Days like these

When I have a rough start to a day, I can usually shake it off and turn things around. For some reason, my usual methods aren’t working on this particular rough day.
For starters, I woke up late – normally, no big deal, I can get over it. But after sitting in traffic that added an hour to my commute, I arrive at the office feeling somewhat grumpy. Then, the kicker, I receive a call from an upset customer left behind by my now former boss. I manage to swallow my pride and dignity and calm her down.
A side note, since we all take the role of customer some time or another – please keep in mind that personal attacks don’t really get you anywhere in the service world. And it certainly won’t get you better service.

As soon as I’m off the phone, I turn and try to explain the situation to my operations manager (now my acting boss, kind of). Since she listens in on all my calls anyway, I figure I better explain the other side of the conversation that she didn’t hear. Then I get to listen to another angry rant – since my boss didn’t like the situation either.

Next, one of my installers walks over my desk. It didn’t take long for him to answer the question in my head of why he was at my desk instead of at the customer’s house finishing a job I had scheduled for him to be at an hour ago. He hands me the directions to the job site and says he couldn’t find it. I grabbed my keys and told him to follow me, I’d take him there. Hence, another hour out of an already shortened day.

But it was nice to have that time in the car to beg for God’s mercy. I needed it bad. I hate having a bad attitude. What’s worse is knowing you have one and feeling helpless to change it. I suppose that’s why I pleaded with God to change my attitude as I sat in the Starbucks drive-thru and asked in my cheeriest voice for a tall chai.

It helped a little, I suppose.

On the bright side, one thing that made me laugh so hard I was crying was this clip: An Engineer’s Guide to Cats. Check it out!

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The Past

At work this morning my co-worker asked me if I had a table by our door where we keep keys and things. “Like for your entry way” he said.

He is going to make the entry table as a thank you for the painting I’m doing for him. (He’s also paying me for the art work, but I think the table is pretty sweet too!)

Then my boss turned in surprise and said, “I knew you were a writer, but I didn’t know you were a painter too!”

I felt proud.

Then they wanted to see evidence of my talents and all I could think of was an old website I put together about three years ago. It had stuff on it from college, art work and writing samples. Pulling up that old website and reading my young, un-jaded, enthusiastic words was exciting and sad at the same time. I kind of miss my idealistic dreams of supporting myself as a writer/artist.

Well, it’s not too late to pursue that. I just have to cling to it and keep working to develope my portfolio. I just can’t let that dream die.

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Had such a wonderful Bible study last night. And now for the coming summer months when everyone is so busy, we opted to read a book and meet once a month to discuss.

I love things like this. And yes, by ‘things like this’ I mean studying. Reading, studying and learning are things I wish I could get paid to do. Hmmm…I guess they call that ‘research’. I wonder how you could break into a field like that.

I’m meeting my writer’s group tonight and once again I don’t have anything to critique. I’m such a terrible group leader. I’ve only submitted one piece for critique and just about everyone else has submitted something for every month.

Despite the fact that I’m not such an active leader, I refuse to quit. I feel like it’s the last link I have to the writing world. And if I let go of that, I might never break back in. And then I’d be one of those people that submit to working a job they don’t really like and continue in a semi-passionate existence because they gave up pursuing the things they love.

I can’t wait to get completely settled into our home. Then I could actually relax a little on the weekends and week nights and do some writing and reading and studying…*sigh*.

I wonder where the Lord is going to take me from here. I just feel like there is going to be something big changing.

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Two weeks notice

Had a meeting with my manager yesterday. He’s giving his two weeks notice and will be gone by the 15th. He’s leaving to manage a bowling alley/restaurant/pool hall/family fun center place in Lynnwood. He said he was tired of working in the insurance world – too much nasty, dishonest, mean people. Now he gets to work with people who are coming to have fun. Lucky.

Well, we’ve gone from four to two. Mike, my co-worker, left last week and moved to another division. This position just wasn’t working out for him because he’s not big on marketing and couldn’t handle the pressure.

Kyle and I watched “Into the Wild” Monday night. Totally awesome movie and in relation to all that’s been going on – it really makes me wonder if this is where I belong. Should I be pursuing my dreams? Or should I be sticking it out a little longer? I always kind of looked at this job as the delaying part of ‘delayed gratification.’ I work hard now for a greater pay-out in the future. That’s how it’s supposed to work, right?

Hmmmm, it’s a lot to think about. In the meantime, I’ve got a lot of work to do that I’ve just inherited. Blah.

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Cell phone battery

I swear, every time I am expecting an important call or need to make an important call…my battery starts to die. I love my phone, I just have battery issues I guess.

Loreanne, I’m so sorry about Maddy! I cried so hard this weekend when I heard. She was a great cat and I know she loved you as much as you loved her.

I’m charging my phone right now and I am going to try calling again!

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One of those days

I wish I could say I’m having one of those days. But unfortunately, it’s turning out to be one of those weeks.

Do you ever feel like all you do is run around for people? Oh, wait, that’s right….that’s my job. Nevermind. haha.

In other news, besides having a rough week, I need a hair cut.

And, my brother is coming to visit in April. I can’t wait!

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Mental illness

So I heard on the radio yesterday that a study came out that says if you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may have mental illness.

1. Do you always have to have the latest and greatest computer or technology?

2. Do you have a difficult time not being able to have access to technology (like email, blogs, ect.)?

3. When you see an apple, do you immediatley think Mac Book?

And I can’t remember the rest of the questions. But the point is obvious. If you obsess about being wired, you may have mental illness.

Do you agree? or disagree? Let me know what you think!

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“Goin’ to the country…”

This morning one of the workers was walking around the office singing, “Goin’ to the country…gonna eat a lot of peaches…”

Every once in a while he’d sing a bit more of the song, “If I had it my own way…I’d eat peaches every day…”

but mostly just the first part about goin’ to the country. I have no idea what song this is, or who sings it…but now it’s stuck in my head.

Why are there so many songs about peaches? Well, I only know of one other song about peaches (Millions of peaches…peaches for free…millions of peaches…peaches for me) That’s the only other one I know. But even two songs about peaches seems like a lot.

Great, now I have the other peach song in my head.

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My first thought upon waking up this morning: “It’s so sweet that my husband brings me breakfast in bed every morning.”
My second thought was: “I wish I was a teacher, then I could sleep in because I’d be on spring break.”

Unfortunately, buying a house eliminates any option of me changing jobs. But I love our house and it’s totally worth it.

I also learned today that our company doesn’t do raises. The only way to get paid more is to sell more or get a promotion. *Sigh* The little things you don’t think to ask about during the interview. Oh well, live and learn!

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Literary journal

I think when we have money again, I want to subscribe to a literary journal. We still get mail addressed to the lady who owned this house before us and she subscribed to the Literary Scholar journal (or something, I don’t remember the name). But I really wish it wasn’t wrapped in plastic because I was having a really hard time with not being able to read it.

I’ve felt so out of the literary loop since taking this job. I knew I’d have to make sacrifices when I took this position – but I didn’t think it would go this far. *sigh* It’s almost like I can feel that part of my intelligence slowly shrinking away. Soon, all I’ll have left is a raisin – a little generic brand, grocery store raisin. I’m not even sure if I spelled raisin right…now I’m questioning my ability to spell! This iz geting wors bi the minit.

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