Stewardship week was last week. I hope you all recycled and hugged a tree! Remember, you can get discounts when you buy coffee if you use your recycle mugs…what a deal! (Plus you look totally super cool)
The whole Enviro-Club met at my place to make t-shirts, signs and other advertising material. It was fun, even though my apartment still smells like paint and Sharpie fumes.
Adam (roommate’s boyfriend) came down this weekend and surprised my roommate. He called Thursday night when she was at a Clay Aken (sp?) concert with her aunt. (I know, I know…of all the concerts to go to…). But when she came home she was bouncing off the walls with joy. It was cute. I went and spent Easter with Alex. It was fun and relaxing.
The drama of life continues…but I’m getting tired and I still have a few papers to write. The End for now.

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Girl Post

So here’s what’s up. I have an official boyfriend now. His name is Alex and he’s a total sweetheart. He picked me up from the airport Saturday night and met me by the baggage claim with a lavendar rose and a teddy bear. So cute! What’s even funnier is that the bear he got me is very similar to the one I got for him. He was looking so handsom too! He carried my bags to the car and when we got in he had turned the radio on to my favorite station (KIXI 880) to the mystery program I listen to whenever I get the chance. He carried my bags up to my apartment for me and helped me get unpacked. The next morning he took me out to the mall in Lynwood (about a half hour away) to pick up the swimsuit that I had put on hold at Aeropostal (because they were completely sold out of it in California!) and he took me out to lunch at a super cute 50’s resturaunt called Ruby’s.

So, long story short…he’s earning major points right now and I thank the LORD for him. I’ll keep you girls updated.

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Spring Break

So, I was going to be in class right now, but I decided that since I’m waitlisted for it…I’ll go to the grocery store and run some other erans instead.

Spring break was nice. The best part was getting to hang out with my best friends and show my roommate around my stomping ground. It was awesome! We took her on a tour of SF. It was particularly memorable watching tourists take pictures of her hanging out of the sun roof of our car with a camera while driving down Lombard St. Also, the weather was gorgious while we were home. I also took her to church with me and I had my Bible study girls over for a slumber party. That was fun too. I only wish she could’ve stayed longer.

Other highlights of being home:
>Being with my best friends
>Going to work at the office. Not really doing much and wasting away the final hours of the day by placing bets with my bro on which car driving by will hit a cardboard box lying in the street just outside.
>Hanging out with my Grandma
>being with my kitty cats!
>driving my bro’s new car after he left for vacation. hehe.
>sleeping in, twice.
>watching episodes of CSI that I missed…that’s right, my parents got TiVo!
>Being with my family.
>Having Ricky cook us dinner, twice. (He’s Italian and man does that guy know how to cook! pasta, yum!)
>Shopping with Lance and Jon and roommmate
>A day with Natalie
>A day with Andrea
>A bunch of days with best friend Loreanne!
>A bunch of other stuff I can’t think of right now.

The end.

P.S. this apartment really needs to be cleaned…ew.

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You are WILD AND CRAZY KIDS. You couldn’t get
through life without a little fun… or a neon
colored t-shirt. You are a team player and
really into Omar Gooding. GO YOU!

Which old school Nickelodeon show are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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This too shall pass…

I’m going to die…but what does it matter? Astronomy killed half my soul this morning anyway. *sigh*

Two down, one to go. (Not to mention a few more portfolios and evaluations due by 5 on Wed) It’s a darn good thing that Heaven doesn’t keep a record of your finals…I’d never get in.

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So very tired…yet, so much to do!
I worked this morning and my old journalism prof came in to share some big news with me. My staff advisor for the Falcon’s house burned down yesterday around 3pm. Her two little girls were sleeping. Her husband was at work. She managed to get the girls and their cat out of the house, but then the cat ran back in when it was startled by the sirens. The family is ok, but unfortunately the cat did not survive.

I’m thinking I’m going to turn in some clothes and stuff for the girls when I turn in my portfolio. It turns out they lost everything in the fire. Sadness.

Keep her and her family in your prayers if you think of it. 🙂

Good luck with finals everyone!

P.S. – 4 days until Spring Break.

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Ok, so I’m at this point where I know what I want to do…but I’m not sure I should. I’ve been avoiding it for a while. And I don’t think it’s fair. But then again, everyone I know is like “you’re young, you don’t have to make any decisions yet.” Ok, if that’s the case, why do I feel so crummy! boo!
LORD help me! Heavenly Father, You know our hearts and You know what is best. Please take this off my hands and lay it out according to Your will. Amen.

P.S. Just one more week to go. I can’t wait to come home.

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