You know, it’s crazy…

I’m really begining to think that I should become a hermit. Go to the wilderness and enjoy the solitude of a cozy little cave or tree knook. Perhaps once in a while I would play host to one of my closest girl friends. But other than that it would have to be just me and the Big Guy. Yup.
I can NOT believe the awkwardness that was last night. Seriously, WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! I want to crawl under a rock and just squirm in my self loathing with the rest of the worms. *sob*
I need to do something about this. Lord, I don’t know what to do now. I need you to show me which path to take. I need your strength to say what needs to be said to the people that need to hear it. Help me encourage those who need to be uplifted and cast away those who need not be in my life. I’m so confused!

To be continued…

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Super cool

So you wanna know what’s super cool? As tough and thankless as my job at the Falcon is…it does have some perks. Here are a few:

-Free CDs thanks to promo mail. I just got the latest Taking Back Sunday album as well as R.E.M. and various other artists.
-The downside to this is that you have to get to them before anyone else in the office goes and opens your mail!!! Gotta be quick!
-I have access to the office whenever I want because I’m privileged and I have a key and the alarm code (yay, for me)…this allows me to have Sarah space because I’m not obligated to answer the phone or let anyone into the office that I don’t want to. I can just ignore you…I’m pretty good at ignoring people when I need to. Anyways…yes, I have a quiet refuge from the Frenchness that is my apartment.
-Access to programs (like power point) that I don’t have on my computer.
-I have my own desk! Need I say more? How cool is that? Pretty darn cool.
-I have press access…awesome.

So yea, on this rainy Seattle day I thought it’d be a good idea to do something other than what I’m supposed to do (which is finish writing this stupid response paper).

Sarah’s quote for the day (get out your pen and papers, this one could be a keeper): “I feel like such a good person.”
Context for that quote: Statistics class…8 am this morning. We had a surprise quiz and then a lovely workbook exercise that we did in groups. (Side note: my brain wasn’t functioning so well this morning) So workbook exercises on the standard diviation and z-scores wasn’t first on my list of fun things to do at 8 in the morning. We finished the exercises and we went through them and I said under my breath as we turned our desks back from group position, “Well that was just wonderful! Let’s do that again sometime. I feel like such a good person.” It’s funny how some people pick up the things you don’t intend to be heard. The girls around me caught my sarcastic grumblings and were giggling pretty good. I was pink.

The End

A final note for your correlation edification and enjoyment:

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It’s another late night and once again I’m reminicing of places I’ve been

We are women on pilgrimage.

We are women who have suffered greatly but have somehow in someway in varying capacities fought to remain open or at least have the desire to be opened. We came to this place to be opened – longing for safety, longing for freedom, longing to leave false expectations and perceptions.

We are women who have been violated, broken and abandoned. We are women who have been discriminated against. We are women who have been oppressed.

We are women who have a need to know truth and to speak truth. Some of us are hard. Some of us are angry. Many of us know what it is like to wake up in morning and have the world turned gray.

We are women who have heard a call – a call to seek peace and pursue it, a call of justice and liberation. We are women who live with out backs up against the wall. We are women who weep over injustice.

Teachers, ministers, actors, painters, thinkers, dreamers, musicians – we all strive for wholeness otherwise we would not be here at this time, at this place.

If we are silent the rocks will cry out.

We are women who have been silenced, kicked, raped, and abandoned. We are women who have fought and struggled to move through and move on.

We are women who cry in the darkness. We are women who have entered the darkness. We are women who are groaning and waiting for the dawn.

We are women of the moon and stars. We are women birthed in the womb of God. We are women created to be free, created to be whole, created to shine gloriously in the heavens. We are women of the Spirit.

We are women who emerge a little brighter, a little lighter – strengthened and rested within. We are women who have learned to laugh again and dance again in safety. We are women being reborn and transformed to color, light, and flame. Amen.

