
Today is our 3 year anniversary! I promise not to make this a mushy post, but I need to at least announce that I love my husband more every day. And this pattern will continue as long as he continues to give me reasons to love him more everyday. 😉 Keep up the good work Honey!

On a different mushy note
I love Fall. Earlier this week I started working on another painting to go in my office. It’s a Fall scape of a tree lined street with every tree progressing through a rainbow of Fall colors. I took a walk Monday to raid the neighbors’ yards for colorful leaves for inspiration. I was very stealth
I don’t think they noticed anything missing. Even if they did catch me
I think I’d be in the clear because I live in an artsy neighborhood. They would understand my quest for color.

Trying to capture these perfectly bright, radiant colors just reminds me how awesome God is as an artist. Seriously, I know He’s all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful
but as an artist, He’s earned my respect on an entirely different level.

Stay tuned for photos once I’ve finished my attempt at a great Fall masterpiece.

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This is the beginning of my third week of unemployment. Yet somehow I feel I have been just as productive, if not more productive, in the last two weeks than when I was employed.

Friday, October 2nd was my last day at work. From that day to today I’ve:

  • Moved furniture for and managed the install of new carpet in our house.
  • Given the writing lesson at NCWA and managed three new critique groups.
  • Uncovered more water damage downstairs and planned for the repairs. (including asbestos precautions)
  • Spent the following days moving furniture back after carpet install.
  • Painted the office.
  • Prepped for painting the guest room.
  • Cleaned house and prepared for cat/kitten-sitting 3 cats.
  • Cleaned house and prepared for friend with cat allergies to visit while kitten-sitting.
  • Cleaned out garage and shop

I feel very accomplished. I should also point out that when I say ‘clean house’
I don’t mean just straightening piles and doing dishes. I mean everything from scrubbing floors and doing laundry to purging closets and  vacuuming the ceiling. Yes, you read that right
vacuuming the ceiling. I feel that ceilings are one of the most overlooked parts of a house. If it weren’t for its insulating properties, dental chairs, Michelangelo or crown molding, ceilings would probably always go unnoticed.

While I admit that floors do attract the majority of our filth and clutter, ceilings gather their fair share too, primarily in the form of cob webs. Which aren’t that gross
but are still bothersome.

All that to say
unemployment was initially stressful, but has since become quite liberating. And now
back to job hunting on craigslist.

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That’s what it’s all about

“L’esprit de l’escalier or esprit d’escalier (staircase wit) is thinking of a clever comeback when it is too late. The phrase can be used to describe a riposte to an insult or any witty remark that comes to mind too late to be useful—when one is on the“staircase” leaving the scene of the encounter. The phenomenon is usually accompanied by a feeling of regret at not having thought of it when it was most needed or suitable. The French encyclopedist Denis Diderot originally described this situation in his Paradoxe sur le comĂ©dien.”



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While I’ve never really let anything hold me back from the clothing styles I enjoy, in these hard economic times a few maintenance details are making me think twice.
For instance, items that are "dry clean only". Not only are they usually expensive to purchase in the first place but then you have to pay to send them to the dry cleaners. It’s like a maintenance fee or the sinister fine print that always bites you on the back end. When you think about it, it’s almost as ridiculous as ‘pet rent’ at an apartment complex. What is that for? Am I paying rent to keep a litter box or something? 

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God’s mysterious ways of working

I’ve been looking for a new job for some time now and still haven’t found anything. What’s tough is holding down my current job while sending out my resumes and cover letters in a timely manor. Another tough thing is taking the time to browse job listing site without being too conspicuous.

So a couple days ago I started getting these emails from HR personel. Every time it’s been from different companies thinking I’m a newspaper. I suppose my email is really similar to a local publication. So these emails have been requests to place ads listing jobs!

So far the jobs have been for payroll assistant, administrative assistant and other jobs of that nature. I could try and respond to let them know they’ve sent the message to the wrong person…but I love having first dibs!

Thank you Lord for making my job search that much easier.

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Join NCWA!!!

Want to know where I’ve been for the last five weeks? I’ve been hanging out with the Northwest Christian Writer’s Association!

Well, not really. I’ve been working and praying to find a new job. But I wish I could have been hanging out with my writing homies the whole time. Anyways, you should check out their website and join the organization on Facebook.

NCWA is a great place to network, meet other writers from all walks of life and grow in your faith and craft. Check it out!

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Reason # 418

Reason # 418 that I should either get a new manager or a new job.

-He has absolutely no sense of humor.

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Ready for a new job

With every day that comes and goes I’m more and more ready for a new job. There are plenty of things I like about this job, but there are other things that I can’t stand – primarily, my new bone head boss.

I mean, I think I’ve thought this through pretty well and considered all my options. I could stay a while longer and devote a chunk of my work time to maintaining a log of all his antics and displays of economic stupidity. Then I could compile all of them at the end of the week and publish a blog series featuring Mr. Bone Head. That has potential to take off, don’t you think? Then I could use the money I’d make from the paid advertising to pay for my husband’s coffee addiction.

Or I could continue my search for the perfect, purpose fulfilling career that I’ve always wanted. I know it’s a rare occasion that anyone actually finds a job they love and can’t wait to sit in traffic to get to in the morning, but I figure it’s worth the hunt.

I also know that to maintain my integrity I should stay at least until they hire on a new person. They’ll need help training them and stuff like that. Then I wouldn’t feel so bad leaving two people (one whom is very inexperienced), to fill the shoes of a six person department.

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Still angry

I thought I would have calmed down by now…Lord help me.
So I’m going to try and type it out of my system a bit.

So here are a few expressions or phrases that really bother me:

“I need you to…(insert order or command that you really don’t have the authority to give)”

“Well, it is what it is.”

“Well, I’m the boss.”

“You should have…”

Or anywhere one might insert the word “you” to affix blame on someone else instead of taking ownership of their own mistakes.

K, I think I’m done for now. I feel a little bit better.

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Going crazy

Normally with my workplace I’m pretty flexible. I go with the flow, do as I’m told, etc.

But since this new manager has arrived, I swear I’m going crazy. I feel like my whole disposition has changed. My patience is running out…and I’m normally a pretty patient person. I’ve honestly never felt so angry at a person before.

As of this morning I’m seriously considering either leaving this job, or reporting my manager to HR and actively trying to get him extinguished.

I just can’t take anymore!

I would list my grievences, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have enough room. Plus if I recap everything I’ll just make myself more upset. And I’m already approaching the end of my wick. Grrrr…

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