Girl Post

So here’s what’s up. I have an official boyfriend now. His name is Alex and he’s a total sweetheart. He picked me up from the airport Saturday night and met me by the baggage claim with a lavendar rose and a teddy bear. So cute! What’s even funnier is that the bear he got me is very similar to the one I got for him. He was looking so handsom too! He carried my bags to the car and when we got in he had turned the radio on to my favorite station (KIXI 880) to the mystery program I listen to whenever I get the chance. He carried my bags up to my apartment for me and helped me get unpacked. The next morning he took me out to the mall in Lynwood (about a half hour away) to pick up the swimsuit that I had put on hold at Aeropostal (because they were completely sold out of it in California!) and he took me out to lunch at a super cute 50’s resturaunt called Ruby’s.

So, long story short…he’s earning major points right now and I thank the LORD for him. I’ll keep you girls updated.

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4 Responses to “Girl Post”

  1. trademehalos says:

    awww how sweet, I’m excited for you! If Ricky and I get together you’ll have to make Alex come visit this summer so we can go on a double date. how cuuuutee 😛

  2. Sounds nice, hun! 🙂 Is he in Seattle or Cali? I wasn’t sure what airport you were referring to, but I know there are Ruby’s in California… I went to one in Laguna (sp?) Beach once and it was awesome! I love the 50s diner feel.

  3. sarahmadson says:

    He’s in Seattle. He’s from Lynwood. Yea, Ruby’s is cute and yummy!
    By the way, your car is sooooo cute! You look good in red. 🙂

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