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If I had a moment…


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Ok, no more stupid quizzes

So let it be said again that God is good…ALL the time. I know it’s cliche, but it’s true. Anyway, my good friends, I’m so sorry I haven’t been in touch. I miss you guys so much! Loreanne and Jason…you guys especially are topping off the scale of awesomeness. Thank you for your calls and thoughtfulness. Please know that I think of you often and brag about you more often.
ANDREA…HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!! I’m sorry if my card hasn’t come yet…I just got it back in the mail today because since I’ve changed addresses…mailing services have been funky. I miss you and I’m praying for you and about your new apartment…I can’t wait to see it when I come home. How exciting!!!

Ok, now to briefly explain my weird…vague posts. This last week I have been working on the obituary for Micah Kellcy. I didn’t know him personally, but several of my friends did. This is the first time I’ve had to tackle an article of this kind before and it was soooo hard! It’s a lot different when you’re talking with and interviewing people you don’t know about someone they lost. But talking with friends who are free to pour out their hearts…that’s rough. It requires a lot of journalistic discernment to know where to draw the line between on and off the record. Also, writing this story brought to light the fact that none of us or our friends are invincible. Micah was an awesome guy and I feel a pang of sadness in the fact that I never got to know him. I really wish I had! Hearing stories of his life and how he lived it was really inspiring. From the sound of it…this was not a person who should have been taken. Although as I’ve done my quiet times I’m reminded that it’s not up to us to decide…as Micah’s mom said, God wanted Micah by his side more than we needed him on earth. Wow…what an amazing perspective!

I know this is not an issue that is going to fade away anytime soon and I thank God for pulling me back to reality. I’m only sorry that it took so much exposure to death (Micah and also war coverage in my media law class…ugh, makes my tummy turn) to bring me back to this point.

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Hmmm, big surprise….

Guys Like That You’re Sensitive

And not in that “cry at a drop of a hat” sort of way
You just get most guys – even if you’re not trying to
Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets
No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships!

What Do Guys Like About You? Take This Quiz πŸ™‚

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Don’t Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Busy

While a relationship sounds nice, you’re strapped for time
Whether you’re legitimately busy or just making excuses…
… You don’t give men enough of your time.
As nice as “instant love” would be, there’s just no such thing.

Why Don’t You Have a Boyfriend Take This Quiz πŸ™‚

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

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You Are Spring!


What Season Are You? Take This Quiz πŸ™‚

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

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This is my prayer

I thank you for my friends and family. I pray that I’ll never loose sight of how much they impact my life and how important they are. I ask that you forgive me for any trespasses I may have made against you and I pray that I may never trespass against a friend via neglect. May I be reminded more and more each day of the precious give you have given me; friendship. I can only pray that you shower them with as much blessing as they have been to me.


“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8

***Rest in peace Micah Stephen Kellcy. He will be missed. But we can find peace in knowing that the Lord wanted him by His side more than we needed him here on Earth.***

“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.” -Proverbs 18:15

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New Address

608 West Emerson Street
Apartment #320
Seattle, WA 98119

New phone number: (206) 286-7032

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Quick update

Bullet point brief:
-hung out with friends this weekend and worked a lot – good times!
-had small group on Sunday – I missed my prayer group women – we have a new girl in our group too – she’s cool
-went to 8am class – really tired – came back and took quick nap
-went to interviews – had lunch with interview – yummy sandwich
-went to class – watched documentary on war correspondents – refreshed my sense of journalistic purpose – got fired up about becoming a reporter.
-went to security to get blotter – security is stupid – didn’t get blotter until really late
-went to senate meeting – nothing too exciting
-back to office – typed out senate review and blotter – worked on two other stories
-made calls – did some more interviews
-still have lots of reading for tomorrow
-Talked to Quinn today! – he called me earlier and I was excited to hear from him. Yay Quinn! – hopefully we’re going to hang out sometime next week – meet his girlfriend and chat over a cup of tea.
-Also got a call from Scott – helped him pick out flowers for Rachel – planned a time for us all to go to a show on Saturday. Hooray theater lovers!
-still need to finish obituary for tomorrow – help rookies write their articles – do statistics homework.
**Also…not sure if I remembered to tell you guys…I have a new address: friends see following post for info or call and I’ll email you.
-LOTS and LOTS more reading and homework…I need to sleep. night night.

God is good…all the time.

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