Where Have I Been All This Time?!?!

Ok, so it’s been forever and a day since I’ve updated and I know you’re all anxiously awaiting the juicy morsels of gossip and adventure. So…where did I leave off? Oh yea, Spring Break was fun. My roommate came with me and we partied like no body’s business. Came back and started classes. Initially this was uneventful until I realized that I had signed up for like eight classes and still had only 14 credits. Eventually it all worked itself out and now I have 5 courses and only 15 credits…whatever. I have no confidence in the system. Boo. The reason for this is that even though I’m only taking 15 credits…all the courses are reading and writing intensive, which means I’m reading like five books a week, and writing a booty load of papers (not including the Falcon). I love writing…but seriously…the stress is sucking all the creative juices out of me. I feel as though my writing has no life to it…no dimension. *sigh*
Environmental Stewardship week was last week. I hope you all recycled and hugged a tree! Remember, you can get discounts when you buy coffee if you use your recycle mugs…what a deal! (Plus you look totally super cool)
The whole Enviro-Club met at my place to make t-shirts, signs and other advertising material. It was fun, even though my apartment still smells like paint and Sharpie fumes.
Adam (roommate’s boyfriend) came down this weekend and surprised my roommate. He called Thursday night when she was at a Clay Aken (sp?) concert with her aunt. (I know, I know…of all the concerts to go to…). But when she came home she was bouncing off the walls with joy. It was cute. I went and spent Easter with Alex. It was fun and relaxing.
The drama of life continues…but I’m getting tired and I still have a few papers to write. The End for now.

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